Introduction: What is Good Nutrition?

  1. Limiting Factor
    Anything that makes it more difficult for a client to achieve optimal results.
  2. The 5 Limits
    • 1.Their genetic makeup
    • 2.Their physical activity patterns
    • 3.Their physiology
    • 4.Their mindset
    • 5.Their nutrition
  3. Genetics
    Specific, inherited DNA of an organism, which influences what they become, although environment also plays a key role in the expression of an organism genetic code.
  4. Metabolic
    Pertaining to the chemical reactions and physiological processes necessary to ensure life.
  5. Visualization
    Having a positive mental attitude on your goals and progress; imagining what ideal body you want.
  6. Energy Balance
    Relationship between all sources of energy intake and energy output; an organism is said to be in energy flow into the body and out of the body is equal; often evidenced by a stable body weight.
  7. Nutrient Density
    Foods that provide substantial amounts of nutrients with only the necessary calories.
  8. Health
    State of physical well-being and optimum function that should be assessed through medical tests, including blood assessments, cardiovascular tests, and other screening modalities.
  9. Body Composition
    Relative relationship between lean body mass (which include bone mass, body water, muscle mass, and organ mass) and fat mass (which includes adipose tissue and intratissue fat deposits).
  10. Performance
    Function, action, or operation, whether athletically or in daily life.
  11. Outcome-Based
    Use of specific, measurable outcomes and evidence to make decisions, rather than nebulous or dogmatic definitions of what's "good" or "correct."
  12. Laws of Thermodynamics
    Principles that govern energy exchange, including heat exchange and the performance of work.
  13. Positive Energy Balance
    When energy flow into the body exceeds energy flow out of the body, often evidence by an increasing body weight.
  14. Negative Energy Balance
    When energy flow out of the body exceeds energy flow into the body, often evidenced by a decreasing body weight.
  15. Insulin Resistance
    Condition in which normal amounts of the hormone insulin are inadequate to produce a normal response from fat, muscle, and liver cells.
  16. +Energy Balance=
    -Energy Balance=
    |Energy Balance=
    • Weight gain (cal in > cal out)
    • Weight loss (cal in < cal out)
    • Weight stable (cal in = cal out)
  17. Calorie Density
    Energy provided per unit of food; high caloric density foods provide many calories in a small portion while low caloric density foods provide fewer calories in a large portion.
  18. Satiation
    The state of being satisfactorily full.
  19. The Three Goals of Good Nutrition
    • 1. Improved body composition
    • 2. Improved health
    • 4. Improved Performance
  20. Ergogenic
    Physical or mental performance-enhancing strategies.
  21. Cross-Referral System
    System in which two health and fitness professionals (such as a physician or personal trainer) actively recommend each other's complementary services to their own clients and patients.
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Introduction: What is Good Nutrition?
The key terms and concepts from Introduction section of Textbook