Human Growth and Development

  1. Sigmund Frued's stages are
  2. Erik Erickson's stages are
  3. The ________ is dependent upon the ______________
    ego, id
  4. The only psychoanalyst who created a developmental theory which encompasses the entire lifespan is
    Erik Erikson
  5. Known as being associated with brief psychotherapy and innovative techniques in hypnosis.
    Milton H. Erickson
  6. id= ___________ principle
    ego= ___________ principle
    pleasure, reality
  7. Considered a pioneer in the behavior therapy movement and multimodel therapy.
    Arnold Lazarus
  8. William Perry is known for his ideas related to ______________.
    adullt cognitve development; especially college students
  9. List Jean Piagets cognitive development stages in order and their functions.
    • Sensorimotor (birth-2yrs)- Senses and motor skills occur; object permanence.
    • Preoperational (2-7)- Centration occurs and the the act of focusing on something is the key factor.
    • Concrete Operations (7-12)- Conservation takes place; The childs knows that volume and quantity do not change
    • Formal Operations (11 1/2-16)- Abstract thinking takes place.
  10. Which developmental theorist used his own children in his studies.
    Jean Piaget
  11. A __________ is a system that permits the child to test out things in the physical world.
  12. The word __________ is a term which implies that humans have characteristics of both sexes.
  13. Lawrence Kohlberg is best known for __________.
    moral development
  14. Known as the Father of American behaviorism and coined the term in 1912.
    John B. Watson
  15. What are Lawrence Kohnlberg's stages of morality? Explain.
    • Preconventional- Child respond to consequences; reward and punishment influence behavior.
    • Conventional- The individual wants to meet the standards of family, society, and the nation.
    • PostConventional- self accepted morality; few people reach this stage.
  16. ______________ is known as ther Father of Analytic Psychology.
    Carl Jung
  17. __________ is known as the Father of Psychoanalysis.
    Sigmund Freud
  18. ____________ is the founder of individual psychology.
    Alfred Adler
  19. What are Erik Erikson's eight stages of Psychosocial Stages
    • 1. Trust vs. Mistrust (birth-1 1/2 yrs)- an infant who gets fed when hungray is likely to trust.
    • 2. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (1 1/2-3 yrs)- Child chooses and decides for themselves.
    • 3. Initiative vs. Guilt (3-6 yrs)- Child finds out what type of person he/she will be.
    • 4. Industry vs. Inferiority (6-11 yrs)- Child wishes to enter the larger world of knowledge and work.
    • 5. Identity vs. Role Confusion (12-18 yrs)- Occurs during adolescence, people "find" themselves.
    • 6. Intimacy vs. Isolation (18-35 yrs)- adulthood; development of close relationships.
    • 7. Genativity vs. Stagnation (35-45)- midlife crisis occurs.
    • 8. Integrity vs. Despair (65 and beyond)- late adulthood; individual looks back and evaluates their life.
  20. Kohlberg's ___________ stage involves an individual conforming to the roles of society.
  21. The zone of proximal development was pioneered by ______________.
    Lev Vygotsky
  22. Freud and Erikson could both be classfied as _________________, which suggest that behavior is guided by hereditary factors.
  23. John Bowlby is most classified with _____________ and _______________.
    bonding; attachment
  24. The researcher that is well known for his work with maternal deprivation and isolation in rhesus monkeys is ____________.
    Harry Harlow
  25. What are Freud's psychsexual stages:
    oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
  26. __________________ found that child-rearing methods have a tremendous impacct on self-esteem.
    Stanley Coppersmith
  27. B.F. Skinner is known as the prime mover in the _____________psychology movement.
  28. List the three stages od moral development and the level associated with each.
    • Preconventional (Premoral level)
    • Punishment/Obediance Orientation
    • Native Hedonism (instrumantal or egotistic)
    • Conventional (morality of conventional rules and conformity)
    • Good Boy/Good Girl Orientation
    • Authority, Law, and Order Orientation
    • Post Conventional (morality of self-accepted principles level)
    • Social Contract
    • Principles of Self-Conscience and Universal Ethics
  29. The order of the Freudian Psychosexual stage is
    Oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital
  30. Theorists who believe that development consist of quantitative changes is described as_________________.
  31. An empiricist view of development would be _____________.
  32. Piaget is a _____________ who believes stange changes are qualitative.
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Human Growth and Development
Study guide for NCE