What does Vet BLUE stand for?
Veterinary Bedside Lung Ultrasound Exam
The __________ surrounds part of the vena cava.
accessory lung lobe
On a lateral view, you won't see the ___________ dorsal to the ___________.
middle lung lobe; carina
The DV view is sensitive for detecting ___________.
pleural effusion
How can you identify when you are looking at a VD (as opposed to a DV)?
diaphragm looks like mickey mouse ears on VD
What are the main difference between right and left lateral projections? (3)
cardiac apex is more elevated on left; more prominent LA on left; vena cava enters heart more dorsally on right
You see aortic dilation and redundancy in an older cat. What is your next step?
check systemic BP; it is usually idiopathic aortic annuloectasia, but can occur due to high BP
Describe what feline asthma looks like on lateral radiograph and why.
bronchial asthma causes bronchoconstriction and peripheral air trapping--> markedly expanded lung field
What does it look like on radiograph is the lungs are under-inflated?
lung looks denser and the heart looks bigger b/c the chest is not as well expanded
Describe how you calculate the vertebral heart scale.
add the number of vertebrae that make the width of the heart at the base PLUS the number of vertebrae that make the length of the heart from base to apex [normal is ~ 9.7]
Describe the location of veins with respect to the associated artery and bronchus on VD and lateral.
- On VD: veins are ventral
- On lateral: veins are central
- "ventral and central"
What is an objective sign of increased lung density?
loss of vascular margins
Describe the interstitial unstructured pattern.
increased lung density, blurred vascular margins (can usually still see the borders of the heart and lungs)
Describe the interstitial nodular pattern.
discrete areas of consolidation; if tiny and TNTC, considered "miliary"
Describe the alveolar lung pattern.
markedly increased lung density, silhouetting of cardiac and diaphragm borders, air bronchograms, +/- lobar sign if severe
Describe the bronchial lung pattern.
increased bronchial markings, air-filled structures with thicker or denser walls ("donuts")
What are differentials for hilar lymphadenopathy? (4)
neoplasms (LSA), histiocytic diseases, fungal infections, pulmonary granulomatosis
Most lung carcinomas will NOT cause ___________.
hilar lymphadenopathy
What is the most important cause of chronic coughing in dogs? How does it appear on rads?
chronic bronchitis- dilated bronchus with thick walls, bronchial pattern
A dog has an arrhythmia and alveolar lung pattern. What is the most likely diagnosis?
cardiogenic pulmonary edema
What is an air bronchogram?
air and fluid (vessels look air filled compared to the density of the rest of the pleural space)
Alveolar densities with air bronchogram signs are indicative of ___________.
The lobar sign is almost pathognomonic for ____________.
The ___________ is predilected to get aspiration pneumonia.
right middle lung lobe
What is a common complication of chronic bronchitis/asthma, and how does it appear on radiograph?
resorption atelectasis (decreased lung filling leading to bronchial plugging and collapse); lobar sign
What are the typical radiographic findings with pleural effusion? (6)
increased fluid density, border effacement of heart and diaphragm, blunted costophrenic angles, pleural fissure lines, edges of lung lobes retracted from chest wall, rounding of lobes indicated chronicity/inflammation