O - Superior nuchal line, external occipital protuberance, ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of CVII to TXII
I - Lateral one-third of clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula
In - Motor-accessory nerve [XI]; proprioception-C3 and C4
F - Assists in rotating the scapula during abduction of humerus above horizontal; upper fibers elevate, middle fibers adduct, and lower fibers depress scapula
Levator Scapulae
O - Transverse processes of CI to CIV
I - Upper portion medial border of scapula
In - C3 to C4 and dorsal scapular nerve (C4, C5)
F - Elevates scapula
Latissimus Dorsi
O - Spinous processes of TVII to LV and sacrum, iliac crest, ribs X to XII
I - Floor of intertubercular sulcus of humerus
In - Thoracodorsal nerve (C6 to C8)
F - Extends, adducts, and medially rotates humerus
Rhomboid Major
O - Spinous processes of TII to TV
I - Medial border of scapula between spine and inferior angle
In - Dorsal scapular nerve (C4, C5)
F - Retracts (adducts) and elevates scapula
Rhomnoid Minor
O - Lower portion of ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of CVII and TI
I - Medial border of scapula at the spine of scapula
In - Dorsal scapular nerve (C4, C5)
F - Retracts (adducts) and elevates scapula
Serratus Posterior Inferior
O - Spinous processes of TXI to LIII and supraspinous ligaments
I - Lower border of ribs IX to XII just lateral to their angles
In - Anterior rami of lower thoracic nerves (T9 to T12)
F - Depresses ribs IX to XII and may prevent lower ribs from being elevated when the diaphragm contracts
Serratus Posterior Superior
O - Lower portion of ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of CVII to TIII and supraspinous ligaments
I - Upper border of ribs II to V just lateral to their angles
In - Anterior rami of upper thoracic nerves (T2 to T5)
F - Elevates ribs II to V
External Intercostal
O - Inferior margin of rib above
I - Superior margin of rib below
In - Intercostal nerves; T1-T11
F - Most active during inspiration; supports intercostal space; moves ribs superiorly
Pectoralis Major
O -Clavicular head-anterior surface of medial half of clavicle; sternocostal head-anterior surface of sternum; first seven costal cartilages; sternal end of sixth rib; aponeurosis of external oblique
I -Lateral lip of intertubercular sulcus of humerus
In -Medial and lateral pectoral nerves; clavicular head [C5, C6]; sternocostal head [C6, C7, C8, T1]
F -Flexion, adduction, and medial rotation of arm at glenohumeral joint; clavicular head-flexion of extended arm; sternocostal head-extension of flexed arm
Internal Intercostal
O -Lateral edge of costal groove of rib above
I -Superior margin of rib below deep to the attachment of the related external intercostal
In -Intercostal nerves; T1-T11
F -Most active during expiration; supports intercostal space; moves ribs inferiorly
O - First rib at junction between rib and costal cartilage
I -- Groove on inferior surface of middle one-third of clavicle
In -Nerve to subclavius [C5, C6]
F -Pulls tip of shoulder down; pulls clavicle medially to stabilize sternoclavicular joint
Innermost Intercostal
O -Medial edge of costal groove of rib above
I -Internal aspect of superior margin of rib below
In -Intercostal nerves; T1-T11
F -Acts with internal intercostal muscles
Pectoralis Minor
O - Anterior surfaces and superior borders of ribs III to V; and from deep fascia overlying the related intercostal spaces
I -Coracoid process of scapula (medial border and upper surface)
In - Medial pectoral nerve [C5, C6, C7, C8, T1]
F -Pulls tip of shoulder down; protracts scapula
Serratus Anterior
O -Lateral surfaces of upper 8-9 ribs and deep fascia overlying the related intercostal spaces
I -Costal surface of medial border of scapula
In -Long thoracic nerve [C5, C6, C7]
F -Protraction and rotation of the scapula; keeps medial border and inferior angle of scapula opposed to thoracic wall
O -Base of styloid process
I -hyoid bone
In -Facial nerve [VII]
F -Elevates hyoid bone
Digastric-Anterior belly
