Unit 3 Superficial Back

  1. Clavicle

    Medial vs. Lateral
    i The sternal end (medial) has a bulbous(quadrangular) shape with a large facet forarticulation with the sternum

    ii The acromial end (lateral) has a flattened shapewith a small oval facet which articulates with the medial aspect of the acromion process on the scapula
  2. Clavicle

    Anterior vs. Posterior
    (i) The anteriorly facing convex portion is oriented medially

    (ii) The anteriorly facing concave portion is oriented laterally
  3. Clavicle

    Superior vs. Inferior
    In general the superior surface is smootherwhereas the inferior surface is roughened
  4. True (vertebrocostal) ribs
    a Attach directly to the sternum through their own costal cartilages

    b Ribs 1 through 7
  5. False (vertebrochondral) ribs
    • a Attach indirectly to the sternum
    • b Their costal cartilage is joined to the costal cartilageof the rib that is directly superior
    • c Ribs 8 through 10
  6. floating (free, vertebral) ribs
    • a Have rudimentary costal cartilage that terminates inthe musculature of the posterior abdomen
    • b Ribs 11 and 12
  7. 3 main parts of the rib
    Head, neck, tubercle
  8. Pertaining to the rib, The ______ end is continuous with the costalcartilage
  9. Pertaining to the rib, the _______ margin tends to be rounded and smooth
  10. Pertaining to the rib, the _________ margin tends to be sharp
  11. The head of the rib has two articular _____ separated by a _______
    facets, crest
  12. The smaller facet on the head of a rib is the _______ facet
  13. The larger facet on the head of a rib is the _______ facet
  14. The tubercle on the rib has a facet that articulates with the _______ _______ of the associated vertebra
    transverse process
  15. The rough section of the tubercle on a rib is where _______ attach
  16. You have __ cervical vertebrae
  17. You have ___ thoracic vertebrae
  18. You have __ lumbar vertebrae
  19. You have __ sacral vertebrae
  20. You have __ coccygeal vertbrae
  21. A typical vertebrae has two main parts:
    vertebral body and vertebral arch
  22. The vertebral body serves primarily to bear _____
  23. Vertebral bodies are connected by these:
    intervertebral disks and ligaments
  24. The size of the vertebral body increases ______ to accomodate higher weight
  25. vertebral foramen are formed by ______ _______
    vertebral arch
  26. The posterior vertebral foramen all together form the ______ _______
    vertebral canal
  27. The vertebral arch of each vertebrae consist of two _____ and two _____
    pedicles and laminae
Card Set
Unit 3 Superficial Back
Notes from handouts