
  1. Acr/o
    Extermity; top
  2. Acromegaly
    Acr/o -megaly
    Enlargement of many skeletal structures, including the extremities, nose, forehead, and jaw
  3. Aden/o
  4. Adenoma
    Aden/o -oma
    Benign tumor of a gland
  5. Adrenal/o; adren/o
  6. Adrenalectomy
    Adrenal/o -ectomy
    Excision of the adrenal gland
  7. Andr/o
    Male; man
  8. Androgen
    Andr/o -gen
    Substance producing male characteristics such as the hormone testosterone
  9. Calc/o
  10. Hypercalcemia
    Hyper- calc/o -emia
    Excessive amounts of calcium in the blood
  11. Crin/o
    To secrete
  12. Endocrinologist
    Endo- crin/o -logist
    Specialist in the study of diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the endocrine glands and their hormones
  13. Endocrinology
    Endo- crin/o -logy
    The study of the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine disorders
  14. Estr/o
  15. Estrogen
    Estr/o -gen
    Female sex hormones
  16. Gluc/o
  17. Glucogensis
    Gluc/o -genesis
    Production of sugar
  18. Gluconeogenesis
    Gluc/o neo- -genesis
    Production of sugar from fats and proteins
  19. Glyc/o
  20. Glycolysis
    Glyc/o -lysis
    Breakdown of sugars
  21. Hyperglycemia
    Hyper- glyc/o -emia
    Excessive amounts of sugar in the blood
  22. Hypoglycemia
    Hypo- glyc/o -emia
    Deficient amounts of sugar in the blood
  23. Glycogen/o
    Glycogen (storage form of sugar)
  24. Glycogenolysis
    Glycogen/o -lysis
    Breakdown of glycogen to form glucose
  25. Gonad/o
    • Gonads; sex glands
    • (testes and ovaries)
  26. Hypergonadism
    Hyper- gonad/o -ism
    Condition characterized by excessive secretion of gonadal hormones (resulting in early sexual developement)
  27. Gynec/o
  28. Gynecomastia
    Gynec/o -mast -ia
    Abnormal enlargement of the male breast
  29. Home/o
  30. Homeostasis
    Home/o -stasis
    A balanced, yet sometimes varying, state
  31. Insulin/o
  32. Hypoinsulinism
    Hypo- insulin/o -ism
    Condition characterized by decreased amounts of insulin secretion (resulting in hyperglycemia)
  33. Kal/o
  34. Hyperkalemia
    Hyper- kal/o -emia
    Excessive amounts of potassium in the blood
  35. Natr/o
  36. Hyponatremia
    Hypo- natr/o -emia
    Deficient amounts of sodium in the blood
  37. Pancreat/o
  38. Pancreatogenic
    Pancreat/o -genic
    Produced by the pancreas
  39. Parathyroid/o
    Parathyroid gland
  40. Hyperparathyroidism
    Hyper- parathyroid/o -ism
    Condition characterized by excessive secretion of parathormone (resulting in loss of calcium from the bone)
  41. Pituitar/o
    Pituitary gland
  42. Panhypopituitarism
    Pan- hypo- pituitar/o -ism
    Condition characterized by a deficiency of all pituitary hormones (resulting in dwarfism and a deterioration of secondary sex characteristics)
  43. Thyr/o; thyroid/o
    Thyroid gland; sheild
  44. Euthyroid
    Eu- thyr/o -oid
    Normal thyroid gland
  45. Eu-
    Normal; good
  46. -gen
  47. -genesis
  48. Radi/o
  49. Immun/o
  50. Hyperthyroidism
    Hyper- thyroid -ism
    Condition characterized by excessive secretion of the thyroid hormones (resulting in goiter, an enlarged thyroid gland, and exophthalmos, an abnormal protrusion of the eyes)
  51. Thyroiditis
    Thyroid/o -itis
    Inflammation of the thyroid gland
  52. Thyrotomy
    Thyr/o -tomy
    Process of cutting into the thyroid gland
  53. Ure/o
    Urea (end product of protein breakdown, found in urine)
  54. Antidiuretic hormone
    Anti- dia- ure/o -tic
    A hormone the prevents the loss of excessive amounts of urine
  55. -assay
    Analysis of a mixture to identify its content
  56. Radioimmunoassay
    Radi/o immun/o -assay
    Blood test used to identify hormonal levels in blood plasma. The hormones are labeled with radioactive substance.