O -Digastric fossa on lower inside of mandible
I - Attachment of tendon between two bellies to body of hyoid bone
In - Mylohyoid nerve from inferior alveolar branch of mandibular nerve [V3]
F -Opens mouth by lowering mandible; raises hyoid bone
Digastric-Posterior belly
O -Mastoid notch on medial side of mastoid process of temporal bone
I -Attachment of tendon between two bellies to body of hyoid bone
In -Facial nerve [VII]
F -Pulls hyoid bone upward and back
O -Inferior mental spine on inner surface of mandible
I -Anterior surface of body of hyoid bone
In -Branch from anterior ramus of C1 (carried along the hypoglossal nerve [XII])
F -Fixed mandible elevates and pulls hyoid bone forward; fixed hyoid bone pulls mandible downward and inward
O -Mylohyoid line on mandible
I -Body of hyoid bone and fibers from muscle on opposite side
In -Mylohyoid nerve from inferior alveolar branch of mandibular nerve [V3]
F - Support and elevation of floor of mouth; elevation of hyoid
O - Posterior aspect of sternoclavicular joint and adjacent manubrium of sternum
I -Body of hyoid bone medial to attachment of omohyoid muscle
In -Anterior rami of C1 to C3 through the ansa cervicalis
F -Depresses hyoid bone after swallowing
O -Superior border of scapula medial to suprascapular notch
I -Lower border of body of hyoid bone just lateral to attachment of sternohyoid
In -Anterior rami of C1 to C3 through the ansa cervicalis
F - Depresses and fixes hyoid bone
O - Posterior surface of manubrium of sternum
I -Oblique line on lamina of thyroid cartilage
In -Anterior rami of C1 to C3 through the ansa cervicalis
F -Draws larynx (thyroid cartilage) downward
O -Oblique line on lamina of thyroid cartilage
I -Greater horn and adjacent aspect of body of hyoid bone
In -Fibers from anterior ramus of C1 carried along hypoglossal nerve [XII]
F -Depresses hyoid bone, but when hyoid bone is fixed raises larynx
O -Inferior angle of the crest of the spine of the scapula, lateral margin of acromion, anterior border of lateral one-third of clavicle
I -Deltoid tuberosity of humerus
In -Axillary nerve [C5,C6]
F -Major abductor of arm (abducts arm beyond initial 15* done by supraspinatus); clavicular fibers assist in flexing the arm; posterior fibers assist in extending the arm
Teres Major
O -Elongate oval area on the posterior surface of the inferior angle of the scapula
I -Medial lip of the intertubercular sulcus on the anterior surface of the humerus
In -Lower (inferior) subscapular nerve [C5,C6.C7]
F -Medial rotation, adduction, and extension of the arm at the glenohumeral joint
O -Supraspinatus Fossa
I -Most superior facet on the greater tubercle of the humerus
In -Suprascapular nerve [C5,C6]
F -Rotator cuff muscle; initiation of abduction of arm to 15* at glenohumeral joint
O -Infraspinatus Fossa
I -Middle facet on posterior surface of the greater tubercle of the humerus
In -Suprascapular nerve [C5,C6]
F -Rotator cuff muscle; lateral rotation of arm at the glenohumeral joint
Teres Minor
O -Middle part of lateral border of scapula
I -Inferior facet on the posterior surface of the greater tubercle of the humerus
In -Axillary nerve [C5,C6]
F -Rotator cuff muscle; lateral rotation of arm at the glenohumeral joint
O -Subscapular fossa
I -Lesser tubercle of humerus
In -Upper & lower subscapular nerves [C5,C6,C7]
F -Rotator cuff muscle; medial rotation of the arm at glenohumeral joint
Biceps brachii
O -Long head-supraglenoid tubercle of scapula; short head-apex of coracoid process
I -Radial tuberosity
In -Musculocutaneous nerve [C5,C6]
F -Powerful flexor of the forearm at the elbow joint and supinator of the forearm; accessory flexor of the arm at glenohumeral joint
Triceps brachii
O -Long head-infraglenoid tubercle of scapula; medial & lateral heads-posterior surface of humerus
I -Olecranon
In -Radial nerve [C6,C7,C8]
F -Extension of the forearm at elbow joint. Long head can also extend & adduct the arm at glenohumeral joint
O -Apex of coracoid process
I -Linear roughening on midshaft of humerus on medial side
