
  1. Gli/o
  2. Myelin/o
    Myelin sheath
  3. Tom/o
    To cut
  4. -schisis
    Cleft; splitting
  5. -us
    Contiotion; thing
  6. Para-
  7. Polio-
  8. Tetra-
  9. Cerebull/o
  10. Cerebullar
    Cerebell/o -ar
    Pertaining to the cerebullum
  11. Cerebellitis
    Cerebell/o -itis
    Inflammation of the cerebellum
  12. Cerebr/o
  13. Cerebral
    Cerebr/o -al
    Pertaining to the brain
  14. Cerebrospinal
    Cerebr/o spin/o -al
    Pertaining to the brain and spinal cord
  15. Cerebrovascular
    Cerebr/o vascul/o -ar
    Peetaining to the brain and blood vessels
  16. Cortic/o
    Cortex; outer covering
  17. Cortical
    Cortic/o -al
    Pertaining to the cortex
  18. Corticospinal
    Cortic/o spin/o -al
    Pertaining to the cerebral cortex and spine
  19. Dur/o
    Dura meter (one of the membranes surrounding he brain)
  20. Epidural
    Epi- dur/o -al
    Upon he dura meter
  21. Subdural
    Sub- dur/o -al
    Under the dura meter
  22. Encephal/o
  23. Electroencephalogram
    Record of the eletrical activity of the brain (brain waves)
  24. Electroencephalograph
    Instrument used to record the electrical activity of the brain
  25. Encephalitis
    Encephal/o -itis
    Inflammation of the brain
  26. Encephalomalacia
    Encephal/o -malacia
    Softening of the brain
  27. Encephalopathy
    Encephal/o -pathy
    Any disease of the brain
  28. Hydr/o
  29. Hydroencephalus
    Hydr/o encephal/o -us
    Accumulation of fluid in the brain
  30. Magnet/o
  31. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
    A picture of the brain produced by using magnetic waves
  32. Mening/o
    Meninges; membrane
  33. Meningitis
    Mening/o -itis
    Inflammation of the meninges
  34. Meningoencephalitis
    Mening/o encephal/o itis
    Inflammation of the brain and meninges of the brain
  35. Myel/o
    Spinal cord; bone marrow
  36. Myelogram
    Myel/o gram
    Record of the spinal cord
  37. Myeloschisis
    Myel/o -schisis
    Splitting of the spinal cord
  38. Poliomyelitis
    Polio- myel/o -itis
    Inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord
  39. Neur/o
  40. Myoneural
    My/o neur/o -al
    Pertaining to the muscle and nerve; also know as neuromuscular
  41. Neuralgia
    Neur/o -algia
    Nerve pain
  42. Neurology
    Neur/o -logy
    The study of the nervous system including diseases and treatment
  43. Neurologist
    Neuro/ -logist
    A specialist in the study of the diagnosis and treatment of nervous system disorders
  44. Neurolysis
    Neur/o -lysis
    Nerve destruction
  45. Polyneuritis
    Poly- neur/o -itis
    Inflammation of many nerves
  46. Radicul/o
    Nerve roots
  47. Myeloradiculitis
    Myel/o radicul/o -itis
    Inflammation of the spinal cord and nerve roots
  48. Spinal tap
    Insertion of a needle in the subarachnoid space below the thrid lumbar vertebra to withdraw cerebrospinal fluid for diagnostic purposes; also known a lumbar puncture
  49. Thalam/o
  50. Thalamocortical
    Thalam/o cortic/o -al
    Pertaining to the thalamus and cerebral cortex
  51. Ventricul/o
  52. Ventriculostomy
    Ventricul/o -stomy
    New opening in the ventricles; used to treat hydroencephalitis
  53. -cele
  54. Meningocele
    Mening/o -cele
    Hernia of the meninges; displacement of the meninges from its normal position
  55. Myelomeningocele
    Myel/o mening/o -cele
    Hernia of the spinal cord and meninges; displacement of the spinal cord and meninges from their normal position
