What are the national planning documents that influence joint operations?
- National Security Strategy (NSS)
- National Defense Strategy (NDS)
- National Military Strategy (NMS)
How does interdependency and interoperability relate to the joint force?
C2 capabilities within joint force HQ, component commands, and supporting commands must be interoperable to facilitate control of forces.
What are the values of joint service?
Integrity, competence, physical courage, moral courage, teamwork
What are the principles of joint operations?
- Mass
- Objective
- Security
- Surprise
- Maneuvre
- Offensive
- Unity of Command
- Simplicity
- Economy of Force
- Restraint
- Perseverance
- Legitimacy
What are the primary instruments of national power?
- Diplomatic
- Informational
- Military
- Economic
What is the purpose of the Armed Forces of the United States?
To fight and win the nation's wars
How does a joint perspective and unified action increase the power available to commanders?
The capacity of the Armed Forces to operate as a cohesive joint team is a key advantage in any operational environment. Unity of effort facilitates decisive unified action focused on national objectives and leads to common solutions to national security challenges. (Ref. JP1, Pg. I1)
What is meant by a whole-of-government approach?
- Advancing our interests to strengthen security relationships/capacity with mil forces of partner nations, US/foreign and state/local government agencies, and intergovernmental or nongovernmental organizations.
- Refine and proportionally integrate the military with all of the tools of American power and work with our partner nations to do the same
What is meant by a comprehensive approach?
Synchronization, coordination, and integration of mil ops with the activities of other governmental and nongovernmental organizations to achieve unity of effort.
What is meant by the term: unified action?
A comprehensive approach (broader connotation than “Jt ops”) that synchronizes, coordinates, and integrates military ops (when appropriate) with the activities of other gov and NGOs, IGOs (e.g., the UN), and the private sector to achieve unity of effort.
Why is unified action important?
- Achieves unity of effort.
- Creates synergistic effects.
- Achieve national strategic objectives/political end states.
- When integrated into Jt ops with partner military Services and other defense, logistical, and intelligence agencies, they become capable of unified action.
- Successful joint operations merge capabilities and skill sets of assigned Service components.
- Interoperability and effective integration of service capabilities enhance joint operations to accomplish US Gov objective(s), building on US traditions of conducting joint operations that began with the Revolutionary War.
What are the core competencies of the Army?
- Military Engagement
- Security Cooperation and Deterrence
- Crisis Response and Limited Contingency
- Major Operations and Campaigns
What are the core competencies of the Navy?
- Forward Presence
- Deterrence
- Sea Control
- Power Projection
- Maritime Security
What are the core competencies of the AF?
- Nuclear Deterrence Operations
- Air Superiority
- Space Superiority
- Cyberspace Superiority
- Agile Combat Support
- Rapid Global Mobility
- C2
- ISR (Global Integrated)
- Global Precision Attack
- Special Operations
- Personnel Recovery
- Building Partnerships
What are the core competencies of the Marines?
- Forcible Entry from the Sea
- Expeditionary Readiness
- Combined Arms Integration
- Expeditionary Operations
- Sea-Based Operations
- Reserve Integration
What specific types of Service forces are assigned and apportioned to USEASTCOM? (USEASTCOM SOP, Page 8)
- 4 Star CCDR, USEASTCOM (Norfolk, VA)
- 3 Star Commander, US Air Forces East (Barksdale, LA)
- 1 Star Commander, US Forces Tunisia (Tunis)
- 1 Star Commander, Spec Ops Command East (Dam Neck, VA)
- 3 Star Commander, US Army East (Vicenza, IT)
- 3 Star Commander, US Naval Forces East (Naples, IT)
- 3 Star Commander, US Marine Corps Forces East (Norfolk, VA)
What are the roles of the US Coast Guard?
Roles to support U.S. combatant commands is outlined in a Memorandum of Agreement signed by the Secretaries of Defense and Transportation in 1995. Maritime intercept operations, deployed port operations/security and defense, peacetime engagement, and environmental defense operations (ST1, Page 121 thru 122)
What are the Missions of the US Coast Guard? (ST1, page 123)
- Coastal sea control
- Maritime and air interception/interdiction
- Maritime homeland security and counterterrorism
- Port operations, security and defense
- Maritime operational threat response
- Counterillicit trafficking operations
What is driving change in my Service?
- The Complex Environment: multitude of actors (state/nonstate); lack of effective governance or rule of law; politically fragmented; increasingly urbanized
- Evolving Conflicts: Complex causes; often unconstrained by borders or governments; requirement for discriminate lethality; blurred transition between phases, more actors enabled by advanced weaponry
- Future Force Characteristics: depth & versatility; adaptive & innovative; flexible & agile; integrated & synchronized; scalable and tailorable; lethal & discriminate; modernized & networked
What are some of the benefits of a joint perspective that benefit the joint commander? (JP 3.0, Chapter 1)
- Unity of command
- Synergy from integration/synchronization of Service components’ capabilities (in time, space, and purpose) under a single JFC maximizes the effectiveness and efficiency of the force
- Advance and defend US values and interests
- Achieve objectives consistent with national strategy
- Conclude ops on terms favorable to the US
- Advantages extend beyond the operational environment and across the range of military operations
What are the key operational capabilities of my Service grouped by joint functions?
- C2: Establish, Organize and operate a Joint Forces HQ
- Intel: Collection of data; analysis of information and production of intelligence
- Movement and Maneuver: Deploy, shift, regroup or move joint force formations within the operational area by any means or mode (air, sea, and land)
- Fires: Provide joint fire support
- Protection: Establishing antiterrorism programs
- Sustainment: Movement, evacuation, and hospitalization of personnel
What are the key limitations of my Service grouped by joint functions?
- C2: Establish appropriate command authorities among subordinate commands
- Intel: Evaluation and feedback regarding intelligence effectiveness and quality
- Movement and Maneuver: Control significant areas in the operational area whose possession or control provides either side an operational advantage
- Fires: Assess the results of employing fires
- Protection: Providing emergency management and response capabilities and services
- Sustainment: Operational Contract Support (OCS)
What are the values of your Service and how do they compare to the Joint values?
- USAF: Integrity, Service, Excellence.
- Joint Values: Duty, Honor, Courage, Integrity, Selfless Service Values.
- The Profession of Arms demands its members live by the values described in the "City on the Hill" metaphor. We must provide an example to the world that cannot be diminished by hardships and challenges. This example is based upon the words and intent of the US Constitution that each of us takes a personal oath to support and defend. Our oath demands each of us display moral courage and always do what is right, regardless of the cost. We are all volunteers in our willingness to serve and to place others' needs above our own. As shared values, our calling cards are Duty, Honor, Courage, Integrity, and Selfless Service. Commitment to the rule of law is integral to our values which provide the moral and ethical fabric of our profession.