E-4 EPME 2016

  1. When did the CG move to the DHS?
    • March 1, 2003
    • (E4-2)
  2. What is the CG thought of as, by Washington people, now that we are under the DHS?
    • Maritime first responders
    • (E4-2)
  3. How many major divisions/departments is the DHS comprised of?
    • 5
    • (E4-2)
  4. Name the major divisions/departments the DHS is comprised of.
    • Border & Transportation Security,
    • Emergency Preparedness,
    • Science and Technology,
    • Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection,
    • Management
  5. Who does the Commandant report directly to?
    • Secretary of State
    • E4-2
  6. When did the rate of Petty Officer become official?
    • 1808
    • (E4-4)
  7. When the Revenue Cutter Service was founded, who appointed the ships Petty Officers?
    • Captains of ships
    • E4-4
  8. Specialty or Rating marks become official?
    • 1866
    • E4-5
  9. The Navy recognizes its 3 classes of Petty Officers 1st, 2nd, & 3rd ?
    • 1885
    • E4-5
  10. Petty Officers started to wear rate insignia of chevrons with points down under a spread eagle & rating mark?
    • 1886
    • E4-5
  11. Navy establishes the Chief Petty Officer rate?
    • 1893
    • E4-5
  12. What year did the Coast Guard come into existence when congress combined the Revenue Cutter Service & the U.S. Lifesaving Service?
    • 1915
    • E4-5
  13. When did the rates in the Coast Guard become the same as the Navy?
    • 1917
    • E4-5
  14. When was the MCPOCG established?
    • Aug 17, 1969
    • (E4-7)
  15. Who was the first MCPOCG?
    • BMCM Charles L Calhoun
    • (E4-8)
  16. Who is the current MCPOCG?
    MCPO Leavitt
  17. Failure to obey a lawful order violates which Article of the UCMJ?
    • Article 92
    • (E4-17)
  18. Which UCMJ Article gives Petty Officers apprehension authority?
    • Article 7
    • (E4-17)
  19. What is Article 91?
    • Insubordinate conduct toward an Officer
    • E4-19
  20. What title gives Petty Officers Law Enforcement and Authority to board vessels under US jurisdiction?
    • Title 14 USC, Section 89
    • (E4-19)
  21. Petty Officers have the authority to what under SEASII?
    • Search
    • Examine
    • Arrest
    • Seize
    • Inspect
    • Inquire
    • E4-20
  22. What kind of Leadership is more than just being in charge but also a good teammate, respectful follower of those in higher command, and strong leader who considers the needs and value of subordinates?
    • Effective Leadership
    • E4-24
  23. What manual is the Standards of Ethical Conduct?
    • M5370.8B(Standards of Ethical Conduct)
    • E4-28
  24. Can you accept a gift from a lower paid subordinate?
    • No. You may not give, solicit a contribution for, or contribute a donation for, a gift to an official superior. Also, you cannot accept a gift from a lower-paid employee, unless you and the donor are personal friends who are not in a superior-subordinate
    • relationship. 5 C.F.R. § 2635.302
  25. What Manual governs the acceptance of gifts?
    COMDTINST M5370.8B (Standards of Ethical Conduct)
  26. Is Extra Military Instruction (EMI) a tool that can be used for punishment?
    • No, EMI is NOT punishment. It may be assigned only if it is genuinely intended to improve performance. It cannot to be used as a substitute for judicial (court-martial) punishment or non-judicial punishment (NJP)
    • E-PME Study Guide E4-49
  27. EMI is for how long and what day will a member not perform EMI?
    • No more than 2 hours a day / not on his or her Sabbath
    • E4-49
  28. Article 15 is what? What rules?
    • To impose punishment without having to conduct a court martial.
    • Members have the right demand a court martial instead of NJP if they are NOT embarked on a vessel. the right to request a particular mast rep
    • E4-49
  29. Is a Captain's Mast considered Judicial Proceeding?
    • No, UCMJ infractions not serious enough to warrant a court martial are generally disposed of at captain's mast, which is not a judicial proceeding.
    • E-PME Study Guide E4-49
  30. Search & Seizure can be conducted under what 2 circumstances?
    • when probable cause exist
    • when probable cause in NOT required
    • E4-50
  31. Who is a person of “Reasonable Caution”?
    • Investigator or Military Police Officer
    • E4-50
  32. How many types of Court Martial are there?
    • 3
    • E-PME Study Guide E4-50
  33. What are the 3 types of Court Martial?
    • 1. General
    • 2. Special
    • 3. Summary
    • E-PME Study Guide E4-50
  34. A member may appeal being punished under Article 15 if they feel punishment is “Unjust” or “Disproportionate” within how long?