In - Musculocutaneous nerve [C5,C6,C7]
F -Flexor of the arm at glenohumeral joint
O -Anterior aspect of humerus (medial & lateral surfaces) & adjacent intermuscular septae
I -Tuberosity of ulna
In - Musculocutaneous nerve [C5,C6]; (small contribution by radial nerve [C7] to lateral part of muscle)
F -Powerful flexor of the forearm at elbow joint
O -Proximal part of lateral supraepicondylar ridge of humerus & adjacent intermuscular septum
I -Lateral surface of distal end of radius
In -Radial nerve [C5,C6] before division into superficial & deep branches
F -Accessory flexor of elbow joint when forearm is midpronated
O -Superficial part-lateral epicondyle of humerus, radial collateral & anular ligaments; deep part-supinator crest of ulna
I -Lateral surface of radius superior to the anterior oblique line
In -Posterior interosseous nerve [C6,C7]
F -Supination
O -Lateral epicondyle of humerus
I -Olecranon & proximal posterior surface of ulna
In -Radial nerve [C6,C7,C8] (via branch to medial head of triceps brachii)
F -Abduction of the ulna in pronation; accessory extensor of elbow joint
Extensor carpi ulnaris
O -Lateral epicondyle of humerus & posterior border of ulna
I -Tubercle on base of the medial side of metacarpal V
In -Posterior interosseous nerve [C7,C8]
F -Extends & adducts the wrist
Extensor carpi radialis longus
O -Distal part of lateral supraepicondylar ridge of humerus & adjacent intermuscular septum
I -Dorsal surface of base of metacarpal II
In -Radial nerve [C6,C7] before division into superficial & deep branches
F -Extends and abducts the wrist
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
O -Lateral epincondyle of humerus & adjacent intermuscular septum
I -Dorsal surface of base of metacarpals II & III
In -Deep branch of radial nerve [C7,C8] before penetrating supinator muscle
F -Extends & abducts the wrist
Extensor digitorum
O -Lateral epicondyle of humerus & adjacent intermuscular septum & deep fascia
I -Four tendons, which insert via extensor hoods into the dorsal aspects of the bases of the middle & distal phalanges of the index, middle, ring, & little fingers
In -Posterior interosseous nerve [C7,C8]
F -Extends the index, middle, ring, & little fingers; can also extend the wrist
Extensor indicis
O -Posterior surface of ulna (distal to extensor pollicis longus) & adjacent interosseous membrane
I -Extensor hood of index finger
In -Posterior interosseus nerve [C7,C8]
F -Extends index finger
Extensor digiti minimi
O -Lateral epicondyle of humerus & adjacent intermuscular septum together with extensor digitorum
I -Extensor hood of the little finger
In -Posterior interosseous nerve [C7,C8]
F -Extends the little finger
Abductor pollicis longus
O -Posterior surface of ulna & radius (distal to the attachments of supinator & anconeus), & intervening interosseous membrane
I -Lateral side of base of metacarpal I
In -Posterior interosseous nerve [C7,C8]
F -Abducts carpometacarpal joint of thumb; accessory extensor of the thumb
Extensor pollicis longus
O -Posterior surface of ulna (distal to the abductor pollicis longus) & adjacent interosseous membrane
I -Dorsal surface of base of distal phalanx of thumb
In -Posterior interosseous nerve [C7,C8]
F -Extends interphalangeal joint of the thumb; can also extend carpometacarpal & metacarpophalangeal joints of the thumb
Extensor pollicis brevis
O -Posterior surface of radius (distal to the abductor pollicis longus) & adjacent interosseous membrane
I -Dorsal surface of base of proximal phalanx of thumb
In -Posterior interosseous nerve [C7,C8]
F -Extends interphalangeal joint of the thumb; can also extend carpometacarpal joint of the thumb
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
O -Humeral head-common flexor tendon off the medial epicondyle of humerus; ulnar head-olecranon & posterior border of ulna
I -Pisoform bone, and then via pisohamate & pisometacarpal ligaments onto the hamate & base of metacarpal V
In -Median n. [C7-T1]
F -Flexes & adducts the wrist
Pronator Teres
