THEA Exam 2

  1. African American Theatre
    • Lorraine Hansberry 
    • raisin in the sun
  2. Asian-American theatre
    • Frank Chen or David Henry hwang
    • m. butterfly
  3. Elizabethan theatre
    • shakespeare 
    • hamlet
  4. Epic Theatre
    • bertolt bret
    • mother courage and her children
  5. LGBTIQ Theatre
    • bent
    • martin sherman
  6. musical theatre
    • steven sondheim
    • west-side story
  7. realism
    • henry gibson
    • dolls house
  8. theatre for young audience
    • David str
    • yellow boat
  9. Amiri baraka
    • African American theatre
    • Dutchman
  10. Bertolt brecht
    • Epic 
    • Mother courage
  11. Anton Chekhov
    • the segal
    • realism
  12. Frank Chin
    • Chicken coupe Chinaman
    • asian american theatre
  13. Mart Crowley
    • LGBT theatre
    • boys in the band
  14. Philip Kan Gotanda
    • Yankee Dawg You die
    • Asian American
  15. Lorraine Hansberry
    • Raisin in the sun
    • African American Theatre
  16. David Henry Hwang
    • Asian American theatre
    • m. butterfly
  17. Velina Haru Houston
    • Tea
    • Asian American Theatre
  18. Henrik Ibsen
    • Dolls house
    • realism
  19. Larry Kramer
    • normal heart
    • LGBT Theatre
  20. Tony Kushner
    • LGBT theater
    • angels in America
  21. Christopher Marlowe
    • Elizabethan Theatre
    • doctor Foustis
    • Edward II
  22. Lin-manuel Mirand
    • Hamilton
    • Mustical Theatre
  23. William Shakespeare
    • Hamlet 
    • Elizabethan theatre
  24. Ntozake shange
    • when the rainbow is enuf
    • African American theatre
  25. Martin Sherman
    • bent
    • LGBT Theatre
  26. Stephen Sondheim
    • Sweeney tod
    • musical
  27. August Strindberg
    • The father 
    • naturalism
  28. August Wilson
    • Fences
    • African American Theatre
  29. The African Grove
    • New york new york
    • African American Theatre
  30. the Berliner Ensemble
    • Berlin
    • Epic theatre
    • Bertolt Bret
  31. East West Players
    • LA
    • Asian American Theatre
    • David Henry Hwang
  32. The Globe theatre
    • London
    • Elizabethan
    • Shakespeare
  33. Moscow Art theatre
    • Anton Chekhov
    • moscow
    • realism
  34. Pan-Asian Repertory Theatre
    • New york
    • Asian American Theatre
    • David Henry Hwang
  35. An Actor Prepares
    building a Character
    Creating a role
    • Costantine
    • Treatise
    • Realism
  36. Angels in America
    • Play 
    • Tony Kushner
    • LGBT theatre
  37. Bent
    • Play
    • Martin Sherman
    • LGBT Theatre
  38. The Chickencoop Chinaman
    • Play
    • Frank Chin
    • Asian American Theatre
  39. the Dutchman
    • Play
    • Amiri Baraka
    • African American theatre
  40. Gorilla
    • Play 
    • Rachel Barnett
    • theatre for young audiences
  41. Hamlet
    • Play
    • Shakespear
    • Elizabethan Theatre
  42. In the Heights
    • Musical 
    • Lin-Manuel Miranda
    • musical theatre
  43. M. butterfly
    • David Henry Hwang
    • Asian American theatre
    • play
  44. Mother Courage and Her Children
    • Play
    • Bertolt Bret
    • Epic Theatre
  45. Naturalism on the stage
    • treatise
    • Emile Zola
    • Naturalism
  46. The Normal Heart
    • Larry kramer
    • LGBT Theatre
    • Play
  47. The political theatre
    • Treatise
    • epic
    • Erwin pescator
  48. A Raisan In the sun
    • African American Theatre
    • Lorraine Hansberry 
    • Play
  49. A short organum for the theatre
    • Treaty
    • bertolt Brecht
    • Epic
  50. Sweeney Todd
    • Play
    • Stephen Sondheim
    • musical theatre
  51. tea
    • Play 
    • Velina hasu houston 
    • Asian american theatre
  52. yankee dawg you die
    • Asian American theatre
    • Play 
    • Philip Kan getanda
  53. three elements of a book musical
    • lyrics 
    • musical 
    • books
  54. Two elements comprise the Libretto of a book musical
    • book 
    • lyrics
  55. two elements comprise the score of a book?
    • Music 
    • lyrics
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THEA Exam 2