Microbes test

  1. who was the first person to discover that there  are micro-organisms in the air that make food go off?
    Louis Pasteur
  2. What are microbes?
    Microbes are small organisms that can only be seen with a microscope.
  3. Name the 3 types of microbe.
    • Fungi
    • Bacteria
    • Viruses
  4. How many cells do types of fungi contain?
    Either. They are unicellular and multicellular.
  5. Name the 3 things that make up the structure of a fungi.
    • Cell membrane
    • nucleus
    • cell wall
  6. How many cells do bacteria contain?
    One. They are unicellular
  7. Name the 4 things that make up the structure of a bacterium.
    • Cytoplasm
    • Strand of DNA
    • cell membrane
    • cell wall
  8. What are viruses?
    Viruses are very simple organisms, even smaller than bacteria. Viruses will only carry disease in your body. When they enter your body they completely take over and kill a cell
  9. How can we protect ourselves from disease?
    • Cover your mouth when you cough
    • Use a handkerchief when you have a cold
    • Clean cuts and cover them with a plaster
    • keep your body clean
    • wash hands before eating/preparing food
    • Keep food tightly wrapped in the fridge
    • Use a condom during sexual intercourse
  10. What are white blood cells?
    White blood cells are cells in your blood especially created for engulfing invading pathogens and creating antibodies to help fight off disease.
  11. Another word for a white blood cel that engulfs and digests microbes is...
  12. What are the chemicals used to make antibodies?
  13. What are vaccinations?
    Vaccinations are where dead or weakened microbes that cause disease are inserted into your blood. This is so your white blood cells can create an antibody which create memory cells, so that if you were to catch the real disease you would be immune because your body knows how to fight it off.
  14. What are antibiotics?
    Antibiotics are chemicals produced by fungi that either kill bacteria or stop them growing. Sir Alexander Fleming discovered this.
  15. What can bacteria be useful for?
    • Breaking down faeces in sewage works
    • Good bacteria is found in the process of making yoghurt
  16. True or false:

    Viruses cannot be treated with antibiotics.
  17. How can fungi be useful?
    • Yeast in beer
    • Yeast in bread
  18. How can micro-organisms enter our body?
    • Eyes
    • Ears
    • Nose
    • Mouth
    • Skin
    • Genitals
    • Hands
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Microbes test
Science class test on microbes yr9