Transverse Sections

  1. What is this?
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    Dentate Nucleus
  2. What is this?
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    Pons- connects the cortex and the cerebellum
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    Fourth Ventricle
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    Cerrebellar Vermis- proprioception and touch
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    Olfactory Tract - smell
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    Optic Chiasm
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    Optic Tract
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    Internal Carotid Artery
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    Substantia Nigra (serotonin and motor control)
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    Red Nucleus- posture and muscle tone (part of spinal cord)
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    Cerebral Peduncle- facilitates the conduction of signals from cortex and brainstem to other parts of the brain
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    Lateral Geniculate Nucleus- vision
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    Medial Geniculate- deals with perception of auditory pitch
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    Aqueduct of Sylvius- connects the third and fourth ventricles
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    Anterior Commisure
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    Posterior Commissure
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    Head of Caudate- thought to be movement, but also emotion and movement now
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    Putamen- prepares and aides in movement of limbs
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    Globus Pallidus- autonomic movement
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    Internal Capsule- sensory and motor function
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    Thalmus- processes information from the spinal cord, also sleep, consciousness and alertness
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    Habenula- receives input from the limbic system and basal ganglia, and co-ordinates the release of dopamine in response
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    Hippocampus- directions, memory
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    Cerebellum- motor learning, co-ordination, posture and language
  25. What is this?
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    Optic Chiasm
  26. What is this?
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    Mamillary Bodies- recognition memory (peoples' faces)
  27. What is this?
Card Set
Transverse Sections