O -Humeral head-common flexor tendon off the medial epicondyle of humerus & adjacent supraepicondylar ridge; ulnar head-medial side of coronoid process
I -Roughening on lateral surface, midshaft of radius
In -Median n. [C6-C7]
F -Pronation
Flexor Carpi Radialis
O -Common flexor tendon off the medial epicondyle of humerus
I -Base of metacarpals II and III
In -Median n. [C6,C7]
F -Flexes & abducts the wrist
Palmaris Longus
O -Common flexor tendon off the medial epicondyle of humerus
I -Palmar aponeurosis of the hand
In -Median n. [C7,C8]
F -Flexes wrist joint; b/c the palmar aponeurosis anchors skin of the hand, contraction of the muscle resists shear forces when gripping
Pronator Quadratus
O -Linear ridge on distal anterior surface of ulna
I -Distal anterior surface of radius
In -Median n. (anterior interosseus n.) [C7,C8]
F -Pronation
Flexor Pollicis Longus
O -Anterior surface of radius & radial half of interosseous membrane
I -Palmar surface of base of distal phalanx of thumb
In -Median n. (anterior interosseous n.) [C7,C8]
F -Flexes interphalangeal joint of the thumb; can also flex metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb
Flexor Digitorum Profundus
O -Anterior & medial surface of ulna & anterior medial half of interosseous membrane
I -Four tendons, which attach to the palmar surfaces of the distal phalanges of the index, middle, ring & little fingers
In -Lateral half by Median n. (anterior interosseous n.); medial half by Ulnar n. [C8,T1]
F -Flexes distal interphalangeal joints of the index, middle, ring & little fingers; can also flex metacarpophalangeal joints of the same fingers and the wrist joint
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
O -Humero-ulnar head-common flexor tendon off the medial epicondyle of humerus & adjacent margin of coronoid process; radial head-oblique line of radius
I -Four tendons, which attach to the palmar surfaces of the middle phalanges of the index, middle, ring & little fingers
In -Median n. [C8,T1]
F -Flexes proximal interphalangeal joints of the index, middle, ring & little fingers; can also flex metacarpophalangeal joints of the same fingers & the wrist joint
Palmar Interossei
O -Side of metacarpals
I -Extensor hoods of thumb, index, ring & little fingers and the proximal phalanx of the thumb
In -Deep branch of Ulnar n. [C8,T1]
F -Adduction of thumb, index, ring & little fingers at the metacarpophalangeal joints
Dorsal Interossei
O -Adjacent sides of metacarpals
I -Extensor hoods and base of proximal phalanges of index, middle & ring fingers
In -Deep branch of Ulnar n. [C8,T1]
F -Abduction of index, middle & ring fingers at the metacarpophalangeal joints
Adductor Pollicis
O -Transverse head-metacarpal III; oblique head-capitate & bases of metacarpals II & III
I -Base of proximal phalanx & extensor hood of thumb
In -Deep branch of Ulnar n. [C8,T1]
F -Adducts thumb
Abductor Digiti Minimi
O -Pisiform, the pisohamate ligament & tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris
I -Proximal phalanx of little finger
In -Deep branch of Ulnar n. [C8,T1]
F -Abducts little finger at metacarpophalangeal joint
Opponens Digiti Minimi
O -Hook of hamate & flexor retinaculum
I -Medial aspect of metacarpal
In -Deep branch of Ulnar n. [C8,T1]
F -Laterally rotates metacarpal V
Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
O -Hook of hamate & flexor retinaculum
I -Proximal phalanx of little finger
In -Deep branch of Ulnar n. [C8,T1]
F -Flexes little finger at metacarpophalangeal joint
Abductor Pollicis Brevis
O -Tubercles of scaphoid & trapezium & adjacent flexor retinaculum
I -Proximal phalanx & extensor hood of thumb
In -Recurrent branch of Median n. [C8,T1]
F -Abducts thumb at metacarpophalangeal joint
Flexor Pollicis Brevis
O -Tubercle of trapezium & flexor retinaculum
I -Proximal phalanx of thumb
In -Recurrent branch of Median n. [C8,T1]
F -Flexes thumb at metacarpophalangeal joint
Opponens Pollicis
O -Tubercle of trapezium & flexor retinaculum
I -Lateral margin & adjacent palmar surface of metacarpal I