    • 5 calendar days
    • E4-52
  35. Who reviews a CG-4910 after it is completed?
  36. After a CG-4910 is reviewed one of two outcomes occur, what are they?
    • 1. Non-Judicial Punishment
    • 2. Dismissal
    • E-PME Study Guide E4-55
  37. What is the name of a CG-4910?
    • Report of Offense and Disposition
    • E-PME Study Guide E4-53
  38. What manual would you refer to when a serious offense i.e.: Rape, Murder or any felonies?
    All serious offenses must be reported to CGIS IAW COMDTINST 5520.5. These offenses include rape/sexual assault or any felonies committed or allegedly committed by anyone covered under the UCMJ.E-PME Study Guide E4-53
  39. What does EERS stand for?
    • Enlisted Employee Review System (EERS)
    • E-PME Study Guide E4-58
  40. Who does the final review of the EERS?
    • Personnel Support Center (PSC)
    • E-PME Study Guide E4-58
  41. When evaluating subordinates, What form is used?
    • Form CG-3788
    • Ref epme Page E4-60
  42. What is the lowest rank that can do EERS?
    • The supervisor must be an E-6 or above
    • E-PME Study Guide E4-60
  43. What is the lowest rank that can be an Approving Official for EERS?
    • The Approving Official must be a Coast Guard officer or officer in charge (E-7 or above). Public Health Service officials assigned to Coast Guard commands may sign as Approving Official.
    • E-PME Study Guide E4-61
  44. Who must the Approving Official consult with before changing a Mark?
    • The marking official.
    • E-PME Study Guide E4-61
  45. Can a CO’s advancement recommendation be appealed?
    • If the CO is the approving official: The Approving Official’s decision on advancement recommendation is final and cannot be appealed.
    • E-PME Study Guide E4-61
  46. During the Appeal of marks cycle can members Marks be lowered?
    • No; Raising or leave unchanged the member’s marks, in acting on an appeal, but may not lower any marks an Approving Official assigned.
    • E-PME Study Guide E4-61
  47. How long does Appeal Authority have to review and act on an appeal?
    • Reviewing and act on the appeal within 15 calendar days after receiving it.
    • E-PME Study Guide E4-61
  48. Who can authorize to extend EERS 15 days?
    • Commander, (CGPC-epm-1) may extend the 15 days if the Appeal Authority needs additional information from either the member of commanding officer before responding to the appeal.
    • E-PME Study Guide E4-61
  49. How many categories are on a Petty Officers Marks?
    The petty officer performance evaluation factors are grouped into five categories: 

  50. What are the 5 catagories of the petty officer performance evaluation factors?
    • Performance
    • Leadership
    • Military
    • Professional Qualities
    • Conduct.
    • (E4-64)
  51. Who is responsible to enter the EERS worksheet into Direct Access?
    • Approving Official, Coast Guard officer or officer in charge (E-7 or above)
    • (E4-61)
  52. Members may request ___ months of Advance Pay (Base pay minus taxes) to
    be liquidated over a __ month period and up to ___ months with the CO’s approval.
    • 3 months, 12 month, 24 months
    • (13-4.01-K)
  53. Advanced Pay is payable within ___ days of departure on PCS orders, and within __ days after arrival at a new unit?
    • 30 days, 60 days
    • (13-4.01-K)
  54. Is Travel Card use optional?
    • Travel card use is now mandatory for PCS travel unless the travel /
    • delay in reporting duration exceeds 21 days.
    • (13-4.01-K)
  55. TLA is authorized for a period NOT more than _____.
    • 60 days
    • (13-4.01-K)
  56. Members may request advanced pay for up to ___ days.
    • 60 days 
    • (13-4.01-K)
  57. Is an advance against your government credit card considered an advance
    of funds?
    • No
    • (13-4.01-K)
  58. If you screen for a special assignment what must the Special Assignment AO do next?
    • The AO must request the members rating AO to release him or her for service in an “out of rate” billet.
