Comic Books As Culture

  1. Affective Response
    emotional reactions that arise without conscious effort
  2. album
    a collection of previously serialized comics in a bound edition
  3. alternative
    non-mainstream comic books usually created by a single cartoonist and presenting a very personal vision
  4. amplification
    the heightening of meaning that comes when people communicate about an act of communication
  5. anime
    Japanese animated films
  6. anthropomorphism
    literary device where non-hum creatures are given human like qualities
  7. anti hero
    a protagonist who lacks some qualities of an idealized hero
  8. apa
    an amateur press aliance, whose members publish collections of their works and distribute them to each other
  9. art form
    a type of creative expression governed by its own materials, techniques, and limitations
  10. artisan process
    production method that involvews principally individual execution of the writing and drawing in the creation of comics
  11. asynchronous
    the depiction of sound, or music in a panel that is not occuring at the same moment as the events pictured in the panel
  12. auteur
    the primary "author" of a work who provides a unifying artistic vision, even within a collaborative production process
  13. back issues
    stocks of comic book magazines older than the most current issue offered for sale by comics speciality shops
  14. bande dessinee
    "drawn strips" or comics from the Franco-Belgian tradition
  15. broadsheet
    an early form of mass communication consisting of a single page of printed material usually with both words and images
  16. Canadian Whites
    comic with black and white interior pages published during World War 2
  17. canon
    a definitive list of the most worthwhile works or most talented creators
  18. cartoonist
    creator who both writes and draws comics
  19. chiaroscuro
    a stark contrast of light and dark
  20. closure
    applying background knowledge and an understanding of the relationships between encapsulated images to synthesize or blend sequences of panels into events
  21. cognitive response
    the process of perceiving, organizing, and interpreting the symbols on the pg in order to construct meaning
  22. comic book
    a volume in which all aspects of the narrative are represented by pictorial and linguistic images encapsulated in a sequence of juxtaposed panels and pages
  23. comics
    juxtaposed images in a sequence
  24. Comics Code Authority
    an industry-sponsored board tasked with reviewing the contents of comic books before approving them for distribution
  25. Comics Guaranty,LLC
    limited liability corporation that offers the services of a third party evaluation of a comic books grading
  26. comics journalism
    accounts of actual events presented in comics form
  27. composition
    the selection and placement of visual elements on a comics page and within a panel
  28. content analysis
    research method in which the frequency and patterns of selected variables are investigated across media messages
  29. continuity
    the consistent relationship among different comics stories
  30. copyright
    the legal control that the owner has over intellectual property
  31. cultural imperialism
    the erosion of native cultures, including their value systems, language, and traditions, due to the influence of more dominant cultures through the distribution of mass media
  32. diagetic images
    pictures and words that characters, objects, and sensory environment of the worl of the story.
  33. differentiation
    the process of distinguishing a narrative from others within its genre
  34. direct effects
    theory of mass media consumption that says audiences imitate what they see portrayed in media messages; also known as the "magic bullet theory" of media effects
  35. direct market
    the system of comic book distribution to speciality shops
  36. disjointed panel
    the words and images that constitute the panel are not contiguous
  37. distribution
    stage in the mass media industry where entities sell media products to the consumers
  38. encapsulation
    selecting images that capture the flow of experience and putting them in a panel
  39. exhibition
    stage in the mass media industry where entities sell media products to the consumers
  40. fan
    an audience member engaged in the dialogue about comic books
  41. fanboy
    a term for fans that may be either insulting or used for self- deprecation
  42. fandom
    the community of fans produced by organized activity
  43. fanzine
    a fan produced magazine
  44. flayed look
    artistic style that emphasizes detailed musculature
  45. fotonovela
    a comic whose panels consist of a mixture of still photography and text; also known as fumetti in Europe
  46. freelancer
    an independant contractor who accepts work on particular assignments
  47. gatekeeper
    anyone who has the authority to select or modify messages communicated through the media
  48. genre
    a class or type of an art form as determined by the appearance of similarities with other works
  49. ghetto librettos
    Mexican comics emphasizing sexuality, crime, and melodrama
  50. golden age
    reference to the comic book era of earliest mass popularity, roughly dated 1938-1945
  51. good girl art
    style of comic art ub wgucg shapely, stereotypically attractive women are provocatively posed for the pleasure of the male viewer
  52. graphic novel
    a label applied by creators and publishers to distinguish a comic book, which in practice is longer and perhaps self-contained, in contrast to most periodical comic books.