In -Recurrent branch of Median n. [C8,T1]
F -Medially rotates thumb
Lumbricals (4 muscles)
O -Tendons of flexor digitorum profundus
I -Extensor hoods of index, middle, ring & little fingers
- In -Medial two by the deep branch of the ulnar nerve; lateral two by digital
- branches of the median nerve
F -Flex metacarpophalangeal joints while extending interphalangeal joints
- 1st & 2nd (medial)
- O -One flexor tendon and are unipennate
- 3rd & 4th (lateral)
- O -Two flexor tendons and are bipennate
Rectus Abdominis
O -Pubic crest, pubic tubercle & pubic symphysis
I -Costal cartilages of ribs V to VII; xiphoid process
In -Anterior rami of lower thoracic spinal nerves [T7-T12]
F -Compress abdominal contents; flex vertebral column; tense abdominal wall
External Oblique
O -Muscular slips from the outer surfaces of the lower eight ribs (ribs V to XII)
I -Lateral lip of iliac crest; aponeurosis ending in midline raphae (linea alba)
In -Anterior rami of lower six thoracic spinal nerves [T7-T12]
F -Compress abdominal contents; both muscles flex trunk; each muscle bends trunk to same side, turning anterior part of abdomen to opposite side
Internal Oblique
O -Thoracolumbar fascia; iliac crest between origins of external & transversus; lateral two-thirds of inguinal ligament
I -Inferior border of the lower three or four ribs; aponeurosis ending in linea alba; pubic crest & pectineal line
In -Anterior rami of lower six thoracic spinal nerves [T7-T12] and L1
F -Compress abdominal contents; both muscles flex trunk; each muscle bends trunk & turns anterior part of abdomen to same side
Transverse Abdominis
O -Thoracolumbar fascia; medial lip of iliac crest; lateral one-third of inguinal ligament; costal cartilages lower six ribs (ribs VII to XII)
I -Aponeurosis ending in linea alba; pubic crest & pectineal line
In -Anterior rami of lower six thoracic spinal nerves [T7-T12] and L1
F -Compress abdominal contents
Quadratus Lumborum
O -Transverse process of LV vertebra, iliolumbar ligament & iliac crest
I -Transverse processes of LI to LIV vertebrae & inferior border of rib XII
In -Anterior rami of T12 and L1-L4
F -Depress & stabilize rib XII & some lateral bending of trunk
O -Front of pubis & pubic symphysis
I -Into linea alba
In -Anterior ramus of T12
F -Tenses the linea alba
O -Anterior surface of sacrum between anterior sacral foramina
I -Medial side of superior border of greater trochanter of femur
In -Branches of L5,S1,S2
F -Laterally rotates the extended femur at hip joint; abducts flexed femur at hip joint
Gemellus Superior
O -External surface of ischial spine
I -Along length of superior surface of the obturator internus tendon & into the medial side of greater trochanter of femur with obturator internus tendon
In -Nerve to Obturator Internus [L5,S1]
F -Laterally rotates the extended femur at hip joint; abducts flexed femur at hip joint
Obturator Internus
O -Anterolateral wall of pelvis; deep surface of obturator membrane & surrounding bone
I -Medial side of greater trochanter of femur
In -Nerve to Obturator Internus [L5,S1]
F -Laterally rotates the extended femur at hip joint; abducts flexed femur at hip joint
Gemellus Inferior
O -Upper aspect of ischial tuberosity
I -Along length of inferior surface of the obturator internus tendon & into the medial side of greater trochanter of femur with obturator internus tendon
In -Nerve to Quadratus Femoris [L5,S1]
F -Laterally rotates the extended femur at hip joint; abducts flexed femur at hip joint
Quadratus Femoris
O -Lateral aspect of the ischium just anterior to the ischial tuberosity
I -Quadrate tubercle on the intertrochanteric crest of the proximal femur
In -Nerve to Quadratus Femoris [L5,S1]
F -Laterally rotates femur at hip joint
Tensor Fasciae Latae
O -Lateral aspect of crest of ilium between anterior superior iliac spine & tubercle of the crest
I -Iliotibial tract of fascia lata
In -Superior gluteal n. [L4,L5,S1]
F -Stabilizes the knee in extension
Gluteus Medius
O -External surface of ilium between anterior & posterior gluteal lines