  57. -crine
    To secrete
  58. Endocrine hormones
    Hormones secreted by the endocrine glands into the bloodstream
  59. Exocrine hormones
    Glands that secrete chemicals into ducts
  60. -dipsia
  61. Polydipsia
    Poly- -dipsia
    Excessive thirst
  62. -physis
    To grow
  63. Adenohypophysis
    Aden/o hypo- -physis
    Another name for anterior pituitary gland. So named because the anterior pituitary is made up of glandular tissue.
  64. Neurohypophysis
    Neur/o hypo- physis
    Another name for posterior pituitary gland. The root indicates that the posterior pituitary is made up of neural tissue.
  65. -tropic
  66. Adrenocorticotropic
    Adren/o cortic/o -tropic
    Pituitary hormone that stimulates the adrenal cortex to produce and secrete its own hormone.
  67. Gonadotropic hormone
    Gonad/o -tropic
    Pitutiary hormone that stimulates the gonads to produce and secrete their own hormones
  68. Somatotropic hormone
    Somat/o -tropic
    Pituitary hormone that stimulates growth of body tissues
  69. Somat/o
  70. Oxy-
    Sharp; quick
  71. Oxytocin
    Oxy- -tocin
    Pituitary hormone that quickens chilbirth by causing uterine contractions
  72. -tocin
  73. Constrict/o
    To draw together
  74. Dilat/o
    To expand
  75. Angi/o
    (see also vascul/o; vas/o)
  76. Angiography
    Angi/o -graphy
    Process of recording a blood vessel using x-rays following injection of a contrast medium
  77. Angioplasty
    Angi/o -plasty
    Surgical repair of stenosed (narrowed) blood vessels
  78. Angiospasm
    Angi/o -spasm
    Sudden, involuntary contraction of a blood vessel; vasospasm
  79. Aort/o
  80. Aortostenosis
    Aort/o -stenosis
    Narrowing of the aorta
  81. Aortotomy
    Aort/o -tomy
    Incision into the aorta
  82. Transaortic
    Trans- aort/o -ic
    Pertaining to across the aorta
  83. Arteri/o
  84. Arteriography
    Arteri/o -graphy
    Process of recording the arteries using x-rays and following injection of a contrast medium
  85. Arteriole
    Arteri/o -ole
    Small arteries
  86. -ole
  87. Arteriosclerosis
    Arteri/o -sclerosis
    Hardening of the arteries (due to the loss of elasticity of the arterial walls)
  88. Arteriostenosis
    Arteri/o -stenosis
    Narrowing of an artery
  89. Endarterectomy
    Endo- arteri/o -ectomy
    Removal of the inner lining of the arterial wall
  90. Ather/o
    Fatty Debris; fatty plaque
  91. Atheroma
    Ather/o -Oma
    Fatty mass or debris
  92. Atherosclerosis
    Ather/o -sclerosis
    Accumulation of fatty debris on the inner wall; a type of arteriosclerosis
  93. Atherectomy
    Ather/o -ectomy
    Excision or removal of fatty debris (from an arterial wall)
  94. Atri/o
    Atrium (upper chamber o the heart)
  95. Interartrial septum
    Wall between the atria
  96. Cardi/o
  97. Cardiologist
    Specialist in the study of the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease and disorders
  98. Cardiology
    The study of the heart, including the diagnosis and treatment of heart disorders
  99. Cardiomegaly
    Cardi/o -megaly
    Enlarged heart
  100. Electrocardiogram
    Record of the electrical activity of the heart
  101. Myocardial
    My/o cardi/o -al
    Pertaining to the heart muscle
  102. Cardiomyopathy
    Cardi/o my/o -pathy
    Disease of the heart muscle
  103. Pancarditis
    Pan- cardi/o -itis
    Inflammation of all the walls of the Heart
  104. Pericarditis
    Inflammation of the pericardium
  105. Pericardium
    Structure surrounding the heart
  106. Coron/o
  107. Coronary arteries
    The arteries that supply the heart with blood
  108. Ech/o
  109. Echocardiogram
    Record of the heart produced by high-frequency sound waves
  110. Embol/o
  111. Embolus
    A plug of clotted blood that is transported through the bloodstream by the blood current
  112. Isch/o
    Hold back
  113. Myocardial ischemia
    My/o cardi/o -al Isch/o -emia
    A hold back of blood to the heart muscle
  114. Phleb/o
  115. Phlebothrombosis
    Phleb/o thromb/o -osis
    Abnormal condition of clots in a vein
  116. Thromb/o
  117. Thrombophlebitis
    Thromb/o phleb/o -itis
    Inflammation of a vein with clot formation
  118. Rhythm/o
  119. Arrhythmia
    A- rhythm/o -ia
    Deviation from the normal heart rhythm
  120. Scler/o
  121. Sclerotherapy
    Injection of a solution into a vein for the purpose of destroying the vein's inner lining by hardening.
