Maintenance Final

  1. AC Current
  2. DC Current
  3. Resistor
  4. Voltage =
    Resistance x Current
  5. Current =
    Voltage / Resistance
  6. Resistance =
    Voltage / Current
  7. Power =
    Voltage x Current
  8. 10^3
  9. 10^6
  10. 10^-3
  11. 10^-6
  12. 10^-9
  13. Total Resistance of Series circuit =
    Sum of individual Resistances
  14. Current through a series circuit =
  15. The sum of the individual voltage drops around a series circuit =
    The total applied voltage
  16. The total resistance of a parallel circuit =
    • The reciprocals of the individual resistances. 
    • RT = 1/(1/R1+1/R2+1/R3)
  17. Voltage in a parallel circuit =
    Constant across each component of the circuit.
  18. Total current in a parellel circuit =
    The sum of the individual branch currents
  19. Impedance is the combined effect of:
    • Resistance
    • Compacitive Reactance (Xc)
    • Inductive Reactance (XL)
  20. Capacitive Reactance is measured in ohms and (increases, decreases) as frequency increases.
  21. Inductive Reactance is measured in ohms and (increases, decreases) as frequency increases.
  22. Impedance specifications on loudspeakeres and audio inputs and outputs are specified at a frequency of...
  23. Most devices utilize ____ voltage.
  24. Power supplies step down the incoming ____ voltage and convert it to ____ voltage.
    • AC
    • DC
  25. Power Supplies that are found in older equipment, are less efficient, easier to service, less complex, more expensive, and more reliable.
    Linear Power Supply
  26. Power supplies that are found in almost all new devices, are more efficient, more complex and difficult to repair, less expensive, smaller, and less reliable.
    Switching Power Supply
  27. Transformer
  28. A _______ steps down (or up) incoming ___ voltage to a little in excess.
    • Transformer
    • AC
  29. Rectifier
  30. Capacitor
  31. Provides means of adjusting the resistance within a circuit
  32. Opposes a change in current
  33. Gain =
    V out / V in
  34. Gain expressed in dB:
    dB gain = 20 Log (V out / V in)
  35. % Total Harmonic Distortion
    Square root of the sum of the squares of the individual harmonic distortion values.

    %THD = √[(%2nd)^2+(%3rd)^2...]
  36. When communicating either Sound Pressure Level or Voltage in dB, the following formula should be used:
    20 Log (Voltage measured / Voltage reference)
  37. When communicating Power in dB, the following formula should be used:
    10 Log (Power measured/ Power reference)
  38. Doubling of voltage = ___ dB
    Doubling of power = ___ dB
    • 6
    • 3
  39. dBV reference =
    1 V
  40. dBu reference =
  41. dBm reference =
    1 Milliwatt
  42. Of the semiconductor material types, the ___ type has a deficiency of electrons whereas the ___ type has an abundance of electrons
    • P
    • N
  43. Opposes current flow in one direction and allows it to flow readily in the opposite direction
  44. Diode
  45. Transistor
  46. Identify this device and its elements:

    Vacuum Tube Triode

  47. The maximum current flow through the plate of a vacuum tube is called...
  48. The minimum current flow through the plate of a vacuum tube is called...
  49. The fixed ___ voltage applied to the grid of a vacuum tube is referred to as...
    the bias voltage
  50. Class ___ means the tube or transistor is operating during the full 360 degree cycle of the input signal.
  51. ______ are high gain voltage amplifiers with a differential input and usually a single-ended (unbalanced) output.
    Op amps
  52. Op amp
  53. Op amps require what kind of power supply?
  54. The gain factor from op amps =
    Feedback resistor / input resistor
  55. Op amps have a very _____ input impedance and a very _____ output impedance.
    • High
    • Low
  56. The rule of thumb for good voltage (signal) transfer is the ______ Z should be on the order of ___x the _______ Z
    • Load
    • 10
    • Source
  57. ________ pass high frequencies more readily than lower frequencies.
  58. _______ pass lower frequencies more readily than higher frequencies.
  59. High pass filter
  60. Low pass filter
  61. Band stop filter
  62. Band pass filter
  63. Two signals of identical amplitude and phase applied to a differential (balanced) input
    Common Mode
  64. Two signals of opposite polarity applied to a differential input.
    Differential Mode
  65. An input having both a Hi(+) and Lo(-) signal input relative to ground that detects only the difference in voltage at the respective inputs.
    Differential Input
  66. Vacuum tube
  67. Vacuum tube
  68. Name the parts:

  69. Transitor
Card Set
Maintenance Final
Maintenance Final