I - Elongate facet on the lateral surface of the greater trochanter
In -Superior gluteal n. [L4,L5,S1]
F -Abducts femur at hip joint; hold pelvis secure over stance leg & prevents pelvic drop on the opposite swing side during walking; medially rotates thigh
Gluteus Minimus
O -External surface of ilium between inferior & anterior gluteal lines
I -Linear facet on anterolateral aspect of greater trochanter
In -Superior gluteal nerve [L4,L5,S1]
F -Abducts femur at hip joint; holds pelvis secure over stance leg & prevents pelvic drop on the opposite swing side during walking; meidally rotates thigh
Gluteus Maximus
O -Fascia covering gluteus medius, external surface of ilium behind posterior gluteal line, fascia of erector spinae, dorsal surface of lower sacrum, lateral margin of coccyx, external surface of sacrotuberous ligament
I -Posterior aspect of iliotibial tract of fascia lata & gluteal tuberosity of proximal femur
In -Inferior gluteal nerve [L5,S1,S2]
F -Powerful extensor of flexed femur at hip joint; lateral stabilizer of hip joint & knee joint; laterally rotates & abducts thigh
Biceps Femoris
O -Long head-inferomedial part of upper area of ischial tuberosity; short head-lateral lip of linea aspera
I -Head of fibula
In -Long head-tibial division of Sciatic n.; short head-common fibular division of Sciatic n. [L5,S1,S2]
F -Flexes leg at knee joint; extends & laterally rotates thigh at hip joint & laterally rotates leg at knee joint
O -Inferomedial part of upper area of ischial tuberosity
I -Medial surface of proximal tibia
In -Tibial division of Sciatic n. [L5,S1,S2]
F -Flexes leg at knee joint & extends thigh at hip joint; medially rotates thigh at hip joint & leg at knee joint
O -Superolateral impression on ischial tuberosity
I -Groove & adjacent bone on medial & posterior surface of medial tibial condyle
In -Tibial division of Sciatic n. [L5,S1,S2]
F -Flexes leg at knee joint & extends thigh at hip joint; medially rotates thigh at hip joint & leg at knee joint
O -Posterior abdominal wall (iliac fossa)
I -Lesser trochanter of femur
In -Femoral nerve [L2, L3]
F -Flexes the thigh at the hip joint
Psoas Major
O -Posterior abdominal wall (lumbar transverse processes, intervertebral discs, and adjacent bodies from TXII to LV and tendinous arches between these points)
I -Lesser trochanter of femur
In -Anterior rami [L1, L2, L3]
F -Flexes the thigh at the hip joint
Vastus Intermedius
O -Femur-upper two-thirds of anterior and lateral surfaces
I -Quadriceps femoris tendon and lateral margin of patella
In -Femoral nerve [L2, L3, L4]
F -Extends the leg at the knee joint
Vastus Medialis
O -Femur-medial part of intertrochanteric line, pectineal line, medial lip of the linea aspera, medial supracondylar line
I -Quadriceps femoris tendon and medial border of patella
In -Femoral nerve [L2, L3, L4]
F -Extends the leg at the knee joint
Vastus Lateralis
O -Femur-lateral part of intertrochanteric line, margin of greater trochanter, lateral margin of gluteal tuberosity, lateral lip of the linea aspera
I -Quadriceps femoris tendon
In -Femoral nerve [L2, L3, L4]
F -Extends the leg at the knee joint
O -Anterior superior iliac spine
I -Medial surface of tibia just inferomedial to tibial tuberosity
In -Femoral nerve [L2, L3]
F -Flexes the thigh at the hip joint and flexes the leg at the knee joint; abducts and laterally rotates thigh
Rectus Femoris
O -Straight head originates from the anterior inferior iliac spine; reflected head originates from the ilium just superior to the acetabulum
I -Quadriceps femoris tendon
In -Femoral nerve [L2, L3, L4]
F -Flexes the thigh at the hip joint and extends the leg at the knee joint
O -A line on the external surfaces of the body of the pubis, the inferior pubic ramus, and the ramus of the ischium
I -Medial surface of proximal shaft of tibia
In -Obturator nerve [L2, L3]
F -Adducts thigh at hip joint and flexes leg at knee joint
Adductor Brevis
O -External surface of body of pubis and inferior pubic ramus