  56. -esthesia
  57. Anesthesia
    An- esthesia
    Loss of sensation
  58. Hypoesthesia
    Hypo- esthesia
    Decreased sensation
  59. Hyperesthesia
    Hyper- esthesia
    Increased sensation
  60. Dysesthesia
    Dys- esthesia
    Irritating sensation in response to normal stimuli
  61. Paraesthesia
    Para- esthesia
    Abnormal sensation such as numbness and tingling
  62. -graphy
    Process of recording; process of producing images
  63. Cerebral angiography
    The cerebral arteries are visuallized after injection of a contrast medium
  64. Computed tomography
    Xray beam rotates around the patient, detailing the structure at various depths. The information is computer analyzed and converted to a picture of the body part
  65. Electroencephalography
    Process of recording the electrical impulses of the brain
  66. Myelography
    Image of the spinal cord is produced using xrays after injection of a contrast medium
  67. Hyperkinesis
    Hyper- kinesis
    Excessive motion; hyperactivity
  68. Dyskinesia
    Impaired movement
  69. Bradykinesia
    Slow movement
  70. -Oma
    Tumor; mass
  71. Hematoma
    Hemat/o -Oma
    Accumulation of blood in a space, organ, of tissue due to a break in a blood vessel; examples are epidural and subdural hematomas
  72. Glioma
    Gli/o -oma
    Tumor of neuroglial cells
  73. Meningioma
    Menging/o -Oma
    Benign tumor of meninges
  74. -phasia
  75. Aphasia
    a- -phasia
    No speech
  76. Dysphasia
    Dys- -phasia
    Difficult speech
  77. -plegia
    Paralysis (loss or impairment of motor function)
  78. Diplegia
    Di- -plegia
    Paralysis of like extremities on both sides of the body
  79. Hemiplegia
    Hemi- -plegia
    Paralysis of either the right or the left half ofthe body
  80. Monoplegia
    Paralysis of one extremity
  81. Paraplegia
    Paralysis of the lower part of the body and legs
  82. Tetraplegia
    Paralysis of all four limbs; quadriplegia
  83. -taxia
    Order; coordination
  84. Ataxia
    A- -taxia
    No muscular coordination (often due to cerebellar dysfunction)
  85. de-
    Lack of; removal
  86. Demyelination
    de- myelin/o -ion
    Lack of myelin sheath
  87. Pachy
  88. Pachymeningitis
    Pachy mening/o -itis
    • Inflammation of the pachymeninges
    • Note - pachymeninges is another name for dura meter
  89. Ambly/o
    Dull; dim
  90. Coagulati/o
    To condense; to clot
  91. Dipl/o
  92. Emmetr/o
    In proper measure
  93. Is/o
  94. -conus
  95. -edema
    Accumulation of fluid
  96. -iasis
    Abnormal condition; process
  97. -metrist
    Specialist in the measurement of
  98. -ory
    Pertaining to
  99. Myein-
    To shut
  100. Presby-
    Old age
  101. Pseudo-
  102. Aque/
  103. Aqueous humor
    Pertaining to fhe watery fluid found in the anterior cavity
  104. Blepharopexy
    Surgical fixation of the eyelid
  105. Blepharoplasty
    Surgical reconstruction of the eyelid
  106. Symblepharon
    Adhesion of the eyelid to the eyeball
  107. Chori/o
  108. Choriorentinitis
    Chori/o retin/o -itis
    Inflammation of the choroid and retina
  109. Retin/o
  110. Choroid/o
    Choroid; membrane
  111. Choroiditis
    Choroid/o -itis
    Inflammation of the choroid
  112. Conjunctiv/o
  113. Conjunctivtis
    Conjunctiv/o -itis
    Inflammation of the conjunctiva
  114. Core/o
  115. Anisocoria
    An- is/o core/o -ia
    Inequality in the size of the pupil
  116. Coreometer
    Core/o -meter
