1. The data memory space of PIC18F4520 is organized as?

    (A) 4 banks of 1k bytes each
    (B) 16 banks of 256 bytes each
    (C) 16 banks of 128 bytes each
    (D) 16 banks of 4096 bytes each
    • (B) 16 banks of 256 bytes each
  2. What range of program memory addresses can a 13-bit program counter address?

    (A) H'0000' to H'1FFF'
    (B) H'0000' to H'2FFF'
    (C) H'0000' to H'3FFF'
    (D) H'0000' to H'FFFF'
    (A) H'0000' to H'1FFF'
  3. Which of the following does not belong to the Data Memory Map of the PIC microcontroller?

    (A) Stack
    (B) General Purpose Registers
    (C) PORTA
    (D) Status Register
    (A) Stack
  4. Which flag(s) in the STATUS register will be set(1) if the ALU performs the operation of H’C8’ + H’39’ ?

    (A) C, DC,Z & N flag
    (B) C,DC flag
    (C) DC flag only
    (D) C,DC and Z flags
    (B) C,DC flag
  5. Which of the following memory is non-volatile?

    (A) RAM
    (B) ROM
    (C) Stack
    (D) Flash memory
    (B) & (D)
  6. Which of the following memory devices is used to store data that needs to be modified during program execution?

    (A) RAM
    (B) ROM
    (C) Stack
    (D) Flash memory
    (A) RAM
  7. Arithmetic Logical Unit ALU is used to

    (A) perform arithmetic computations
    (B) perform I/O operations
    (C) perform memory read/write operations
    (D) perform logical functions
    (A) & (D)
  8. A microcontroller has

    (A) CPU,Memory & Buses
    (B) CPU, Memory & I/O interface
    (C) CPU, Memory & Clock
    (D) CPU, Memory, I/O interface, Buses & Clock
    (D) CPU, Memory, I/O interface, Buses &Clock
  9. In the PIC18F4520 microcontroller, the program counter is made-up of

    (A) INDF register
    (B) PCL, PCH & PCU register
    (C) PCL and PCLATH registers
    (D) W and STATUS registers
    (B) PCL, PCH & PCU register
  10. Which of the following flag(s) in the STATUS register will be set(1) after the following operation is executed?
    B’10010001' - B’10010001'

    (A) Z flag
    (B) C flag
    (C) DC flag
    (D) N flag
    (A) , (B) & (C)
  11. The register file of PIC18F4520 is partitioned into16 banks of ___ bytes each.

    (A) 128
    (B) 256
    (C) 512
    (D) 1024
    (B) 256
  12. When the CPU starts up from its reset state,

    (A) it’s program counter (PC) is automatically cleared to zero.
    (B) the address H'0008' is automatically loaded into PC.
    (C) PCLATH is automatically written into the program counter.
    (D) None of the above.
    (A) it’s program counter (PC) is automatically cleared to zero.
  13. What is the characteristic of the stack in PIC18F4520?

    (A) It is part of the data memory
    (B) It is part of program memory
    (C) It is used to indicate the status
    (D) Used to store the Program Counter when subprograms are called.
    (D) Used to store the Program Counter when subprograms are called.
  14. What is needed to translate the high-level language into executable machine language?

    (A) Assembler
    (B) Compiler
    (C) MPLAB
    (D) Linker
    (B) Compiler
  15. Which of the following is correct, if we want to assign a label LED1 to represent the LED connected to RB0?

    (A) LED1 EQU PORTBbits.RB0
    (B) LED1 #define PORTB,0
    (C) #define LED1 RB0
    (D) #define LED1 PORTBbits.RB0
    (D) #define LED1 PORTBbits.RB0
  16. Determine the value of FINAL, given:
    DATA = 0x20 + 0x05;
    FINAL = DATA * 0x05;

    (A) 0x45
    (B) 0xB9
    (C) 0x125
    (D) 0x39
    (B) 0xB9
  17. Determine the value of FINAL, given:
    #define DATA 0x20 + 0x05
    FINAL = DATA * 0x05;

    (A) 0x45
    (B) 0xB9
    (C) 0x125
    (D) 0x39
    (D) 0x39
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