I -Posterior surface of proximal femur and upper one-third of linea aspera
In -Obturator nerve [L2, L3]
F -Adducts thigh at hip joint
O -Pectineal line (pecten pubis) and adjacent bone of pelvis
I -Oblique line extending from base of lesser trochanter to linea aspera on posterior surface of proximal femur
In -Femoral nerve [L2, L3]
F -Adducts and flexes thigh at hip joint
Adductor Longus
O -External surface of body of pubis (triangular depression inferior to pubic crest and lateral to pubic symphysis)
I -Linea aspera on middle one-third of shaft of femur
In -Obturator nerve (anterior division) [L2, L3, L4]
F -Adducts and medially rotates thigh at hip joint
Adductor Magnus
- O -Adductor part-ischiopubic ramus;
- -Hamstring part-ischial tuberosity
- I -Posterior surface of proximal femur, linea aspera, medial supracondylar line;
- -Adductor tubercle and supracondylar line
- In -Obturator nerve [L2, L3, L4];
- -Sciatic nerve (tibial division) [L2, L3, L4]
F -Adducts and medially rotates thigh at hip joint
Obturator Externus
O -External surface of obturator membrane and adjacent bone
I -Trochanteric fossa
In -Obturator nerve (posterior division) [L3, L4]
F -Laterally rotates thigh at hip joint
- O -Medial head-posterior surface of distal femur just superior to medial condyle;
- -Lateral head-upper posterolateral surface of lateral femoral condyle
I -Via calcaneal tendon, to posterior surface of calcaneus
In -Tibial nerve [ S1, S2]
F -Plantarflexes foot and flexes knee
O -Inferior part of lateral supracondylar line of femur and oblique popliteal ligament of knee
I -Via calcaneal tendon, to posterior surface of calcaneus
In -Tibial nerve [S1, S2]
F -Plantarflexes foot and flexes knee
O -Soleal line and medial border of tibia; posterior aspect of fibular head and adjacent surfaces of neck and proximal shaft; tendinous arch between tibial and fibular attachments
I -Via calcaneal tendon, to posterior surface of calcaneus
In -Tibial nerve [S1, S2]
F -Plantarflexes the foot
O -Lateral femoral condyle
I -Posterior surface of proximal tibia
In -Tibial nerve [L4-S1]
- F -Stabilizes knee joint (resists lateral rotation of tibia on femur)
- - Unlocks knee joint (laterally rotates femur on fixed tibia)
Flexor Hallucis Longus
O -Posterior surface of fibula and adjacent interosseous membrane
I -Plantar surface of distal phalanx of great toe
In -Tibial nerve [S2, S3]
F -Flexes great toe
Flexor Digitorum Longus
O -Medial side of posterior surface of the tibia
I -Plantar surfaces of bases of distal phalanges of the lateral four toes
In -Tibial nerve [S2, S3]
F -Flexes lateral four toes
Tibialis Posterior
O -Posterior surfaces of interosseous membrane and adjacent regions of tibia and fibula
I -Mainly to tuberosity of navicular and adjacent region of medial cuneiform
In -Tibial nerve [L4, L5]
F -Inversion and plantarflexion of foot; support of medial arch of foot during walking
Fibularis Longus
O -Upper lateral surface of fibula, head of fibula, and occasionally the lateral tibial condyle
I -Undersurface of lateral sides of distal end of medial cuneiform and base of metatarsal I
In -Superficial fibular nerve [L5, S1, S2]
F -Eversion and plantarflexion of foot; supports arches of foot
Tibialis Anterior
O -Lateral surface of tibia and adjacent interosseous membrane
I -Medial and inferior surfaces of medial cuneiform and adjacent surfaces on base of metatarsal I
In -Deep fibular nerve [L4, L5]
F -Dorsiflexion of foot at ankle joint; inversion of foot; dynamic support of medial arch of foot
Fibularis Brevis
O -Lower two-thirds of lateral surface of shaft of fibula
I -Lateral tubercle at base of metatarsal V
In -Superficial fibular nerve [L5, S1, S2]
F -Eversion of foot
Extensor Hallucis Longus
O -Middle one-half of medial surface of fibula and adjacent surface of interosseous membrane
I -Dorsal surface of base of distal phalanx of great toe
In -Deep fibular nerve [L5, S1]
F -Extension of great toe and dorsiflexion of foot
Fibularis Tertius
O -Distal part of medial surface of fibula
