
  1. Cubital Fossa
    • boundaries:
    • 1. medially - Pronator teres
    • 2. laterally - Brachioradialis
    • 3. superiorly - imaginary line b/t medial & lateral epicondyles

    • contents:
    • - Tendon of biceps brachii
    • - Brachial artery
    • - Median nerve
  2. Suprascapular foramen
    contents: suprascapular nerve

    suprascapular artery passes over suprascapular foramen
  3. Quadrangular space
    • boundaries:
    • 1. inferior margin of subscapularis
    • 2. surgical neck of humerus
    • 3. superior margin of teres major
    • 4. lateral margin of long head triceps

    • contents:
    • - axillary nerve
    • - posterior circumflex humeral artery & vein
  4. Triangular space
    • boundaries:
    • 1. medial margin of long head triceps
    • 2. superior margin of teres major
    • 3. inferior margin of subscapularis

    • contents:
    • - circumflex scapular artery & vein
  5. Triangular interval
    • boundaries:
    • 1. lateral margin of long head triceps
    • 2. shaft of humerus
    • 3. inferior margin of teres major

    • contents:
    • - radial nerve spirals around radial groove
    • - deep artery of arm spirals around radial groove
  6. Anterior Triangle of Neck
    • boundaries:
    • 1. sterncleidomastoid
    • 2. mandible
    • 3. midline of neck
  7. Submandibular
    • boundaries:
    • 1. anterior & posterior bellies of digastric
    • 2. inferior mandible

    • contents:
    • - submandibular gland
    • - hypoglossal nerve [XII]
  8. Submental
    • boundaries:
    • 1. hyoid bone
    • 2. anterior belly of digastric
    • 3. midline

    • contents:
    • - floor of mylohyoid muscle
  9. Carotid
    • boundaries:
    • 1. posterior belly of digastric
    • 2. hyiod bone
    • 3. sternocleidomastoid

    • contents:
    • - common carotid
    • - carotid sinus
    • - carotid body
  10. Muscular
    • boundaries:
    • 1. hyoid bone
    • 2. omohyoid
    • 3. sternocleidomastoid
    • 4. midline

    • contents:
    • - thyroid & parathyroid glands
  11. Occipital
    • boundaries:
    • 1.sternocleidomastoid
    • 2. trapezius
    • 3. omohyoid
    • 4. clavicle

    • contents:
    • - accessory nerve [XI]
  12. Subclavian (omoclavicular)
    • boundaries:
    • 1. sternocleidomastoid
    • 2. omohyoid
    • 3. clavicle

    • contents:
    • - subclavian artery
  13. Clavipectoral
    • boundaries:
    • 1. clavicle
    • 2. deltoid
    • 3. pectoralis major

    • contents:
    • - cephalic vein
  14. Suboccipital
    • boundaries:
    • 1. Rectus capitis posterior major
    • 2. Obliquus capitis superior
    • 3. Obliquus capitis inferior

    • Contents:
    • - suboccipital nerve
    • - vertebral artery
  15. Triangle of Auscultation
    • boundaries:
    • 1. trapezius
    • 2. latissimus dorsi
    • 3. medial border of scapula

    • contents:
    • - best place to hear chest sounds
  16. Carotid Sheath
    • contents:
    • 1. Common carotid artery - medially
    • 2. Internal jugular vein - anteriorlaterally
    • 3. Vagus nerve - posteriorly
    • 4. Ansa cervicalis - anterior surface of sheath
Card Set
Contents of various muscular triangles