    • (13-4.01-K)
  59. What are the 5 categories for Priority Assignments?
    • 1 – unaccompanied overseas or extremely arduous
    • 2 – OCONUS afloat
    • 3 – INCONUS afloat
    • 4 – OCONUS shore duty
    • 5 – INCONUS shore duty
    • E4-103
  60. When transferring, most often category 1-3 will receive their orders by ____.
    • January or February
    • (13-4.01-K)
  61. When transferring, most often category 4-5 will receive their orders by ____.
    • March or April
    • (13-4.01-K)
  62. After ___ failed attempts to log-on to Direct Access you will be locked out.
    • After five unsuccessful log-in attempts, system lockout
    • occurs
    • (E-4-106)
  63. Passwords must be ___ long?
    • At least eight characters, two of which must be numeric
    • (E4-106)
  64. What is the Travel Claim form number?
    • DD Form 1351-2
    • (E4-111)
  65. How many digits make up a TONO?
    • All TONOs consist of 16 digits
    • (E4-116)
  66. What percent of mishaps are contributed to unsafe acts of people?
    • 88 percent
    • (E4-132)
  67. What percent of mishaps is contributed to unsafe conditions not identified or corrected by people?
    • 10 percent
    • (E4-132)
  68. CG defines safety as _____.
    • Safety is defined as the identification and control of risk
    • (E4-133)
  69. Define Risk Assessment.
    • A systematic process of evaluating various risk levels for specific systematic process of evaluating various risk hazards identified with a particular task or operation
    • (E4-134)
  70. How many levels of risk are there?
    • 3
    • E-PME Requirement 14-4.01-K pg E 4-134 & 14-6.01-K
  71. What version of ICS has the CG adopted?
    • The Coast Guard as adopted the NIIMS version.
    • E-PME Requirement 14-4.02-K
    • pg- E 4-137
  72. What is NIIMS?
    • National Interagency Incident Management System (NIIMS)
    • E-PME Requirement 14-4.02-K pg- E 4-137
  73. What kind of approach does the NIIMS ICS system take?
    • It is an "all hazard – all risk" approach to managing crisis response operations as well as non-crisis events.
    • E-PME Requirement 14-4.02-K pg- E4-137
  74. Does ICS replace the CG’s current organizational structure?
    • ICS overlays, but does not replace, existing Coast Guard response organizational structures
    • E-PME Requirement 14-4.02-K pg- E 4-137
  75. Who is responsible for the overall management of an Incident?
    • The Incident Commander (IC) is responsible for the overall management of the incident
    • E-PME Requirement 14-4.02-K pg. E 4-139
  76. Who is responsible for developing and releasing information?
    • The Information Officer (IO) is responsible for developing and releasing information about the incident to the news media, incident personnel, and other appropriate agencies and organizations.
    • E-PME Requirement 14-4.02-K pg E 4-139
  77. Whose job is it to assess or anticipate hazardous or unsafe conditions?
    • The Safety Officer (SO) develops and recommends measures for assuring personnel safety, and assesses or anticipates hazardous and unsafe situations.
    • E-PME Requirement 14-4.02-K pg E 4-140
  78. Who is responsible for managing all activities within a staging area?
    • The Staging Area Manager is responsible for managing all activities within a Staging Area
    • E-PME Requirement 14-4.02-K pg E 4-141
  79. What are considered confined spaces?
    • Tanks, Voids, and unventilated spaces.
    • E-4 147
  80. How long must a confined space be ventilated before allowing personnel to enter?
    • Ventilate space for 24 hours
    • E-PME Requirement 15-4.01-K pg- E4 – 149 &
    • E-PME Requirement 15-5.01-P pg.- E5-111
  81. What is the SSIC when using with a Memorandum?
    • Standard Subject Identification Code
    • Also known as the file number and should be on each page
    • E4-182
  82. A reason for using a CG Business Letter?
    • Correspond with a non-federal agency or individual
    • E4-184
  83. What are the 2 main parts of the CG’s public affairs information release policy?
    • “Maximum disclosure with minimum delay,” [PA Manual, Ch1.B.1.] 2.“If you do it, or are responsible for something, you can talk about it.”
    • E4 - 190
  84. What is the S.A.P.P. rule for release of information Limitations?
    • Use the “SAPP” rule (Security, Application, Policy, Propriety) to decide if the information can be released 
    • Security: Is the information classified or will it impact operational security? 
    • Accuracy: Is the information complete and correct?
    • Policy: Would release violate Coast Guard or unit policy?
    • Propriety: Is it appropriate for the Coast Guard to release the information?
    • E4 - 191
  85. What does FOIA Stand for?
    • Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
    • E4 - 192
  86. What is Freedom of Information Act and what does it do?
    • FOIA is a federal law that ensures the public has access to government records, and spells out steps and procedures for providing information.
    • E4 192
  87. What manual do you refer to concerning FOIA issues?
    • COMDTINST M5260.3
    • E4 - 192
  88. All video, photos and audio tape of CG activities made by CG personnel while on duty, or Aboard CG units, are considered _____?
    • considered official information, regardless if the information was captured on government-owned or ‘personal’ equipment
    • E4 - 104
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E-4 EPME 2016