
  1. Autoinfection of threadworms
    Strongyloides stercoralis
  2. Strongyloides papillosus transmission
    • percutaneous - sheep
    • transmammary - cattle
  3. threadworm in horses
    Strongyloides westeri
  4. threadworm in pigs
    Strongyloides ransomi
  5. Threadworm cycles
    • homogonic
    • heterogonic
  6. worms attached to gastric glands
    Physaloptera spp
  7. Pinworms
    Oxyuris equi
  8. Physaloptera spp transmission
    Ingestion of IH or paratenic host with infective L3
  9. Physaloptera IH ingests
    Egg with L1
  10. subcutaneous filariid
    Acanthocheilonema reconditum
  11. Heart worm prevention is effective against
    L3 & L4 until day 45
  12. Heartworms molt to immature adults where
    subQ tissues & muscle
  13. PPP for heartworms
    6-9 months
  14. IH for heartworms
    • Anopheles
    • Culex
    • Aedes
  15. Hookworm transmitted peroral route
    Uncinaria stenocephala
  16. Causes CLM in humans
    • Strongyloides: papilosus & stercoralis
    • Ancylostoma: caninum & braziliense
    • Uncinaria stenocephala
  17. Only hookworm transmitted transmammary
    Ancylostoma caninum
  18. cat only hookworm
    Ancylostoma tubaeforme
  19. percutaneous hookworm of both dogs & cats
    Ancylostoma braziliense
  20. This hookworm arrests in tissues of older animals
    Ancylostoma caninum
  21. Hookworms
    • Ancylostoma:
    • - braziliense
    • - tubaeforme
    • - caninum
    • Uncinaria stenocephala
  22. Hookworm PPP
    2 weeks
  23. Hookworm egg to L3
    • Egg with L1 hatches
    • develops to infective L3 in environment
  24. Ingestion of hookworm L3 results in
    • migration to lungs & molt to L4
    • molt to L4 in crypts of SI
  25. Ingestion of paratenic host containing hookworm L3 results in
    molting to L4 in crypts of SI
  26. Hookworm L4 to adult occurs in
    lumen of SI
  27. Migration occurs in all but this method of transmission of threadworms
  28. No transplacental migration in this threadworm
    Strongyloides westeri
  29. Pinworm transmission
    ingestion of egg containing infective L3
  30. Pinworm egg hatches where
  31. Immunocompromised animals that have been previously infected with hookworms
    Secondary infection (reactivation) and movement to SI crypts for molting
  32. This hookworm infection occurs in young animals and you will not find eggs in the feces
  33. Hookworm infection of older pups/adults which results in severe anemia
  34. Hookworm infection where clinical signs are not usually apparent
  35. Ascarid eggs contain infective L_
  36. Ascarid eggs hatch where
  37. hepatopulmonary migration occurs with
    • Parascaria equorum
    • Ascaris suum
    • Toxocara canis
  38. Earthworms/dungbeetles can be paratenic host for this zoonotic ascarid
    Ascaris suum
  39. rodents are paratenic hosts for this ascarid
    Toxascaris leonina
  40. No hepatopulmonary migration when the L3 of this ascarid is ingested
    Toxascaris leonina
  41. PPP for Toxocara infections
    3 weeks
  42. Important mode of transmission for T. cati
    paratenic host
  43. Raccoon is definitive host for this ascarid
    Baylisascaris procyonis
  44. Diffuse Unilateral Subacute Neuroretinitis is specifically associated with what parasite
    Baylisascaris procyonis in paratenic hosts
  45. infective stage of trichinella
  46. Trichinella females produce
    immature L1
  47. Trichinella larvae molt when
    after ingested by definitive host (in small intestine)
  48. Adult trichinella live in
    small intestine
  49. Trichinella spp (encapsulated)

    • murrelli - not swine
    • nativa - eskimos
    • nelsoni - africa
    • britovi - eurasia
    • T6 - wild carnivores in US
  50. Non encapsulated trichinella spp
    • pseudospiralis (birds)
    • papua (swine & crocks)
    • zimbabwensis - (lizards, crocks)
  51. Post mortem slaughter testing for Trichinella is done by which methods
    • Compression method
    • Pooled Sample Digestion method
  52. This species does not have whip worms
  53. These animals do not have pinworms
    cat & dogs
  54. Whipworm transmission
    Ingestion of egg containing infective L1
  55. Whipworm eggs hatch where
    small intestine
  56. Whipworm maturation
    4 molts to immature adult in cecum/colon
  57. Whipworm species
    • Trichuris ovis
    • Trichuris suis
    • Trichuris vulpis - dogs
  58. Capillarid genera + location
    • Eucoleus - respiratory
    • Pearsonema - urinary
    • Aoncotheca - gastrointestinal
    • Calodium - hepatic
  59. nasal capillarid of dogs
    Eucoleus boehmi
  60. capillarid of felids, canid, mustelids
    Eucoleus aerophilus
  61. Eucoleus aerophilus is acquired by
    ingestion of paratenic host or egg with infective L1
  62. Eucoleus aerophilus eggs are ingested and then what
    Larvae hatch and migrate to the lungs
  63. Eucoleus boehmi eggs are deposited where
  64. Detection of Capillarids
    Fecals or histology
  65. Infective form for Strongyloides
  66. Infective form of Oxyuris equi
    Egg with infective L3
  67. Trichuris spp lives in
  68. Eucoleus spp lives in
  69. Pearsonema species lives in
  70. Aoncotheca spp lives in
  71. Calodium spp lives in
  72. Physaloptera spp live in
  73. Ancylostoma/Uncinaria spp. live in
    Small intestines (somatic tissues)
  74. Oxyuris spp lives in
  75. Rhabiditids live in
    • small intestine (homogenic)
    • external environment (heterogenic)
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