3200 Pathology

  1. Signs of inflammation
    • heat, redness, swelling, pain and disturbed function.
    • Some believe that loss of appetite is also a sign.
  2. What is the first response to injury
    vasoconstriction followed by dilation and often edema
  3. What is poleax (rouleaux)?
    • RBC form stacks which slows the blood.
    • This is caused by edema and vasoconstriction
  4. What is margination and Pavementing?
    • WBCs that stick to the cell wall.
    • Facilitated by adhesion molecules
  5. What are the mediators of inflammation?
    • Histamine
    • Bradykinin
    • Complement System
    • Arachiadonic acid derviatives
  6. Histamine
    Released from platelets, mast cells, and basophils
  7. Bradykinin
    • Derived from Hageman Factor (Factor XII)
    • Causes Pain
  8. Complement System
    • Proteins that result in vasodilation, chemotaxis, and membrane destruction (MAC)
    • Complement sequence is C1, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9
    • Activated by antigen-antibody reactions
    • Alternate complement pathway - older - yeast cell walls and endotoxin can activate
    • Lectin pathway - the binding of lectins to carbohydrates on bacteria activates this pathway
  9. Arachidonic Derivatives
    • Includes 2 pathways derived from phospholipids of cell membranes
    • Steroids block production of arachidonic acid
    • Aspirin inhibits cycloxygenase pathways which produce prostoglandins which cause vasodilation and thromboxane
    • Lipoxygenase pathway leads to leukotrines which leads to chemotaxis and increased vascular permeability
Card Set
3200 Pathology
Definitions and descriptions from Inflammation notes Part 1