Anatomy Flashcards.txt

  1. Frontal Bone
    Forehead Bone
  2. Supraorbital margin
    brow bone
  3. glabella
    smooth portion between the eyes
  4. Coronal Structure
    (Crona - 'crown') crown cut suture
  5. Parietal Bones
    • Outlined by all 4 adult sutures
    • one parietal bone on each side
  6. Sagittal Suture
    Suture right down the center (between the 2 parietal bones)
  7. Squamous Suture
    Suture between the parietal bones & the temporal bones
  8. Occipital Bone
    Back/Under side of skull
  9. External occipital protuberance
    Midline bump on back of skull
  10. Foramen Magnum
    Big hole of skull (Foramen='hole'/magnum='big')
  11. Occipital Condyles
    WHere the skull sits on the 1st vertabre
  12. Lambdoid suture
    Suture between occipital bone & parietal bones
  13. Temporal Bones
    Tempal area (Temporal='time')
  14. Mastoid process
    Bone behind ear on jaw
  15. External Acoustic meatus
    Ear hole
  16. Zygomatic Arch (Zygomatic Process)
    Arch that comes forward toward the zygomatic bone
  17. Styloid Process
    Stylus looking bone that sticks out
  18. Jugular foramen
    Next biggest holes (one on each side) irregular looking hole where jugular vain runs through
  19. Mandibular fossa
    Depression where the jaw joints sit (Fossa='depression')
  20. Petrous
    Part of temporal bone; ridgid part of temporal bone
  21. Zygomatic Bone
    Cheek Bone
  22. Maxilla Bone
    Front of face
  23. Alveolar margins
    Sockets teeth fit in
  24. Palatine process
    front part of the roof of the mouth
  25. nasal concha
    curly bones in nasal cavity (2 on each side)
  26. Palatine Bone
    Pallet/Roof of the mouth
  27. Vomer Bone
    Bottom part of the nose that separates the 2 nostrels
  28. Nasals
    Nose Bones
  29. Lacrimal Bones
    Lacrimal='tears'; bones of inner orbital area (tear duct area)
  30. Nasolacrimal Canal
    Hole where tears drain to the nose
  31. Sphenoid Bone
    Holds everything together (Bat or Butterfly Bone)
  32. Optic Foramen
    Small rounded holes in eye sockets w/smooth edges; optic nerves run through these holes (nerves make an "X")
  33. Sella turcica
    Depression in middle of sphenoid where petuitary gland lives
  34. Ethmoid Bone
  35. Cribriform plate
    Depression full of holes where smell nerves
  36. Crista Galli
    Ridge of bone between the 2 cribriform plates
  37. Perpendicular plate
    Top part of bone that splits nasal passage in half
  38. Nasal concha
    curly bones in the nasal cavity (2 on each side)
  39. Mandible bone
    Jaw Bone
  40. Alveolar Margin (of the mandible)
    Sockets your teeth fit into
  41. Body (of the mandible)
    Front Part
  42. Mental Foramen (of the mandible)
    Hole in Chin
  43. Angle (of the mandible)
    Angle of jaw
  44. Ramus (of the mandible)
    Back parts of jaw
  45. Coronoid process (of the mandible)
    front part
  46. mandibular condyle
    back part; part of jaw joint
  47. Paranasal Sinuses
    • Mucosa-lined, air-filled spaces
    • Frontal,Maxillary, Sphenoid, Ethmoid
  48. Frontal sinuses
    Behind Forehead
  49. Maxillary sinuses
    Behind Cheeks
  50. Sphenoid sinuses
    behind ethmoid sinus (behind eyes)
  51. ethmoid sinuses
    behind eyes
  52. Fetal Skull
    Anterior (frontal) Fontanel
    "Soft Spot" on top of the head
  53. Fetal Skull
    Posterior (occipital) Fontanel
    (Soft sopt) Between parietal bones & occipital bones
  54. Fetal Skull
    Anterolateral (sphenoid) Fontanel
    (soft sopt) Side of head
  55. Fetal Skull sutures
    • Frontal
    • Coronal
    • Sagittal
    • Lambdoid
    • Squamous
  56. The Lacrimal Bones are located...

    a) in the inner orbital area (tearduct area)
    b) the bottom part of the nose that splits the nasal passage in half
    c) the roof of the mouth
    d) top part of the nose that splits the nasal passage in half
  57. What is the cheek bone called?
    Zygomatic Bone
  58. What is the part of the spine between the lumbar vertebrae and the coccyx called?
  59. What is the tailbone called?

    a) sacrum
    b) lumbar
    c) coccyx
    d) cervical
  60. How many thoracic vertebrae are there?

    a) 7
    b) 5
    c) 12
    d) 4
  61. What is the largest of the 3 types of vertebrae?

    a) lumbar vertebrae
    b) cervical vertebrae
    c) thoracic vertebrae
    lumbar vertebrae
  62. What is the suture found only on the fetal skull?

    a) coronal
    b) sagittal
    c) lambdoid
    d) frontal
    e) squamous
  63. What are the two parts of the Sphenoid Bone (Bat or Butterfly bone)?

    a) styloid process, zygomatic arch
    b) alveolar margins, palatine process
    c) foramen magnum, lambdoid suture
    d) optic foramen, sella turcica
    optic foramen, sella turcica
  64. What skull suture divides the parietal bones and the temporal bones?

    a) sagittal suture
    b) squamous suture
    c) coronal suture
    d) lambdoid suture
    squamous suture
  65. The sagittal suture separates which two bones of the skull?

    a) parietal bones
    b) occipital bone
    c) temporal bones
    d) frontal bone
    Parietal bones
  66. What part of the skull covers the back/under side of the skull?

    a) temporal bones
    b) parietal bones
    c) occipital bone
    d) frontal bone
    Occipital bone
  67. What is the name of the second cervical vertebrae?

    a) Atlas
    b) Axis
  68. What is the name of the first cervical vertebrae?

    a) Axis
    b) Atlas
  69. Which are the top 7 vertebrae?

    a) Thoracic vertebrae
    b) lumbar vertebrae
    c) cervical vertebrae
    d) sacrum
    cervical vertebrae
  70. Frontal Suture
    Only found on the fetal skull
Card Set
Anatomy Flashcards.txt
Anatomy & Physiology