FAR AIM Section 61

  1. What are the basic qualifications for actings as PIC when towing a glider?
    PIC holds private pilot certificate with category rating for powered aircraft, logged at least 100 hours in tow aircraft, has logbook endorsement for ground and flight training in gliders.
  2. How many flights and under what conditions must a PIC have logged flights to be able to tow a glider?
    has logged at least three flights as the sole manipulator of the controls of an aircraft towing a glider or simulating glider-towing flight procedures while accompanied by a pilot who meets the requirements.
  3. How recent must a PIC have logged three actual or simulated glider tows while accompanied by a qualified pilot?
    12 months
  4. No person may operate an aircraft that has an experimental certificate for other than what?
    The purpose for which the certificate was issued.
  5. Experimental aircraft must operate under what flight rules unless specifically authorized by the Administrator?
    VFR, day only
  6. A rated military pilot or former military pilot may apply for a commercial pilot certificate if they were on active flying status in the previous how many months?
  7. What is the minimum age to be a student pilot of a glider or balloon?
  8. What is the minimum age to be a student pilot of a aircraft other than balloon or glider?
  9. Other than age, what specific requirement is there for a student pilot?
    Person must be able to read, speak, and understand English.
  10. Application for a student pilot certificate is made to whom?
    An examiner or to a Flight Standards District Office.
  11. Before operating an aircraft in solo flight a student must first pass what?
    A knowledge test administered by a flight instructor.
  12. What maneuvers and procedures must a student pilot have been trained in concerning basic flight before being authorized for solo flight?
    • 1. Preflight planning and preparation
    • 2. Taxing and run ups
    • 3. Takeoffs and landings in normal and crosswind conditions
    • 4. Climbs and climbing turns
    • 5. Straight and level flight with turns in both directions
    • 6. Airport traffic
  13. What maneuvers and procedures must a student pilot have been trained in concerning flight skills before being authorized for solo flight?
    • 7. Descents in various configurations and with and without turns
    • 8. Collision avoidance, wind sheer and turbulence avoidance
    • 9. Slow to cruise speed flight
    • 10. Stall entry and recover
  14. What maneuvers and procedures must a student pilot have been trained in concerning emergency or advanced flight before being authorized for solo flight?
    • 11. Emergency procedures and equipment malfunctions
    • 12. Ground reference maneuvers.
    • 13. Approaches to landing with simulated engine malfunction
    • 14. Slips to a landing
    • 15. Go-arounds.
  15. What are the general limitations on a student pilot?
    May not act as PIC with passengers aboard and must have 3sm visibility in the day and 5 sm visibility at night. Visual reference to the surface must be maintained.
  16. What are the limitations on a student pilot before he has been authorized for cross country solo flight?
    • 1. Must not make any solo flights greater than 25 nm from where his flight originated.
    • 2. Must not land at any other airport than his origination airport.
  17. Who authorizes a student pilot to make a cross country flight and how is the authorization shown?
    His flight instructor and it is an endorsement in the student's logbook.
  18. What must an instructor demonstrate to a student pilot in order for that student to make a cross country solo flight?
    Student and instructor must fly to and from the cross country airport and must land and takeoff from the cross country airport.
  19. Student pilots may not operate in Class B airspace unless what conditions are met?
    The student has had specific training from instructor to fly in a specific Class B airspace with the appropriate endorsement in his logbook.
  20. What are the age requirements to be student for a recreational pilot certificate?
  21. What are the minimum instruction hours required for a recreational pilot license?
  22. What are the primary limitations on a Recreational Pilot?
    • 1. Only 1 passenger
    • 2. Must stay within 50 nm of airport unless additional training requirements are met.
  23. Private Pilot students must know how to file what with the NTSB?
    Accident report
  24. Private Pilot students must understand what concerning navigation?
    aeronautical charts for VFR navigation using pilotage, dead reckoning, and navigation systems
  25. Private Pilot students must be able to make what certain preflight calculations?
    Effects of density altitude for takeoff and climb, and Weight and Balance computations
  26. What are the minimum hours that must be logged by a student pilot?
    40 hours
  27. What are the minimum hours of instruction that must be logged byu a student pilot?
  28. What the minimum hours of solo flight time that must be logged by a student pilot?
  29. How many hours of night training must a student pilot log?
  30. What are the cross country log requirements for a student pilot?
    One cross-country flight of over 100 nautical miles total distance with at least 5 hours of solo cross country time.
  31. How many takeoffs and landings are required of a student pilot?
    At least 10 with 3 at an airport with a control tower.
  32. When may a private pilot carry passengers for hire?
    A private pilot may act as pilot in command of an aircraft used in a passenger-carrying airlift sponsored by a charitable organization and for which the passengers make a donation to the organization.
  33. A private pilot may, for compensation or hire, act as pilot in command of an aircraft in connection with any business or employment if what conditions are met?
    • 1. The flight is only incidental to that business or employment; and
    • 2. The aircraft does not carry passengers or property for compensation or hire.
  34. A conviction for the violation of any Federal or State statute relating to the growing, processing, manufacture, sale, disposition, possession, transportation, or importation of narcotic drugs, marijuana, or depressant or stimulant drugs or substances is grounds for what?
    Denial of application for certificate or the revocation of certificates.
  35. refusal to submit to a test to indicate the percentage by weight of alcohol in the blood, when requested by a law enforcement officer or a refusal to furnish or authorize the release of the test results requested by the Administrator is grounds for what?
    Denial of an application for up to 1 year after date of that refusal, or suspension or revocation of any certificate.
  36. How long is a temporary certificate valid for?
    120 days or upon receipt of the permanent certificate, or upon notification that the application has been denied.
  37. When does a student pilot certificate expire?
    A student pilot certificate expires 24 calendar months from the month in which it is issued.
  38. When is the expiration date of a private pilot certificate?
    There is none.
  39. A private pilot must hold at least what type of medical certificate?
    Third class
  40. When does a first class medical certificate expire?
    The last day of the 6th month after it was issued.
  41. When does a second class medical certificate expire?
    The last day of the 12th month after it was issued.
  42. When does a third class medical certificate expire for a pilot when his exam was after his 40th birthday?
    The last day of the 24th month after it was issued.
  43. When does a third class medical certificate expire for a pilot when his exam was before his 40th birthday?
    The last day of the 36th month after it was issued.
Card Set
FAR AIM Section 61
Flashcards derived from section 61 of the FAR AIM.