
  1. add up
    • Calculate the total
    • Why don't you add the figures up? You'll see that we really have spent more than we made
  2. back up
    • Support, help
    • Troops have been sent to the town to back the garrison up.
    • Back me up, John. You know I didn't take the money.
  3. break down
    • Cause to fall by breaking; make ineffective
    • We broke the wall down using nothing more than our bare hands.
    • World opinion helped break the barriers of apartheid down. Segregation is a thing of the past
  4. bring about
    • o cause or produce
    • If I had known that the affair would bring her death about I would never have spoken to her in the first place.
  5. bring back
    • Remind someone of something
    • The smell brought memories back. It reminded me of my grandmother's front room.
  6. bring down
    • Make something fall
    • The scandal will bring the government down. There's no way he can remain prime minister if he's gay.
    • A clumsy tackle brought the player down before he got near the goal.
  7. bring forward
    • Suggest, propose; advance in time
    • He brought the idea forward that we should bring the meeting forward two hours so that everyone could avoid the heavy traffic.
  8. bring off
    • Carry out to a successful conclusion
    • I never thought they'd bring the rescue off. The building was so high and there were so many people that needed to get out.
  9. bring on
    • Cause to appear or occur
    • It was the terrible filth of the medieval streets that brought the plague on. The filth allowed the rats to flourish and with them the fleas that spread the terrible disease.
  10. bring out
    • To make apparent
    • Adversity brought the best out in his nature and showed that he was a hero indeed.
    • Bring your best fighter out. We'll soon see who the champion is.
  11. bring over
    • Fetch, carry, transport
    • Bring the baby over here; I want to take a closer look at that infection.
    • He brought a nice pie over for my dinner. He's so sweet. Shame there isn't more people like him.
  12. bring to
    • Make yourself do something
    • I couldn't bring myself to look at his body. It was horrible.
  13. bring up
    • Raise, care for, nurture; mention, suggest
    • We brought six children up in fifty years of marriage.
    • I don't like to bring the question of pay up, but I think we're going to see the workers on strike if they don't get an immediate raise.
  14. brush aside
    • To disregard, ignore or dismiss
    • He brushed my suggestion aside immediately. Said it would be too expensive and the company could not afford it.
  15. brush out
    • Touch or push gently or lightly
    • It's only chalk. You can brush it out when it dries. The dress will be as good as new.
  16. brush up
    • To revise or relearn
    • I'm going to Germany next week. I'll have to brush my German up before I set off
  17. build in
    • Make something an integral part of something else
    • Manufacturers seem to build in obsolescence into their products these days. It seems to be a way of maintaining sales.
  18. burn down
    • To cause to be destroyed by fire
    • They burnt my house down by pushing a lit firework through the letter box. Thank heavens I was insured.
  19. buy out
    • To purchase the share or interest of
    • Google bought You Tube out for one point six billion dollars. I don't know what Google intend to do with their new acquisition.
  20. call off
    • Cancel
    • I'm calling the trip off because we don't have enough people to fill the coach.
  21. call up
    • Summon together
    • The general called his troops up ready for the attack.
  22. calm down
    • Make or become quiet and tranquil
    • When my daughter used to get upset it took hours to calm her down. Sometimes she would still be crying when her father came home.
  23. carry off
    • Take something by force; (of disease) kill
    • The thieves carried the chalice off, despite the vicar's protests.
    • The plague carried thousands of people off, almost halving the population
  24. carry on
    • Continue to do something
    • We need to carry the business on. It's what Dad would have wanted. We can't close now, not after sixty three years.
  25. carry out
    • To accomplish; put into execution
    • I promise to carry the job out as fast as possible. We will be finished by Friday at the latest.
    • I didn't think he would carry his threat out, but he fired her anyway.
  26. carry over
    • To persist to another time or context
    • Because I had studied the subject beforehand, I carried my confidence over to the actual job.
  27. carry through
    • Accomplish or complete; endure or survive
    • Despite the difficulties, we carried the project through to satisfactory completion.
    • His unwavering enthusiasm carried them through a difficult and dangerous time.
  28. chat up
    • Talk to someone to try to establish a romance
    • He spent the night chatting her up, only to find out that she was already married.
  29. cheer up
    • Make or become less miserable
    • Is there nothing we can do to cheer Dad up? It's so sad to see him so miserable all the time since we lost Mum.
