
  1. Who created 16PF
  2. Scoring structure of the 16PF
    • Each scale has 10-15 items, answered on 3-pt. scale (T ? F)
    • Scales are represented in sten scores (1-10)
  3. What is the mean, standard deviation, and confidence intervals of 16PF?
    • Mean: 5.5
    • Standard Deviation = 2
    • Confidence interval = 1 sten score
    • Meanings of scores: 1-3= low, 4-7= average, 8-10=high
  4. (IM) Impression Management
    • Scored with percentiles
    • High scores indicate socially desirable responses
  5. INF = Infrequency (no template)
    • Selected responses are infrequently endorsed by norm
    • May result from inattention, random responding, trouble reading
  6. ACQ = Acquiescence
    • New to 5th edition
    • Assesses tendency to agree with a statement
    • May be reflecting a high need for approval
  7. A = Warmth
    • Social, interpersonal involovement
    • Measures degree to which person is outgoing, attentive, and draws energey from people vs. distant and cautious regarding attachments because interactions tend to sap energy
    • Separate gender norms
  8. B = Reasoning
    • Abstract vs. Concrete
    • Score is based on right vs. wrong answers to questions
    • Low scorers could reflect a problem due to a number of reasons ( low ability, distraction, interference impariments related to psychological disturbance)
  9. C = Emotional Stability
    • Assesses degree to which the client is reactive and emotionally changeable vs. adaptive and mature
    • Therapy can raise scores on C
  10. E = Dominance
    Assesses degree to which client is deferential, cooperative, and avoids conflict vs. dominant, forceful, and assertive
  11. F= Liveliness
    Assesses degree to which client is serious, restrained, careful vs. lively, animated, and spontaneous
  12. G = Rule Consciousness
    Measures degree to which client is expedient and nonconforming (extreme can look psychopathic) vs. rule-conscious and dutiful
  13. H = Social Boldness
    • Measures degree to which client is shy, threat-sensitive, timid vs. socially cold, venturesome, and thick-skinned
    • Thought to be a temperamental (constitutional) factor
  14. I = Sensitivity
    • Assesses degree of utilitarianism, objectivity, and lack of sentimentality vs. sensitivity, aestheticism, and sentimentality
    • Characteristic of way in which client bases judgments
    • Separate gender norms
  15. L = Vigilance
    Measures degree to which client is trusting, unsuspecting, accepting (expecting fair treatment and loyalty) vs. vigilant, suspicious, skeptical, and wary
  16. M = Abstractedness
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