    Instrument used to measure the pupil
  117. Corne/o
    Also see kerat/o
  118. Corneal
    Corne/o -al
    Pertaining to the cornea
  119. Cycl/o
    Ciliary body
  120. Cycloplegia
    Cycl/o -plegia
    Paralysis of the ciliary body
  121. -dacry/o
    Also see lacrim/o
  122. Dacryogenic
    Dacry/o -genic
    Producing tears
  123. Dacryocyst/o
    Lacrimal sac
  124. Dacryocystostenosis
    Dacryocyst/o -stenosis
    Narrowing of a lacrial sac
  125. Goni/o
    Angle (of anterior chamber)
  126. Gonioscopy
    Goni/o -scopy
    Process of visually examining the angle of the anterior chamber with the aid of a gonioscope
  127. Irid/o ; ir/o
  128. Iridocyslitis
    Irid/o cycl/o -itis
    Inflamation of the iris and ciliary body
  129. Iritis
    Ir/o -itis
    Inflammation of the iris
  130. Iridectomy
    Irid/o -ectomy
    Excision of the iris
  131. Kerat/o
  132. Keratoconjunctivitis
    Kerat/o conjunctiv/o -itis
    Inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva
  133. Keratoconus
    Kerat/o -conus
    Abnormal, cone-shaped protrusion of the cornea
  134. Keratomycosis
    Kerat/o myc/o -osis
    Fungal infection of the cornea
  135. Keratoplasty
    Surgical repair of the cornea; corneal transplant
  136. Lacrim/o
  137. Nasolacrimal
    Nas/o lacrim/o -al
    Pertaining to the nose and lacrimal appartus
  138. Mi/o
    Contraction; less
  139. Miosis
    Mi/o -osis
    Abnormal contraction of the pupil
  140. Miotic
    A drug used to constrict the pupil
  141. Mydri/o
    Wide; dilation; dilatation
  142. Mydriasis
    Mydri/o -iasis
    Dilation of the pupil
  143. Mydriatic
    Mydri/o -tic
    Pertaijing to a drug used to dilate the pupil
  144. Ocul/o
  145. Extraocular
    Pertaining to the outside of the eye
  146. Intraocular
    Pertaining to within the eye
  147. Opthalm/o
  148. Exopthalmia
    • Outward protrusion
    • Of the eyeball
  149. Opthalmologist
    A specialist in the study of the diagnosis and Medical and surgical treatment of eye disorders
  150. Opthalmology
    The study of the eye, including diseases and treatment
  151. Opthalmoscopy
    Process of visual examination of the eye; also know as funduscopy
  152. Opt/o
    Vision; sight
  153. Optic
    Opt/o -ic
    Pertaining to vision or sight
  154. Optician
    Opt/o -ician
    Expert who fill perscriptions for eyeglasses and contact lenses
  155. Optometrist
    Opt/o -metrist
    Specialist in testing of visual function and in the diagnosis and nonsurgical treatment of eye conditions
  156. Palpebr/o
  157. Palpebral
    Palperbr/o -al
    Pertaining to eyelid
  158. Papill/o
    Optic disc
  159. Papilledema
    Papill/o -edema
    Accumulation of fluid in the optic disc
  160. Phac/o; phak/o
  161. Aphakia
    Absence of lens
  162. Phacomalacia
    Phac/o -malacia
    Softening of the lens
  163. Pseudophakia
    Pseudo- phak/o -ia
    Condition characterized by replacement of the lens with connective tissue
  164. Phot/o
  165. Cyclophotocoagulation
    Cycl/o phot/o coagulati/o -ion
    Destruction of a portion of the ciliary body using a laser
  166. Coagulati/o
    To condense; to clot
  167. Photocoagulation
    A beam from a laser is aimed at the site of injury to condense the retinal tissue, thus repairing any retinal tears or detachment
  168. Photophobia
    Intolerance or sensitivity to light
  169. Pupill/o
  170. Pupillary
    Pertaining to the pupil
  171. Retin/o
  172. Retinal detachment
