PH Final Set 4

  1. Ben Shahn
    • 1. a painter who made hundreds of photographs for Stryker and the FSA with a 35mm camera fitted with a right angle viewfinder, so that he could photograph people
    • without their knowledge

    2. The images bear resemblance to those of Henri Carrier Bresson, who Shahn greatly admired.
  2. Arthur Rothstein
    1. an American photographer and photojournalist who was part of the team of photographers assembled under Roy Stryker for the federally sponsored Farm Security Administration documentation project.

    2. His coverage included Virginia farmers near eviction, the Dust Bowl, and cattle ranchers in Montana.
  3. Berenice Abbott
    1. an American photographer best known for her black-and-white photography of New York City architecture and urban design of the 1930s.

    2. She began her career with no experience as an assistant for Man Ray, but was quick to adopt the medium.
  4. Eugene Atget
    1. French photographer noted for his photographs documenting the architecture and street scenes of Paris

    2. in addition to the architecture, he photographed members of the poor class who dwelled on the streets
  5. Anton and Arturo Bragaglia
    1. two Italian brothers who were pioneers of futurist photography and cinema.

    2. experimented with their treatment of motion, developing photodynamism - a dynamic record of the trajectory of action.
  6. Bauhaus
    1. a school in Germany famous for the approach to design that it publicized and taught.

    2. It had a major impact on art and architecture trends in Western Europe and the United States, the unification of art and technology, and the field of modern furniture design.

    3. Finally, the school was founded by Walter Gropius in Weimar, Germany.
  7. Laszlo Moboy-Nagy
    1. a Jewish-Hungarian painter and photographer as well as professor in the Bauhaus school.

    2. He was highly influenced by constructivism and was a strong advocate of the integration of technology and industry into the arts.

    3. he experimented with the photographic process of exposing light sensitive paper with objects overlaid on top of it, called photogram.
  8. Painting, Photography and Film
    Volume 8 of the Bauhaus books series in which artist and Bauhaus teacher Laszlo Mohoy-Nagy began to write the film scenario for "Dynamic of the Metropolis."
  9. "The New Vision"
    book by artist and Bauhaus teacher Laszlo Mohoy-Nagy, in which he details his belief that photography could create a whole new way of seeing the outside worid that the human eye could not.
  10. Vision in Motion
    a book by artist Laslzo Mohoy-Nagy accounting his efforts to develop the curriculum of the School of Design, which he opened in 1944.
Card Set
PH Final Set 4
photo history