Homestead Act
offered 160 acres of free land to any citizen, 600,000 famileis took offer
Development of steel
Henry Bessemer developed Bessemer Process to easily and rapidly make steel, such as for construction of bridges and skyscrapers
- Central Pacific hired Chinese, Union Pacific hired Irish & Civil War veterans
- 2,000 killed and 20,000 injured
Pullman, Illinois
George Pullman built a factory for making sleeper cars in Chicago, Illinois in 1880
Social Darwinism
Charles Darwin (natural selection), Herbert Spencer (evolution of human), William Sumner (success/failure in business)
Business consolidation
Merger (buys off another) Monopoly (complete control of wages, production prices) Holding Company (does nothing but buy stock) and Trust (stock over a group of trustees who run separate companies as one)
Robber Barons
multimillionaires industrialists who achieved their wealth through "questionable means"
Captains of Industry
charitable contribution of their wealth
Sherman Antitrust Act
1890, illegal to form a trust between states and countries interfering with free trade.
1892 Nebraska proposed reforms to increase money, popular vote, and eight hour workday (farmers and laborers)
Election of 1896
William Mckinley (Republican) - Gold Standard vs. William Jennings Bryan (dEmocrat) - Bimetallism and "cross of Gold" speech
Early labor unions and leaders
NLU, CNLU, AFL (Samuel Gompers), ARU (Eugene Debs), IWW (William "Big Bill" Haywood)
Early strikes and results/effect
Great strike of 1877 (Railroad), Haymarket Affair (bomb thrown, public hate), Homestead Strike (Pinkertons/scabs/Pensylvania National Guard), Pullman Company Strike (President Cleveland sent federal troops)
Mary Harris Jones
"Mother" ones, UMW (United Mine of Workers), march of 80 children with injuries to President Roosevelt, influenced child labor laws
Limiting power of unions
Yellow Dog Contract, fired employers to swear not to join a union
International Ladies Garment WOrkers Union, by 16 year old Pauline Newman, who supported the "Uprising of 20,000"
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory
146 women burned in a sweatshop
Working conditions
12 hours or more, 6 or 7 days, children/women in sweatshop (27 cents) , and 675 workers died every week