    Seperation of the retina from underlying tissue
  173. Retinopathy
    Any disease of the retina
  174. Retinopexy
    Surgical fixation of the retina
  175. Retinoschisis
    Splitting of the retina
  176. Scler/o
  177. Sclerectomy
    Scler/o -ectomy
    Excision of the scler/o
  178. Ton/o
  179. Tonometry
    • Measurement of intraocular pressure
    • Note- a diagnostic tool for glaucoma
  180. Trabecul/o
    Meshwork; lattice
  181. Trabeculoplasty
    Trabecul/o -plasty
    Surgical reconstruction of the trabecular meshwork of the canal of schlemm
  182. Uve/o
    Uvea (includes the choroid, ciliary body, and iris)
  183. Uveitis
    Inflammation of the uvea
  184. Vitre/o
    Glasslike; gel-like
  185. Vitrectomy
    Removal of some or all othe vitreous humor and its replacement with clear fluid
  186. Viterous humor
    A gel-like, glassy substance in the posterior cavity
  187. -chalasis
  188. Blepharochalasis
    Relaxation of the eyelid
  189. -opia; -opsia
    Visual condition; vision
  190. Ambly/o
    Dull; dim
  191. Amblyopia
    Dimness of vision
  192. Diplopia
    Double vision
  193. Hemianopsia; hemianopia
    Lack of vision in half the visual field
  194. Presbyopia
    Impaired vision due to advanced age
  195. Hyperopia
    Light rays focus behind the retina; farsightedness
  196. Myopia
    Light rays are focused in front of the retina; nearsightedness
  197. -tropia
  198. Emmetropia
    Normal vision
  199. Emmetr/o
    In proper measure
  200. Esotropia
    Turning inward of the eyeball
  201. Exotropia
    Turning outward of the eyeball
  202. Hypertropia
    Upward turning of the eyeball
  203. Hypotropia
    Downward turning of the eyeball
  204. -tropion
  205. Ectropion
    Outward turningn of the eyelid
  206. Entropion
    Inward turning of the eyelid
  207. Audi/o
  208. Audiogram
    Record of patient's hearing ability
  209. Audiometry
    Measurement of a patient's hearing
  210. Audit/o
  211. Auditory
    Pertaining to hearing
  212. Aur/o
  213. Aural
    Pertaining to the ear
  214. Cochle/o
  215. Cochlear
    Pertaining to the cochlea
  216. Electrocochleography
    Process of recording the electrical activity of the cochlea
  217. Labyrinth/o
    Inner ear; labyrinth
  218. Labyrinthitis
    Inflammation of the inner ear
  219. Myring/o also see tampan/o
    Tympanic membrane; eardrum
  220. Myringotomy
    Process of cutting into the eardrum to remove fluid from the middle ear
  221. Ossicul/o
    Ossicles (malleus, incus, and stapes collectively)
  222. Ossiculoplasty
    Surgical reconstruction of the ossicles
  223. Ot/o
  224. Otalgia
  225. Otitis media
    Inflammation of the middle ear. Ifthe inflammation results in a buildup of watery fluid, it is known as serious otitis media. F there is a build up of puss, the condition is kmow as purulent otitis media
  226. Otorrhea
    Discharge from the ear
  227. Otosclerosis
    Ot/o -sclerosis
    Fusion of stapes onto the oval window
  228. Otoscope
    Instrument used to visually examine the ear
  229. Salping/o
    Eustachian tube
  230. Salpingoscope
    Instrument used to visually examine the eustachian tube
  231. Staped/o
  232. Stapedectomy
    Removal of stapes
  233. Tympan/o
    Tympanic membrane; eardrum
  234. Tympanoplasty
    Surgical repair of the eardrum; myringoplasty
  235. -cusis
  236. Presbycusis
    Diminished hearing due to old age
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essentials of Med Term 3rd edition LSC