  30. chew over
    • Consider a question or issue
    • It's a big decision. I think we'll have to chew it over for a while before we say yes or no. I need to think about all the points you raised.
  31. chew up
    • Cut into pieces with teeth; damage with a machine
    • That new puppy's chewed my slippers up. I can't possibly wear them now.
    • I switched to DVDs when my VHS machine started to chew the tapes up.
  32. chop back
    • To cut vegetation away from somewhere
    • Chop those bushes back; they're hiding the road signs from drivers. It's getting dangerous.
  33. chop down
    • To fell trees with a saw, axe or tool
    • They have chopped those beautiful trees down. The square looks so empty now.
  34. chop up
    • To reduce to small pieces
    • First you need to chop the onion up into pieces. Chop up the carrots, the mushrooms and the garlic and add the wine. Simmer over a low heat for about twenty minutes.
  35. clean off
    • Remove a contaminant from something
    • Before you start moving the books you need to clean the dust off them. They've been sitting here undisturbed for decades.
  36. clean out
    • To take everything from someone or somewhere
    • The burglars cleaned my house out. They even took my children's toys!
    • I should never have gone into the casino. I lost two hundred pounds. Basically they cleaned me out.
  37. clean up
    • Clean a place
    • I want you to clean your bedroom up now or you won't be watching any television tonight, my girl. It looks like a bomb went off in it.
  38. clear out
    • Remove or dispose of unwanted items or people
    • I'm going to clear my garage out. There's so much junk in there that I can't get my car in anymore.
  39. clear up
    • Medical) to be cured; tidy a place
    • I don't need to go to the doctor now. That ointment you gave me has cleared my rash up.
    • I'll clear the table up if you do the washing up. It's a bit of a mess.
  40. close down
    • Close permanently
    • It's a shame they closed that nice bookshop down on the corner. I'll have to find somewhere else to buy my books.
  41. close up
    • business) Stop being open to custom or be in operation
    • We spent a lot of money setting up the business, but it was obvious we were never going to make a profit. The only thing I could do was to close the business up and cut our losses.
  42. count in
    • Include or involve
    • Hey! Count me in! It sounds like a fantastic idea. I'd love to be a part of it.
  43. count out
    • Exclude from something
    • I'm sorry, but that's the stupidest idea I've ever heard. You can definitely count me out! There's no way I'm getting involved.
  44. count up
    • To calculate the total
    • "Could you count the money up, Sally? I need to take it to the bank before they close."
  45. cross out
    • To mark writing to show that it is incorrect. Often with a line through the text.
    • I made a lot of mistakes in that exam. I crossed them out and wrote the correct answers underneath, but I hope it doesn't affect my grade.
  46. cut back
    • Reduce
    • I think we should cut production back now that sales have reduced. Once Summer starts we can get back to full production
  47. cut down
    • Reduce consumption; bring something to ground level.
    • Cigarettes? I've cut them right down. Only smoke one or two a day now.
    • The Easter Islanders cut all their trees down to move those huge stone heads. Then they had no fuel.
  48. cut off
    • Disconnect; make inaccessible
    • I forgot to pay the electricity bill and now they've cut me off. I can't watch TV and the house is freezing.
    • The tide cuts the island off from the mainland and the only way to visit is by boat.
  49. cut out
    • Exclude; remove a picture from a printed page
    • I cut fat out from my diet and lost a lot of weight.
    • Is that a photograph or did you cut the picture out from a magazine?
  50. cut up
    • Reduce to smaller pieces; (vehicle) move suddenly into the path of a moving vehicle
    • Cut up the bacon into bite-sized pieces then fry gently until cooked.
    • If you hadn't cut me up at the lights I wouldn't have crashed into the back of your car.
  51. draw up
    • Prepare plans in detail
    • If the generals had drawn better plans up we might have won the battle.
  52. drum into
    • Make someone learn through constant repetition
    • I never did learn my times tables, even though they used to drum them into me every morning for hours at a time. I guess I'm just not very good at maths.
  53. drum out
    • Expel from an organisation
    • They drummed me out of the Army because I refused to fight. Now I'm happy to be a civilian again.
  54. duff up
    • Assault
    • When I was at school we had a bully who used to duff you up in the playground. It was as much as part of going to school as the morning register.
  55. dust out
    • Clean something
    • I need to dust the wardrobe out. It's filthy.