  53. ground level
    non mainstream comic books that allowed creators to tap into the underground sensibility and work in genres other than superheroes
  54. gutter
    the space between panels
  55. hardcover
    a book published with a comparatively durable cover
  56. hegemony
    the perpetuation of power disparities in a culture through the capitulation of those disadvantaged by the system
  57. historietas
    "little stories" or comics from the Mexican tradition
  58. hybrid
    a narrative that combines qualities from two or more genres
  59. icon signs
    visual cues that represent things similar in appearance(ex. a simple drawing of a car made to represent a car)
  60. ideology
    a set of ideas that function as sense making tools for groups of people
  61. indepependant
    smaller publisher that attempts to compete with the established publishers by offering genre fiction comic books intended for mainstream audience
  62. index signs
    visual cues that have relationship to ideas or things not explicitely depicted(ex. a gasp indicates surprise)
  63. industrial process
    production method that involves collaborators performing specialized tasks in the creation of comics
  64. intellectual property
    an original work of workds, images, or ideas that is legally recognized as being owned by its creator
  65. interanimation of meaning
    images(picture or text) appearing in proximity can each affect the meaning of the other, and together create a meaning beyond what is communicated by each separate image.
  66. intertextual image
    a picture that reminds the reader of something he or she has encountered in other media(movies, books, paintings, TV shows, etc)
  67. juvenille delinquency
    a social condition in which youth engage in illegal activities such as vandalism, theft, and murder
  68. juxtapose
    to place items side-by-side
  69. layout
    the relationship of a single panel to the succession of panels, to the totality of the page, and to the totality of the story; involves choices of size, sequence, and juxtaposition
  70. licensing
    the assigning of rights by a trademark holder to a license to use a character for a marketing application
  71. ligne
  72. ligne claire
    style of drawing that assigns equal value to all the lines within the frame and de-emphasizes shading.
  73. literacy
    the ability to understand and interpret a symbol system, traditionally associated with reading text bu now regarded as including visual and other cultural symbols as well.
  74. limited series
    a comic book series launched with definite conclusion planned
  75. mainstream
    comic books produced by the most established and profitable publishers
  76. manga
    Japanese comics; translated as "irresponsible pictures"
  77. mangaka
    professional cartoonists working in Japanese manga
  78. Marvel Method
    a collaborative production which vests most control over the story telling dynamics upon the artist rather than the writer
  79. medium
    a channel for communication
  80. metonymy
    the use of an associated detail to represent the whole
  81. mini comics
    originally designated a 3 1/2 x 4 eight page comic, but the term has come to refer to small, homeade comic book
  82. mint condition
    a state lacking any detectible flaws
  83. monomyth
    the archetypical story of the hero`s journey repeated accross multiple versions
  84. monopoly
    a marketplace characterized by only one provider and no competition
  85. multimodal
    a text which communicates through more than one symbol system such as comics or television
  86. mythic criticism
    a research method wherein texts are reviewed for their culturally significant meanings
  87. narrative problematic
    the challenge that must be overcome or resolved before a happy ending can be reached in a story
  88. negotiated reading
    an interpretation of a message that accepts some of the intent of the creators while rejecting other elements
  89. newwave
    half or quarter page mini comics produced by cartoonists independant of any publisher
  90. ninth art
    title assigned to the comics art form by scholar Claude Beylie, who argued comics and television deserved standing with seven other arts: architecture, music, painting, sculpture, poetry, dance, and cinema
  91. noise
    any interference that distorts the message
  92. oligopoly
    a marketplace characterized by relatively few competitors
  93. onomatopoeia
    invented words that mimic sounds
  94. oppositional reading
    an interpretation of a message that is counter to the creator`s intent
  95. origin story
    narrative that explains the fantastic nature of the superhero and involves a transformation; also referred to commonly as the "secret origin"
  96. other
    social group that is defined in contrast to the qualities of a preferred group in a society
  97. panel
    a discernible area that contains a moment of the story
  98. paradigmatic choice
    the chosen images and all the images that could have made sense or communicated nearly the same meaning atthe same pint in the panel
  99. paralanguage
    qualities of our spoken language(volume, rate, speed, etc)
  100. parasocial relationship
    the perception of a relationship with figures in the media that develops over time and may have an emotional intensity similar to that of actual shared relationships
  101. preferred reading
    an interpretation of a message that matches the intent of the creators
  102. primary movement
    the implied movement of people or objects in the frame
  103. production
    stage in mass media industry where entities create media products
  104. priliferating narrativity
    the focus of interest does not reside in the building and resolution of dramatic suspense spanning the entire text, but in the narrative verve displayed in relating adventures from the life of the hero
  105. propaganda
    a series of related communication acts that spread a particular interpretation of an event
  106. prozine
    a fanzine with higher production values and produced by a staff with more of a professional than amateur standing.
