Medical Terminology

  1. Plural of a term ending in -a?
  2. Plural of a term ending in -ax?
  3. Plural of a term ending in -en?
  4. Plural of a term ending in -ex?
  5. Plural of a term ending in -is?
  6. Plural of a term ending in -ix?
  7. Plural of a term ending in -ma?
  8. Plural of a term ending in -on?
  9. Plural of a term ending in -um?
  10. Plural of a term ending in -us?
    • -era
    • -i
    • -ora
  11. Plural of a term ending in -x?
  12. Plural of a term ending in -y?
  13. Plural of a term ending in -yx?
  14. -al
    • Suffix
    • "pertaining to"
  15. -ist
    • Suffix
    • "specialist"
  16. -ry
    • Suffix
    • "occupation"
  17. Dent-
    • Root
    • "tooth"
  18. Dia-
    • root
    • "complete"
  19. -gnosis
    • Suffix
    • "knowledge of an abnormal condition"
  20. -tic
    • suffix
    • "pertaining to"
  21. -gnose
    • suffix
    • "recognize an abnormal condition"
  22. hem/o-
    • combining form
    • "blood"
  23. -rrhage
    • suffix
    • "to flow profusely"
  24. murmur
    • Latin
    • "abnormal sound heard on auscultation of the heart or blood vessels"
  25. -ia
    • suffix
    • "condition"
  26. pyrex-
    • root
    • "fever, heat"
  27. Hypo-
    • prefix
    • "below, deficient"
  28. tens-
    • root
    • "pressure"
  29. -ion
    • suffix
    • "condition"
  30. Hyper-
    • root
    • "excessive"
  31. Cost/o-
    • combining form
    • "rib"
  32. Vertebr-
    • root
    • "spine"
  33. -al
    • suffix
    • "pertaining to"
  34. Neurology
    study of the diseases of the nervous system
  35. Ureter
    Tube from the kidney to the bladder.
  36. Urethra
    The tube from the bladder to the outside of the body.
  37. Hypotension
    Low blood pressure
  38. Hypertension
    Condition of high blood pressure.
  39. Costovertebral
    pertaining to the rib and spine
  40. Orthopedist
    Bone Specialist
  41. ENT
    Ear, nose, and throat specialist.
  42. Urology
    The study of diseases of the kidney and bladder and the male reproductive system.
  43. Hemostasis
    stopping bleeding
  44. Atom
    • Greek for indivisible
    • "a small unit of matter"
  45. Blastocyst
    • blast/o- "immature cell"
    • -cyst "cyst, sack, bladder"

    The first 2 weeks of an embryo developing
  46. Cell
    Latin for "a storeroom"

    The smallest unit capable of independent existence.
  47. Cellular
    • Adj.
    • Pertaining to a cell
  48. Cytology
    cyt/o- "cell"

    Study of the cell
  49. Fertilization
    Fertiliz- "to bear"

    Union of a male sperm and a female egg.
  50. Fertilize

    Union of a male sperm and a female egg.
  51. Holistic
    holist- "whole"

    Pertaining to the care of the whole person in physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions.
  52. -ule

  53. Molec-

  54. Molecule
    Very small particle consisting of two or more atoms held tightly together.
  55. Oocyte
    Female egg cell
  56. o/o
    combining form

  57. Organ
    Latin for "instrument, tool"

    Structure with specific functions in a body system
  58. Organelle
    -elle "small"

    Part of a cell having a specialized function.
  59. -elle
    • suffix
    • "small"
  60. Tissue
    Latin for "to weave"

    Collection of similar cells
  61. vitro
  62. In vitro fertilization
    Process of combining a sperm and egg in a laboratory dish and placing resulting embryos inside a uterus.
  63. Zygote
    Greek for "yolked"

    Cell resulting from the union of the sperm and the egg.
  64. Order of composition of the body, largest to smallest.
    • Organism
    • Organ systems
    • Organs
    • Tissues
    • Cells
    • Organelles
    • Molecules
    • Atoms
  65. What basic functions of life do the cells derived from a zygote carry out?
    • Manufacture of lipids and protiens
    • Production and use of energy
    • Communication with other cells
    • Replication of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
    • Reproduction
  66. -plasm
    • Suffix
    • "something formed"
  67. Cytoplasm
    Clear, gelatinous substance that forms the substance of a cell except for the nucleus.
  68. DNA
    Deoxyribonucleic acid

    Source of hereditary characteristics found in chromosomes.
  69. Electr/o-
    Combining form

  70. -lyte

  71. Electrolyte
    Substance that, when dissolved in a suitable medium, forms electrically charged particles
  72. Hormone
    Greek for "set in motion"

