
  1. all commercial applicators must be liscened under one of the following classifications
    • - for hire - working on the property of someone hiring the employer
    • - not for hire - working on the property of the employer
    • - public applicator- GOvt
  2. 3 purposes of having license
    • - link applicator to specific business
    • - confines applicator to specific business
    • - confines applicator to those applications indicated by cert categories listed
  3. applicator license is property of __________and expires on
    applicators employer; dec 31
  4. applicator license is invalid
    • moment individual leaves employment firm which they were licened
    • must re apply if new company
  5. some commercial non certified applicators may apply rup for hire if they do so _________________
    under the supervision of a certified licensed applicator. supervisor must remain on site unless the non certified applicatior is a registered technician
  6. a certified licensed applicator may not supervise more than ____ non certified employees unless granted a 60 day emergencyexcemption by OISC
  7. 2 exceptions to supervision requirments
    • - all aerial applicators must be certified and licensed
    • - all individuals employed as wood destroying pest inspectors must be certified and licensed
  8. pesticide applicators must maintain written records of all applications involving RUPs for at least ________
    2 years from date of application
  9. All RUP labels have a RUP statement where?
    Top of front panel on the label
  10. Maintain applicator certification by
    retaking test or taking continuing education credits
  11. Who needs a commercial business license?
    firms engaged in the business of applying pesticides on the property of another, for hire
  12. A supervisor must remain on site with a non-certified applicator unless
    the applicator is a Registered Technician
  13. Records of application need to be kept for how many years?
    2 years
  14. category 7b certified and licensed applicators must also keep termiticide application records on file for at least
    5 years
  15. FIFRA concerned primarily with
    pesticide registration
  16. 4 major groups of pest organsims
    • - insect
    • - vertebrate
    • - weeds
    • - plant disease agents (fungi, viruses, bacteria)
  17. insect metamorphosis
    series of changes insect goes through for egg to adult
  18. the form assumed by a juvenile insect after each molt is called
    an instar
  19. shedding of hard outer covering on insect
  20. incomplete metamorphosis is
    3 stages egg, nymph, adult - cockroaches and termites
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