What are some challenges faced during adolescence?
- finding your place in your peer group
- managing conflict with parents or friends
- experiencing peer pressure to engage in activities that are risky
- finding a balance between the demands of study, work and leisure
- being different to gender stereotypes or others’ expectations
What do other challenges in life include (after adolescence)?
- Make decisions about further employment and starting a new job
- Leaving friends
- Starting Uni
- Relationship problems
How do you deal with lifes challenges?
- Analyse previous situations and conclude whether you were able to learn beneficial stuff, how you reacted and how best to manage emotions
- Talking to someone you trust to identify thing you could have done differently for a better outcome
Choices can be influenced by who for young people?
Situations can be influenced by peer group, circumstances, stereotypes
How do positive life experiences encourage personal growth and positive sense of self?
Learning to respond positively to challenges increases the likelihood of a positive outcome, this brings feelings of self worth and sense of connectedness which offer support for personal growth and positive sense of self
What is gender stereotypes?
A stereotype is the belief that you must perform a specific role associated with male or female. In regards to gender stereotypes, it is the belief about how a person should act, dress and behave depending on their gender
What do gender stereotypes do?
- Limits potential and denies experiences, as well as taking away personal choice in shaping interests and developing skills
- A part of stereotypes is suppressing and controlling emotions especially for males, this can lead to frustration and damage of sense of self
How does change and challenges occur?
Change and challenges occur due to; past experiences, personality, personal skill level (problem solving and communication skills), support network and circumstances, peer pressure and gender stereotypes
What are the skills needed to effectively respond to challenges?
- Positive communication– There are three types of communication skills, passive, aggressive and assertive
- Assertiveness- means being able to stand up for your own or other people's rights in a calm and positive way
- Problem solving– Being able to resolve disputes and issues in a calm manner
- Planning– Being able to plan ahead to ensure the challenge can be overcome
- Negotiation– Have good skills in terms of coming to agreements can help, especially if the challenge is two sided, thus it can solved
- Goal setting- Setting specific goals in order to overcome a challenge, e.g. Studying hard for exams with the goal of achieving awards
Sometimes development can be challenged, such as preparing to negotiate or taking the easy way out
What does coping mean?
Coping refers to the thoughts, feelings and actions we use to manage concerns and problems
How can you develop positive coping strategies?
You can developing coping strategies by monitoring yourself, being conscious of how you react and altering thinking, past experiences and observation can also help
List opportunities available to gain experience or develop skills in terms of employment?
public speaking, student leadership, experience placements, practical subjects etc
Why does finding a job take planning?
you need to identify the skills and subjects that will best prepare you for career
What do you have to do in order to find a job?
Preparing a resume, identifying referees and writing applications. It is useful to list interests, skills and abilities for career paths to follow
What opportunities does employment provide?
Employment provides income, new skills, knowledge, new people. It also improves opportunities such as improving the lives of others, travelling, expressing artistic talents and the development of public profile
What does employment improve in terms of health?
It gives people a sense of belonging, greater purposes in life as they feel something meaningful to do. It is a way of supporting others and advocating for social justice which provides a sense of community and self fulfilment
How do unemployed people feel?
Unemployed people feel dissatisfied with their lives, bored and experience feelings of worthlessness
What should you do when preparing for an interview?
dress appropriately, arrive early, calm, list strong skills
What is resilience? Are we born resilient?
Resilience is the ability to bounce back when things get tough and usually remain fairly positive about life. We are not born with resilience, rather we develop skills for it
What are protective factors?
Protective factors are thing that prevent or reduce the chance of something we don't want happening
What are the characteristics of resilient people?
- Feel a sense of belonging and connectedness
- Are confident
- Have a positive outlook on life
- Have good problem solving skills
- Have positive sense of self to explore resilience
List ways you can enhance your ability to cope and bounce back.
- Developing skills — these help you to manage situations, for example problem solving and positive communication skills. Being realistic — this means being able to identify what you are capable of managing and when you don’t have the skills to deal with situations
- Self-monitoring — keep a check on your emotions, what you are feeling and how you are reacting in situations. Change and challenge can be very stressful for some people, it is good to take time out at times
- Developing a sense of belonging and connectedness — people are better equipped to deal with change and challenge if they feel supported or they feel they belong to a network.
- Maintaining a positive attitude — By visualising yourself handling stressful situations in a positive way, you are more likely to deal with life’s challenges. Choosing to be positive about your life and your future is an important factor in overcoming hard times.
- Engaging in positive self-talk — Learning how to reframe our thinking to focus on more positive thoughts can influence the way we respond, and help us to be more optimistic about life.
What are 2 employment organisations for jobseekers?
LinkedIn and SEEK
What does frequency mean?
How often you exercise
What does intensity mean?
How hard you train?
What is time?
How long you exercise?
What is type?
The form of exercise being performed
What is reversibility?
Basically if you stop training then the improvements you have made will be reversed. So if you are ill or have a holiday and do not train for a period of time (even as little as a week) you may not be able to resume training at the point where you left off.
What is overload?
You get improvements by doing a bit more
What is progression?
Get improvements by doing a bit more each tim
What is specificity?
Training must be specific to an individuals goals