nonnullus -a -um
some, several
nubo nubere nupsi nuptum (+ dat.)
ob (+ acc.)
on account of, because of
obviam eo (ire ivi or ii itum) (+ dat)
go to meet
occasio -ionis f.
opportunity, suitable moment
occido -cidere -cidi -casum
fall down, die, set (of sun)
officium -i n.
duty, function, job
omen ominis n.
omen, sign
onerarius -a -um
freight-carrying (of merchant ships and pack animals)
onerosus -a -um
burdensome, heavy
opinio -onis f.
opinion, belief
opinor (1)
think, believe
oportet -ere -uit
it is necessary, right
ordo ordinis m.
order, row, rank, class
otium -i n.
leisure, peace
pabulor (1)
forage, search for food
pateo patere patui
be open, clear, evident
patrius -a -um
hereditary, ancestral, of one=s father
pecco (1)
sin, make a mistake
pecus pecudis f.
animal, head of cattle
pecus pecoris n.
herd, cattle
pedester -tris -tre
on foot, on land
placidus -a -um
quiet, peaceful
planus -a -um
level, clear
plebs plebis f.
the common people, the masses
pluit pluere pluit
it rains
pondus ponderis n.
posterior (gen. -oris)
later, next, following
postremus -a -um
last, hindmost
potior potiri potitus sum (+ gen. or abl.)
get, obtain, possess
potior -us
better, preferable
potius (adv.)
rather, preferably, more
praeceps (gen. -cipitis)
headlong, precipitous
praecipito (1)
throw or cast down, headlong
probus -a -um
good, upright, virtuous
propter (+ acc.)
near, on account of
provideo -videre -vidi -visum
see to, provide for, foresee
pudet pudere puduit or puditum est
it causes shame, one is ashamed
quaestor -oris m.
although, (with adj. and adv.) however
queror queri questus sum
quies quietis f.
rest, calm
quisquam quaequam quicquam
anyone, anything
rapax (gen. rapacis)
grasping, greedy
ratio -onis f.
reason, method, plan, way
reperio -ire repperi repertum
find, find out
restituo -uere -ui -utum
restore, return
salio salire salui saltum
leap, jump
satisfacio -facere -feci -factum (+ dat.)
sceleratus -a -um
wicked, criminal
seges segetis f.
growing corn
servitus -utis f.
sidus sideris n.
star, constellation
sileo silere silui
be silent
sinus -us m.
breast, lap, bay
sisto sistere stiti statum
place, be placed, stop
sollicito (1)
disturb, make anxious, urge, provoke, incite
sollicitudo -inis f.
worry, anxiety
sollicitus -a -um
worried, anxious
spatium -i n.
space, distance, interval
sponte sua, mea, tua
of its (my, your) own accord, by itself (myself, yourself)
statio -onis f.
position, outpost
studeo studere studui (+ dat.)
be eager, keen on, devote oneself to, favour
studium -i n.
eagerness, enthusiasm, good-will, study
subeo -ire -ii or -ivi itum
approach, enter, undergo
subter (adv. and prep. + acc.)
below, underneath
subvenio -venire -veni -ventum (+ dat.)
come to help, help
succurro -currere -curri -cursum (+ dat.)
come to help, help
supplex (gen. -icis)
imploring, suppliant (and as a noun)
supplico (1) (+ dat.)
beseech, implore
superior -ius
higher, previous, superior
supra (adv. and prep. + acc.)
above, beyond
supremus -a -um
last, latest, greatest
summus -a -um
highest, the top of, utmost, extreme
tellus -uris f.
earth, land, country
tempestas -atis f.
weather, storm
testor (1)
show, prove, declare, call to witness
trepido (1)
be alarmed, agitated