Preflight: If the wings are folded, note ...
the position of the ailerons. If the aileron locking pins do not restrain the ailerons in the faired position, ensure the ailerons are moved to a faired or outboard position prior to engine start to preclude damage to the ailerons and TEFs.
Preflight: APU accumulator gauge is located ... and should read ...
In the right main wheelwell and should read 3,000 psi
Preflight: If the top latch plunger locking indicator is not flush, the seat could ...
come loose on the mounting rails.
Preflight: Inadvertent rotation of the OBOGS monitor pneumatic BIT plunger while pressed can result in ...
the locking of the plunger in a maintenance position and may result in intermittent OBOGS DEGD cautions and lead to hypoxia. Rotation of the BIT plunger disengages the locking slot allowing the plunger to extend and move freely when pushed.
Preflight: check BRK PRESS pressure at...
2,600 psi min
Preflight: Power to the UFCD is controlled by the ... knob, so the UFCD knob does not need to be OFF.
Engine start: To prevent engine damage during start, if an engine was not idled (75% N2rpm or less) for ... prior to shutdown and a restart must be made between 15 minutes and 4 hours after shutdown, the engine must be motored for 1 minute at 29% N2 or greater before restart.
5 minutes
Engine start: Normal voltage for a "good" battery is...
23 to 24 vdc
Engine start: To prevent an APU running engagement and to prevent APU exhaust torching, a minimum of ... must elapse between APU shutdown and another APU start.
2 minutes
Engine start: Regardless of the engine start air source utilized, the corresponding ... switch should be ON
the generator provides primary overspeed cutout protection for the ATS.
Engine start: During ... starts only, the ... will automatically cut back fuel flow to prevent EGT from exceeding .... If required, fuel flow will be reduced to ... While this mechanization is provided to prevent engine damage due to an over temp, the aircrew should not rely on it to prevent a hot start.
Engine start: During ground starts only, the FADEC will automatically cut back fuel flow to prevent EGT from exceeding 815 °C. If required, fuel flow will be reduced to the point of engine flameout. While this mechanization is provided to prevent engine damage due to an over temp, the aircrew should not rely on it to prevent a hot start.
Engine start: Following the initial start of each engine, engine anti‐ice airflow will turn on automatically ... after the engine reaches idle power and will remain on for ..., provided the throttle remains at IDLE. The corresponding LHEAT or RHEAT advisory will be displayed during thise ngine anti‐ice functional test.
45 seconds and will remain on for 30 seconds
Engine start: The bleed air shutoff valves close during ..., so the BLEED AIR knob must be rotated from OFF to NORM with ac power applied to reset the valves.
the fire warning test
Engine start: Once FCS IBIT is initiated, ...
do not attempt to fold or spread wings.Commanding wing movement during FCS IBIT may result in significant damage from TEF and aileron contact.
The FCS will not enter IBIT if ...
the throttles are above 14° THA or NWS is engaged.
Do not operate ... while FCS IBIT is running, as this may produce false failure indications.
any FCS related switches or move the stick or rudder pedals
It (is/is not) possible to trim the stabilators to negative values (TED) with WonW.
is not
CAS checks: on full fwd we check for...
CHECK 20° ND STABILATOR (check left and right stabilators track symmetrically within ±1° of each other).
CAS checks: on full L/R we check for...
CHECK 30° DIFFERENTIAL STABILATOR (21° with tanks, A/G stores, or A/G training codes loaded in the VDEDP on any locked wing station)
Failure of both AOA probe heaters in icing conditions may cause ...
a sharp uncommanded nose‐down attitude, uncontrollable by normal stick forces or paddle switch actuation.
What do we look for when setting the altimeter...
- a. Ensure desired altimeter setting is displayed on HUD.
- b. HUD altitude within 30 feet of parking spot elevation.
- c. Standby altitude within 60 feet of parking spot elevation.
How much HERR and VERR is allowable to guarantee AINS position keeping is available
When pressing the OBOGS BIT, the caution should set and remove within
15 seconds
Taxiing with the canopy at an intermediate position can result in ...
canopy attach point damage and failure.
On takeoff with pitch attitude above 10°, ...
the trailing edge of the stabilators can impact the ground if a large forward stick input is used to check the over‐rotation.
On takeoff above 14° pitch attitude, ...
the engine exhaust nozzles may contact the ground.
pitch attitude shall not exceed ... on takeoff.
Cabin altimeter scheduling
- Aircraft Altitude Cabin Altitude
- Less than 8,000 feet Ambient
- 8,000 to 24,500 feet 8,000 feet
- Greater than 24,500 feet Alt x 0.4 (rule of thumb)
If L and R AOA values differ by more than ..., notify ATC that the aircraft is no longer RVSM compliant
Normal instrument penetration is ... KCAS with a ... feet per minute descent rate
250 KCAS; 4,000 to 6,000 feet per min
On a full stop landing maintain approach rate of descent and power setting by flying a centered ball to touchdown or by placing the velocity vector at least ... past the runway threshold.
500 feet
Anti‐skid is effective down to approximately ...
40 KGS
Steady, light brake applications should be ...
avoided,as they increase brake heating, do not significantly contribute to deceleration, and ultimately reduce braking effectiveness
Maximum braking performance is attained by ...
applying full brake pedal pressure (approximately 125 lb) immediately after touchdown
Heavy gross weight landing is anything above
46,000 lb
A failed or leaking ... can cause rapid overfilling of the aircraft vent system, fuel spillage from the vent outlet(s), and possible fire if fuel spills on hot engine components. If this occurs, discontinue hot refueling immediately.
refuel valve
A high voltage (... volt) static electrical charge may build up in flight and be stored on the windshield and canopy. If possible, ensure that ground crew discharge the static electricity prior to egress. Otherwise, avoid direct contact with the outside of the windshield and canopy to prevent electrical shock.
100,000 volt
If an engine is shutdown before placing the BLEED AIR knob to OFF, ...
the corresponding primary bleed air shutoff valve may not fully close, resulting in residual engine fumes in the cockpit on subsequent start of that engine.
If an FCS channel is completely Xd out with one engine shutdown, ...
that channel is not being powered by essential bus backup, and maintenance action is required.
Due to FCS keep alive circuitry, uncommanded flight control movement may occur for up to ... after the BATT switch is placed to OFF if ...
10 seconds; residual hydraulic pressure is still present.
APU shutdown ... after second generator online.
1 minute
on the FLBIT FUEL LO should display within
13 seconds
on the FLBIT FUEL LO should extinguish within
60 seconds after displayed
Throttle position related caution check will not be valid if performed less than ... after MC cycle.
1 minute
Hook extends within ... and retracts within ...
Hook extends within 2 seconds and retracts within 4 seconds.
Probe extends and retracts within ...
6 seconds.
Spoilers extend to ... and retract in ...
Spoilers extend to 60° +/- 3° and retract in 3 seconds.
QUAL “OK” displayed within ...
6 minutes.
Gear retracts in ...
7 seconds.
Gear extends within ...
30 seconds.