  107. psychological image
    an image hat represents some aspect of a character`s personality or state of mind
  108. pulps
    magazine made of cheap paper and featuring sensational fictional stories
  109. quantative
    analysis of phenomena using numerical data
  110. reboot
    starting a series over with revisions to the mythos established in the previous incarnations of the series
  111. representation
    the depiction and definition of a social group in mass media messages
  112. rogues gallery
    a superhero`s collection of foes
  113. scarcity
    the relatively limited availability of an object, which helps drive up its value
  114. scene
    a unit of the story that usually, but not necessarily, has unity of time and space to portray a continuous action.
  115. secondary movement
    the implied movement of the frame itself
  116. sequence
    the compilation of related and usually consecutive scenes
  117. sequential art
    any artwork with elements arranged in a sequence to tell a story
  118. shop system
    an arrangment where independant contractors produced content for the major publishers, often in an assembly line where different production steps were divided among artists
  119. sign
    something, such as an image, meant to represent something else, such as a quality
  120. Silver Age
    reference to comic book era coinceding with the second surge in popularity in superhero comics, roughly dated 1956-1969
  121. slabbed
    referring to the state of a comic book that has been evaluated and then sheathed between two sheets of plastic by the comics guaranty, LLC
  122. slash fiction
    stories authored by fans that place same-sex fictional characters into sexual situations
  123. speciality shops
    stores offering comics and comics related paraphenilia
  124. speculators
    collectors who purchase comic books as investments
  125. splash page
    full page panel, usually at or near the beginning of a comics narrative, used to establish context or mood
  126. standardization
    the process of inculding enough recognizable elements so that a narrative clearly fits within a genre
  127. state of grace
    a set of powers, appearance, supporting characters, and behaviors that are preserved in a recognizable form for the economic interests of the corporation that owns the character
  128. stereotype
    a recognizable generalization of a type
  129. symbol signs
    arbitrary patterns, such as words, that reference an idea or thing
  130. synchronous
    the depiction of sound in a panel that emanates from and is occuring at the same moment as the events pictured in the panel
  131. synecdoche
    a part of something that stands for the whole or vice versa
  132. synergy
    the coordinated release of products tied into a media property to maximize exposure and increase profitability
  133. syntagmatic choice
    the process of selecting which panels to present from the possible progression of story images that could occur
  134. Tijuana Bible
    Crude sex comic books
  135. trade paperback
    a comic book usually with more pages than most monthly issues and bound by a cover that is of higher durability than a paper cover but not quite as durable as hardcover
  136. underground comix
    independantly produced comic books, ofter socially rebellious
  137. virtual community
    a group of people in relationship to one another who rely on mediated communication because of a lack of geographic proximity to one another
  138. visual metaphor
    a picture of one thing to evoke the idea of something else
  139. work-for-hire
    an arrangment with a cartoonist in which the publisher retains copyright over characters and story
  140. Yellow kid thesis
    a disputed assertion that the comics medium began with the owrk of Richard Felton Outcaults Hogan Alley, featuring the character of the Yellow Kid
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Comic Books As Culture
exam review