  122. Thrombus
    A blood clot that obstructs a blood vessel
  123. Valvul/o
  124. Valvuloplasty
    Valvul/o -plasty
    Surgical repair of a valve
  125. Varic/o
    Twisted and swollen
  126. Varicose veins
    Twisted, swollen superficial veins, typically of the saphenous vein o the lower leg
  127. Vascul/o
  128. Avascular
    A- vascul/o -ar
    Pertaining to no blood vessels
  129. Cerebrovascular accident
    Disturbance in the flow of blood to one or more parts of the brain; commonly know as a stroke
  130. Extravasation
    Extra- vas/o -ion
    Escape of fluid into the surroinding tissue; for example, the escape of blood from a blood vessel into the surrounding tissue
  131. Vasoconstriction
    Vas/o constrict/o -ion
    Narrowing of a vessel; vasospasm
  132. Vasodilation
    Vas/o dilat/o -ion
    Widening of the vessel; angiectasis
  133. Ven/o
  134. Venous
    Ven/o -ous
    Pertaining to a vein
  135. Venule
    Ven/o -ule
    Small vein
  136. Ventricul/o
    Ventricle (lower chamber of the heart)
  137. Interventricular septum
    Pertaining to the wall between ventricles
  138. -ectasis
    Dilation; dilatation; stretching
  139. Angiectasis
    Angi/o -ectasis
    Dilation of a blood vessel; vasodilation
  140. -Brady
  141. Bradycardia
    -Brady cardi/o -ia
    Slow heartbeat
  142. -tachy
  143. Tachycardia
    -tachy cardi/o -ia
    Fast heartbeat
  144. Granul/o
  145. Lipid/o
  146. Norm/o
  147. Poikil/o
    Variation; irregular
  148. -edema
    Accumulation of fluid
  149. -plastic
    Pertaining to formation
  150. Mono-
  151. Chrom/o
  152. Hyperchromia
    Hyper- chrom/o -ia
    Excessive pigmented red blood cells above normal
  153. Hypochromia
    Hypo- chrom/o -ia
    Under-pigmented red blood cells
  154. Normochromia
    Norm/o chrom/o -ia
    Normally pigmented red blood cells
  155. Erythr/o
  156. Erythrocyte
    Erythr/o -cyte
    Red blood cell
  157. Hemat/o; hem/o
  158. Hemolysis
    Hem/o -lysis
    Breakdown of blood
  159. Hematologist
    Specialist in the study of blood and blood disorders
  160. Hematology
    Study of blood and blood disorders
  161. Leuk/o
  162. Leukocyte
    White blood cell
  163. Myel/o
    Bone marrow
  164. Myelogenous
    Produced by the bone marrow
  165. Myeloid
    Resembling bone marrow
  166. Reticul/o
  167. Reticulocyte
    A young red blood cell characterized by a network of granules with the cell membrane
  168. Thromb/o
  169. Thrombocyte
    Clotting cell; platelet
  170. Thrombolysis
    Breakdown of a clot that has formed in the blood
  171. Thrombosis
    Blood clot; abnormal condition of clot formation
  172. -blast
  173. Hemocytoblast
    Immature blood cell
  174. Lymphoblast
    Immature lymphocyte, type of white blood cell
  175. Monoblast
    Immature monocyte, type of white blood cell
  176. -crit
  177. Hematocrit
    A laboratory tesy that determines the percentage of erythrocytes in a blood sample
  178. -cytosis
    Increase in the number of cells
  179. Anis/o
  180. Anisocytosis
    Increased variation in the size of cells, particularly red blood cells
  181. Leukocytosis
    Marked increase in the number of white blood cells
  182. Poikilocytosis
    Increased variation in the shape of cells, particularly red blood cells
  183. -emia