I -Dorsomedial surface of base of metatarsal V
In -Deep fibular nerve [L5, S1]
F -Dorsiflexion and eversion of foot
Extensor Digitorum Longus
O -Proximal one-half of medial surface of fibula and related surface of lateral tibial condyle
I -Via dorsal digital expansions into bases of distal and middle phalanges of lateral four toes
In -Deep fibular nerve [L5, S1]
F -Extension of lateral four toes and dorsiflexion of foot
Extensor Digitorum Brevis
O -Superolateral surface of the calcaneus
I -Base of proximal phalanx of great toe and lateral sides of the tendons of extensor digitorum longus of toes II to IV
In -Deep fibular nerve [S1, S2]
F -Extension of metatarsophalangeal joint of great toe and extension of toes II to IV
Abductor Hallucis
O -Medial process of calcaneal tuberosity
I -Medial side of base of proximal phalanx of great toe
In -Medial plantar nerve from the tibial nerve [S1, S2, S3]
F -Abducts and flexes great toe at metatarsophalangeal joint
Flexor Digitorum Brevis
O -Medial process of calcaneal tuberosity and plantar aponeurosis
I -Sides of plantar surface of middle phalanges of lateral four toes
In -Medial plantar nerve from the tibial nerve [S1, S2, S3]
F -Flexes lateral four toes at proximal interphalangeal joint
Abductor Digiti Minimi
O -Lateral and medial processes of calcaneal tuberosity, and band of connective tissue connecting calcaneus with base of metatarsal V
I -Lateral side of base of proximal phalanx of little toe
In -Lateral plantar nerve from the tibial nerve [S1, S2, S3]
F -Abducts little toe at the metatarsophalangeal joint
Quadratus Plantae
O -Medial surface of calcaneus and lateral process of calcaneal tuberosity
I -Lateral side of tendon of flexor digitorum longus in proximal sole of the foot
In -Lateral plantar nerve from tibial nerve [S1, S2, S3]
F -Assists flexor digitorum longus tendon in flexing toes II to V
- O -First lumbrical-medial side of tendon of flexor digitorum longus associated with toe II;
- -Second, third, and fourth lumbricals-adjacent surfaces of adjacent tendons of flexor digitorum longus
I -Medial free margins of extensor hoods of toes II to V
- In -First lumbrical-medial plantar nerve from the tibial nerve;
- -Second, third, and fourth lumbricals-lateral plantar nerve from the tibial nerve [S2, S3]
F -Flexion of metatarsophalangeal joint and extension of interphalangeal joints
Flexor Hallucis Brevis
O -Plantar surface of cuboid and lateral cuneiform; tendon of tibialis posterior
I -Lateral and medial sides of base of proximal phalanx of the great toe
In -Medial plantar nerve from tibial nerve [S1, S2]
F -Flexes metatarsophalangeal joint of the great toe
Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
O -Base of metatarsal V and related sheath of fibularis longus tendon
I -Lateral side of base of proximal phalanx of little toe
In -Lateral plantar nerve from tibial nerve [S2, S3]
F -Flexes little toe at metatarsophalangeal joint
Adductor Hallucis
- O -Transverse head-ligaments associated with metatarsophalangeal joints of lateral three toes;
- - Oblique head-bases of metatarsals II to IV and from sheath covering fibularis longus
I -Lateral side of base of proximal phalanx of great toe
In -Lateral plantar nerve from tibial nerve [ S2, S3]
F -Adducts great toe at metatarsophalangeal joint
Dorsal Interossei
O -Sides of adjacent metatarsals
I -Extensor hoods and bases of proximal phalanges of toes II to IV
- In -Lateral plantar nerve from tibial nerve;
- -First and second dorsal interossei also innervated by deep fibular nerve [S2, S3]
F -Abduction of toes II to IV at metatarsophalangeal joints; resist extension of metatarsophalangeal joints and flexion of interphalangeal joints
Plantar Interossei
O -Medial sides of metatarsals of toes III to V
I -Extensor hoods and bases of proximal phalanges of toes III to V
In -Lateral plantar nerve from tibial nerve [S2, S3]
F -Adduction of toes III to V at metatarsophalangeal joints; resist extension of the metatarsophalangeal joints and flexion of the interphalangeal joints