to preliminarily screen for the following chemcials. limited in assessing the exact cause of abnormal readings, so requires additional confirmatory tests
Describe the clinical significance of specific gravity
specific gravity measures the concentration of urine.
Having a high concentration would indicate that the patient is dehydrated or has a loss of body fluids
normal range is 1.010 - 1.025
describe the clinical significance of pH
any abnormal changes in pH level of urine may induce crystal formation and disrupt the stability of formed elements in urine
normal range is 4.5 - 8.0
describe the clinical significance of blood
presence of blood in urine may be due to trauma within the tubules.
Sometimes lysis of RBCs occur due to fluctuations in urine pH which would affect microscopic examinations of urine
describe the clinical significance of leukocyte esterase
positive results indicate UTI when in the presence of bacteria or nonbacterial yeast or inflammation of acute interstitial nephritis (confirmed with positive for nitrite)
describe the clinical significance of nitrite
positive for UTI (urinary tract infection)
nitrite is the product of gram negative bacteria
conditions include (UTI, cystitis, bladder dysfunction, urine stasis
describe the clinical significance of protein
testing for three types of protein
Tamms-horsfal protein - found in shells of casts
urokinase - fibrinolytic enzyme
immunoglobin A - synthesized by renal tubular cells
normal values = 150 mg
describe the clinical significance of glucose
describe the clinical significance of ketones
describe the clinical significance of bilirubin
describe the clinical significance of urobilinogen
describe the clinical significance of ascorbic acid
how to differentiate hemoglobinuria and myoglobinuria
because myoglobin is easily filtered by the glomerular filtration, the plasma appears normal in color (pale yellow) compared to hemoglobinuria (pink to red) due to hemolysis
what are some interferences with specific gravity
what are some interferences with
describe myoglobinuria and probable causes.
myoglobinuria is the presence of myoglobin, an iron carrying oxygen protein found in the muscles. It is excreted in the blood stream during strenuous exercises (traumatic) or acute renal failure, due to alcohol overdose or heroin cocaine addiction (nontraumatic)
what is the clinical significant value of myoglobinuria
what are some conditions or interferences that may give false negative results of RBCs
ascorbic acid - which may lyse RBCs
what are some conditions or interferences that may give false positive results of RBCs
hemorrhoidal blood contamininants
what are some conditions or interferences that may give false negative results of nitrite
ascorbic acid, specimen storage, bladder retention time
what is the confirmatory test for nitrite
microscopic examination
excessive amount of proteins in the body
Card Set
C7: Chemical Examination of Urine
includes reagent strips and chemical assays of the urine