Chapter 5 Infection control

  1. What is the primary purpose of regulatory agencies?
    To set guidelines for the manufacturing, sale and use of equipment and chemical ingredients. Protects users and consumers.
  2. What is MSDS? And where spdo you get it?
    Material Data Safety Sheet. Comes from the manufacturing company .
  3. Four types of organisms that esthetitcians must know about.
    Bacteria, Viruses, Parasites, Fungi
  4. What are bacteria?
    One-celled microorganism that have both plant and animal characteristics.
  5. Name 2 classifications of bacteria .
    Nonpathogenic and Pathogenic
  6. What are the beficials functions performed by no pathogenic bacteria?
    Helps breakdown food and protect against infection. Stimulate the immune system.
  7. Name and describe three forms of pathogenic bacteria.
    • Cocci = round shape bacteria that forms in groups
    • Bacilli =short rod shaped
    • Spirilla = spiral or corkscrew
  8. What is a contagious disease?
    Can be spread from one person to another.
  9. What ais the difference between cleaning, disinfecting, and sterilization.
    • Cleaning is removing all dirt and debris.
    • Disinfecting is is removing most microorganism a on non-living surfaces
    • Sterilization is completly removing all microbial life, including spores.
  10. What is complete immersion?
    The entire implement must be submerged in the disinfectant for 10 min
  11. List atleast 6 precautions to flow when using disinfectants.
    • Keep MSDS handy
    • wear gloves when mixing
    • avoid contact with skin and eyes
    • Add disinfectant to water when diluting
    • Use tongs, gloves or draining basket to remove implements
    • follow manufacture instructions
  12. How do you know if an item has been disinfected?
    if the item is disposable
  13. Can porous items be disinfected?
    Yes. The item is made of porous material some can be used again if it has not been in contact blood, body fluid if it has must be discarded.
  14. How often should disinfectant solutions be changed? And how often for AHP (Accelerated hydrogen peroxide) disinfectant be changed?
    One a week unless it's become contaminated. Always follow the manufacture directions.  AHP  change every 2 weeks
  15. What are Universal Precautions?
    Everyone is considered a Potential  threat.
  16. What are Standard precautions?
    Assume all are a potential for infection.
  17. What is an exposure incident?
    Contact with broken skin, blood, body fluid or other infectious materials.
  18. Describe procedure for handling an exposure incident.
    • Stop service  Put on gloves
    • stop bleeding. Bandage. Clean and disinfect work area. Discard all single use objects
    • before using gloves make sure all implements have been cleaned or disposed
    • Remove gloves and discard in a double bag with other disposable items
    • Recomnend that they see a physician if they have any signs of swelling or pain.
  19. How do you clean and disinfect electrical tools and equipment?
    Use EPA registered disinfectant designed for the devices.
  20. How do you clean all nonelectrical tools and equipment?
    Clean before and after each use. Mix the disinfectants according to directions.
  21. What is blood borne pathogens ?
    Disease causing microorganism carried by body fluids.
  22. what is Dermatophytes?
    Fungi that causes skin, hair and nails infection.
  23. what is disease?
    An abnormal condition to all or part of the body.
  24. What is a Disinfectant?
    Chemical that destroys bacteria, fungi, and viruses, but not spores.
  25. what is Cocci?
    Round shaped bacteria appear alone or in a group.
  26. What are the 3 types of Cocci (bacteria)?
    • Staphylococci. Clusters pus forming
    • Streptococci. Curved lines like a string of beads pus forming
    • Diplococci. Grows in pairs causes diseases like pneumonia
  27. What is Fungi?
    Microscopic plant parasites, molds, mildew and yeast
  28. Funicidal
    Destroys Fungi
  29. Hepatitis
    bloodborne virus that causes liver damage
  30. Inflamation is
    Condition in which the body react to injury, irritation or infection
  31. What is MRSA
    Infectious bacteria that is highly resistant to conventional treatments
  32. Multiuse
    Items that can be cleaned, disinfected and used again
  33. Pathogenic is
    Harmful microorganism so that can cause disease or infection
  34. Nonpathogenic is
    Harmless microorganism that is useful to the body.
  35. What is Quats (quaternary ammonium compounds)
    Disinfectants that are very effective when used properly
  36. What is Sodium hypochlorite
  37. Spirilla bacteria
    Spiral or corkscrew shaped causes syphliss and Lyme disease.
  38. Systemic diease
    Disease carried through the blood stream or lymphatic system
  39. Tinea pedis
    ringworm or athletes foot
  40. Tinea Versicolor
    Sun spots. White patches on skin
  41. Virucidal disinfectant
    capable of destroying viruses
  42. Virus
    A parasitic submicroscopic particle that infects and resides in the cells of biological organisms.
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Chapter 5 Infection control
Miladys chapter 5 Infection Control