  56. eat up
    • Consume food quickly
    • Eat your dinner up before it gets cold.
  57. figure out
    • Find the answer to a problem, realise
    • It took me a while to figure the problem out, but once I had the answer it took only minutes to put it right.
  58. fill in
    • Enrich with detail
    • Could you fill the form in, please? Then sign it at the bottom.
    • I'll fill you in with what I know about him, but remember I've only met him once. Most of what I know I've read in the papers.
  59. fill up
    • Place contents into a container to maximum capacity
    • We'd better fill the tank up with petrol at the next garage. I don't think we'll have another opportunity and there's a long way to go.
  60. find out
    • Discover something
    • I'm going to find the truth out if it takes six months, so you might as well tell me now.
    • I read every book I could to find the details out about his life, but I still know hardly anything.
  61. fix up
    • Make an arrangement; repair or refurbish
    • Thank you for fixing that meeting up with your boss. He says that I can start working here next week.
    • I'm going to fix the attic up so that Mum can stay with us. It'll make a nice spare room.
  62. get across
    • Make clear or convince
    • I knew that we could get our ideas across to him eventually. He's a man who likes new ventures.
  63. get on
    • Enter a vehicle; mount a horse or cycle
    • The train is leaving! Get on, or you'll miss it.
    • How did the knights of old get on their horses with all that armour?
  64. give away
    • Provide something for free, give
    • He gave away to a beggar the diamond ring I had bought him. He was that kind of man - generous yet stupid.
  65. give back
    • Return something
    • "Give back the book," he said. I gave the book back. End of story.
  66. give out
    • Distribute
    • People are starving to death. We need to give the food out now, before it's too late.
  67. give up
    • urrender; abandon something
    • They forced him to give his job up. Now he's unemployed.
    • He gave his fortune up just to be with the woman he loved. Now that really is love.
  68. hand down
    • Transmit in succession
    • They handed the money down from father to son for generations.
  69. hand over
    • Pass control to someone else
    • Spain has been wanting Britain to hand Gibraltar over to them for three hundred years.
  70. hand in
    • To submit work for assessment
    • I handed my homework in this morning. I hope I get a good grade.
  71. have on
    • Keep electronic equipment switched on; possess; deceive
    • She has her television on all day.
    • I don't have any money on me. I'll have to pay you next week. Honestly! I'm not having you on.
  72. have over
    • Receive a guest in your house
    • Let's have Mum and Dad over for lunch on Sunday. It's Dad's birthday.
  73. hold back
    • Keep from doing something
    • The film was so sad I had to hold the tears back.
    • If your dog bites me I'll call the police. I suggest that you hold him back.
  74. hold off
    • Stop someone attacking you
    • We held the enemy off for three days until the reinforcements finally arrived.
  75. hold out
    • Offer something to the front
    • I couldn't believe it. I stood there, held my hand out and he shook it. Can you believe it? I actually shook hands with him. I don't think I'll wash my hand again.
  76. hold up
    • Delay; rob or steal from someone with threats
    • If traffic hadn't held the police up they might have caught the robbers who held the bank up yesterday. The thieves got away with over ten thousand pounds.
  77. keep away
    • Keep things separate from each other
    • You should keep matches away from children at all times.
    • Look! She doesn't like you and you don't like her. I've been asked to keep you away from her. Do you understand?
  78. keep up
    • Prevent someone going to bed
    • My neighbours had a party till five o'clock this morning. They kept me up all night. I even had to call the police, they were so noisy.
  79. lay down
    • Give up something; establish a rule or law
    • I think they say, "No greater love has a man than that he should lay his life down for his brother."
    • Don't you going laying the law down here, young man. You're not the police!
  80. leave in
    • Not taken or allowed out of something or somewhere
    • I think we should leave the cat in the house tonight. She's scared of fireworks.
    • You must have left the key in the lock when we left the house. I hope nobody has seen it.
  81. leave on
    • Not switch something off
    • Leave the computer on. We'll be using it again this afternoon. It'll go into power saving mode after ten minutes anyway.
  82. leave out
    • Not include someone in something
    • I was never any good at football at school and they always left me out of the team.
  83. let down
    • Disappoint; make clothes longer
    • I told you I wouldn't let you down. I know how important this day is to you, so I'll lend you this designer dress. You're a little taller than me so we'll have to let the hem down a bit, but I'm sure you'll look divine.
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english phrasal verbs