    Chemical formed in one tissue or organ and carried by the blood to stimulate or inhibit a function of another tissue or organ
  73. Intra-

  74. Intracellular
    Withing the cell
  75. Membrane
    Latin for "Parchment"

    Thin layer of tissue covering a structure or cavity
  76. Metabol-

  77. -ism

  78. Metabolism
    The constantly changing physical and chemical processes occuring in the cell.
  79. Metabolic
    Pertaining to metabolism
  80. Mit/o-
    Combining form

  81. Chondr/o-
    Combining form

    "cartilage, rib, granule"
  82. -ion

    "action, condition"
  83. Mitochondrion, Mitochondria
    Organelle that generates, stores, and releases energy for cell activities.
  84. -elle

  85. Organelle
    Part of a cell having a specialized function
  86. Steriod
    Large family of chemical substances bound in many drugs, hormones, and body components.
  87. Ster-

  88. -oid

  89. Examples of organelles:
    • Nucleus
    • Endoplasmic reticulum
    • Golgi complex or apparatus
    • Mitochondria
    • Nucleolus
    • Ribosomes
    • Lysosomes
  90. Anabol-

    "to build up"
  91. Anabolism
    The buildup of complex substances in the cell from simpler ones as a part of metabolism.
  92. -ate

    "composed of, pertaining to"
  93. carb/o-
    combining form

  94. Hydr-

  95. Carbohydrate
    Group of organic food compounds that includes sugars, starch, glycogen, and cellulose.
  96. Catabol-

    "break down"
  97. Catabolism
    breakdown of complex substances into simpler ones as a part of metabolism.
  98. Centr/o-
    Combining Form

  99. -mere

  100. Centromere
    Junction that holds the two chromatids together to form a chromosome
  101. -id
    Having a particular quality
  102. Chromat-
    Having a specific color
  103. Chromatid
    One of the two strands of a chromosome.
  104. -in
    substance, chemical compound
  105. Chromatin
    Substance composed of DNA that forms chromosomes during cell division.
  106. Chromosome
    Body in the nucleus that contains DNA and genes.
  107. Endoplasmic Reticulum
    Structure inside a cell that synthesizes steriods, detoxifies drugs, and manufactures cell membranes.
  108. Glycoprotein
    Combination of carbohydrate and protein.
  109. Golgi complex
    Organelle involved in synthesis of carbohydrates and glycoprotiens.
  110. Lysosome
    Enzyme that digests foreign material and worn out cell components.
  111. Nucleus
    Functional center of a cell or structure
  112. Nucleolus
    Small mass within the nucleus.
  113. Protein
    Class of food substances based on amino acids
  114. Ribosome
    Structure that assembles amino acids into protein
  115. Anterior
    Front surface or body; situated in front
  116. Collateral
    Situated at the side; having an accessory function.
  117. What are the four primary tissue groups?
    • Connective
    • Epithelial
    • Muscle
    • Nervous
  118. Purpose and location of connective tissue?
    To bind, support, protect, fill spaces and store fat.

    Widely distributed thoughout the body in blood, bone, cartilage, and fat.
  119. Purpose and location of Epithelial tissue?
    Its function is to protect, secrete, absorb, and excrete.

    It covers body surface, cover and line internal organs, and composes glands.
  120. Purpose and location of Muscle tissue?
    Its function is movement.

    It is attached to bones, in the walls of hollow organs, and in the heart.
  121. Purpose and location of Nervous tissue?
    Function is to transmit impulses for coordination, sensory reception, motor actions.

    Located in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.
  122. Coordinate
    To bring together different structures into a harmonious function.
  123. Cruciate
    Latin for "cross"

    shaped like a cross
  124. Epithelium
    Tissue that covers surfaces or lines cavities
  125. Excrete
    Latin for "seperate"

    To pass waste products of metabolism out of the body.
  126. Excretion
    Removal of waste products of metabolism out of the body.
  127. Graft
    French for "transplant"

    Transplantation of living tissue.
  128. Histology
    Study of the structure and function of cells, tissues, and organs
  129. Ligament
    Latin for "band"

    Band of fibrous tissue connecting two structures.
  130. Medial
    Opposite of lateral

    Latin for "middle"

    Nearer to the middle of the body.
  131. Meniscus
    Greek for "crescent"

    Disc of connective tisssue cartilage between the bones of a joint.
  132. Muscle
    A tissue consisting of contractile cells.
  133. Patella
    Latin for "small plate"

    Thin circular bone in front of the knee joint that is embedded in the patellar tendon. Aka the kneecap.
  134. Secrete
    Latin for "release"

    To produce a chemical substance in a cell and release it from the cell.
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Medical Terminology
Medical Terminology