    Blood condition
  184. Anemia
    Lack of red blood cells or hemoglobin content in the blood
  185. Erythremia
    Abnormal increase in the number of red blood cells
  186. Hyperbilirubinemia
    Hyper- bilirubin/o -emia
    Above normal levels of bilirubin in the blood
  187. Hypercholesterolemia
    Hyper- cholesterol/o -emia
    Above normal levels of cholesterol in the blood
  188. Hyperlipidemia
    Hyper- lipid/o -emia
    Above normal levels of fats in the blood
  189. Leukemia
    Malignant increase in the number of white blood cells in the blood; considered a form of cancer
  190. -penia
    Deficient; decrease
  191. Erythrocytopenia
    Erythr/o cyt/o -penia
    Decrease in the number of red blood cells; erythropenia
  192. Leukocytopenia
    Leuk/o cyt/o -penia
    Decrease in the number of white blood cells; leukopenia
  193. Pancytopenia
    Pan- cyt/o -penia
    Decrease in the number of all blood cells
  194. Thrombocytopenia
    Thromb/o cyt/o -penia
    Decrease in the number of clotting cells; thrombopenia
  195. -phoresis
    Transmission; carry
  196. Electrophoresis
    A laboratory test in which substances in a mixture, usually proteins, are separated by an electrical current
  197. -poiesis
    Production; manufacture; formation
  198. Erythropoiesis
    Erythr/o -poiesis
    Production of red blood cells
  199. Hematopoiesis
    Hemat/o -poiesis
    Production of blood cells
  200. -poietin
    Hormones regulating the production of various cell types
  201. Erythropoietin
    Erythr/o -poietin
    A hormone in the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells
  202. -stasis
    Stoppage; controlling
  203. Hemostasis
    Hem/o -stasis
    Stoppage of blood
  204. Immun/o
    Immunity; safe
  205. Immunodeficiency
    Inadequate immune response
  206. Immunology
    Study of the immune system; study of how the body responds to foreign substances
  207. Lymphaden/o
    Lymph node
  208. Lymphadenitis
    Lymphaden/o -itis
    Inflammation of the lymph nodes
  209. Lymphadenopathy
    Lymphaden/o -pathy
    Disease (particularly enlargement) of lymph nodes
  210. Lymphangi/o
    Lymph vessels
  211. Lymphangiography
    Lymphangi/o -graphy
    Process of recording the lymph vessels by the use of x-rays, following injection of a contrast medium
  212. Lymphangitis
    Lymphangi/o -itis
    Inflammation of the lymph vessels
  213. Lymph/o
  214. Lymphedema
    Lymph/o -edema
    Accumulation of interstitial fluid due to obstruction of lymphatic structures
  215. Lymphoma
    Lymph/o -oma
    Tumor of lymphatic structures
  216. Splen/o
  217. Splenomegaly
    Splen/o -megaly
    Enlargement of the spleen
  218. Splenorrhagia
    Splen/o -rrhagia
    Hemorrhage from spleen
  219. Splenorrhaphy
    Splen/o -rrhaphy
    Suture of spleen
  220. Thym/o
    Thymus gland
  221. Hemithymectomy
    Hemi- thym/o -ectomy
    Excision of half the thymus gland
  222. Autoimmune disease
    Auto- -immune
    An immune response to one's own body tissue; destruction of one's own cells by the immune system
  223. -stitial
    Pertaining to a place
  224. Interstitial fluid
    Fluid placed or lying between the tissue spaces
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essentials of Med Term 3rd edition Chapter 11-13 (LSC)