Piper Seminole

  1. Will the prop feather when you shut down the engine after landing? Can you feather the prop when engine is not running?
    No. There is anti-feather lock pin which prevent the prop from feathering below 950 RPM. When the RPM is high, the pin hide inside sleeve due to centrifugal force. When the RPM is low, the spring push out the pin to stop the movement of the prop.
  2. How can you unfeather the prop?
    Use starter.
  3. What force makes it feather?
    Spring, nitrogen charged in the hub and counter weight at the root of the propeller blades.
  4. What is the purpose of feathering?
    To reduce the drag caused by windmilling. To avoid further damage to the engine.
  5. How can you feather manually?
    Move the propeller lever all the way down to the feather detent.
  6. What will happen if you lose engine oil completely?
    It become high pitch. Moves toward feathering.
  7. What does governor do?
    The fly weight inside the governor senses the change in RPM by sensing the change in centrifugal force. It opens the pilot valve. When the RPM increase, the valve opens the line without the pump. It drains the oil back from propeller hub to increase the blade angle. When the RPM decrease, the valve opens the line with the pump. The pump sends the oil to propeller hub to decrease the blade angle.
  8. Where is the governor located?
    In front of the engine.
  9. What is a constant speed prop?
    The propeller which maintains the RPM selected by propeller control lever constant regardless of airplane’s pitch attitude or throttle position within some range.
  10. Type of the landing gear?
    Hydraulically actuated, Tricycle, fully retractable.
  11. How does the Landing Gear work?
    It is electrical-hydraulic system. Pilot can select the position(up/down) by the gear handle. The electrical motor rotate the hydraulic pump which send the hydraulic fluid from reservoir to three actuators. The fluid move the piston in each actuators to move the push-pull rod which are connected to the landing gears. Electrical limit switch stop the motor when it reached full up or full down position. When the hydraulic pressure decrease, pressure switch activate the motor to pump the oil. When the hydrauric pressure reached to certain amount, it disconnect the cercuit to stop the pump.
  12. What is the color of the hydraulic fluid?
  13. What will happen in the case of loss of hydraulic fluid?
    The gear will drop by gravity and spring.
  14. How can you make sure the gear is down and locked?
    Three green lights
  15. Lock systems(up/down) for the Landing Gear.
    Up-No mechanical lock. Only supported by hydraulic pressure. Down-Over center lock supported by spring and finger hook.
  16. What will happen if you move gear handle up while you taxi on the ground?
    The warning horn beeps. And gear unsafe light (red) illuminates The gear will not go up because of the squat switch located on the left main gear strut.
  17. What is the primary source of electricity?
  18. How many alternators are there?
  19. What drives the alternator?
  20. What is the voltage and capacity of the alternator?
    14 volt, two 70 amp
  21. How can it maintain the voltage constant while the engine RPM changes from phase to phase?
    Voltage regulator maintain it at 14 volt regardless of RPM.
  22. How many voltage regulators are there?
    Two. Each alternator has its own voltage regulator.
  23. How can you detect the alternator failure? What would you do then?
    Annunciator light and zero indication on the loadmeter. If only one indicates zero, turn off the other one to make sure it is working. If both indicate zero, check master switch on, circuit breaker, recycle alternator. If it still indicate zero, turn off the master switch to conserve the battery.
  24. How many batteries are there? Location?
    One battery in the nose.
  25. What is the voltage and capacity of the battery?
    12 volt, 35 amp
  26. Type of flap:
    Plain flaps, (lever activated) Manual flap system.
  27. What are the flap deflection setting?
    0, 10, 25, 40
  28. Vfe
  29. Purpose of vacuum system
    To operate the gyro instruments. Attitude indicator and HSI. (Seminole only has attitude indicator because they are slaved)
  30. Source of vacuum
    Two engine driven vacuum pumps.
  31. Normal indication of vacuum pump
    4.8 to 5.2 inches of mercury at 2000 RPM
  32. Stall warning system
    • 2 tabs on the left wing.
    • The out board is activated for flap zero and 10 degrees.
    • The in board is activated for flap 25 and 40 degrees.
  33. What type of ice protection is there?
    Pitot heat, carb heat, deforster and nacascopt (where fuel vent is, under e/wing so that ice does not go in there)
  34. Hydraulic system:
    Prop, Brakes, Landing gear
  35. Va
    • Maneuvering Speed:
    • 135 at 3800 pounds
    • 112 at 2700 pounds
  36. What is the fuel system of the Seminole?
    Fuel pump system.
  37. How many fuel pumps are there?
    9. (1 for heater, 2 primers, 2 throttle, 2 engine driven, 2 electric)
  38. What drives fuel pumps?
    Engine driven and electrical motor.
  39. When do you use electrical fuel pump?
    To start the engine. Takeoff, climb and landing. When the engine driven pump is inoperative.
  40. How many fuel tanks are there? And how many gallons
    • One tank in each engine nacel. Total two tanks.
    • 55 gallons in each tanks. Total 110 gallons.
    • 2gallons unusable each side makes usable fuel of 108 gallons.
  41. How many fuel gauges are there?
    Two. Fuel quantity gauges. Fuel pressure gauges
  42. Can you send the fuel from right tank to left engine? How?
    • Yes. Select cross feed on the left fuel selector valve. The P.O.H says fuel selector valve for the inoperative engine should be “off”.
    • Only in cruise.
  43. What is the purpose of cross feed?
    To balance the weight laterally when one engine is inoperative. For longer range/endurance.
  44. How many drains are there? Where are they located?
    Two. There are two quick drains on the right side of the fuselage. Those are the drain from the fuel filters.
  45. What is the minimum grade of fuel?
    100 LL is blue.
  46. What kind of brake system is there?
    Hydraulically actuated disk brakes on the main landing gear wheels
  47. Where is the heated pitot tube and static port located?
    underneath the left wing
  48. Where is the alternate static source located?
    Inside the cabin under the left side of instrument panel.
  49. What must you close before using the alternate static source?
    The storm window & cabin vents must be closed and the heater & defroster must be turned on. This will reduce the pressure differntial between the cockpit and the atmosphere, reducing pitot static error.
  50. What are the pitot static instruments?
    Airspeed indicator, altimeter and VSI
  51. What is Vmc?
    Minimum controllable airspeed. 56
  52. Vso
    55- Stall speed in landing configuration
  53. Vs
    57 - Stall speed with zero flaps.
  54. Vr
    75- Rotation speed
  55. Vx
    82 - Best angle of climb
  56. Vxse
    82 - Best angle of climb single-engine
  57. Vsse
    82 - Safe speed for intentional engine failure
  58. Vy
    88 - Best rate of climb
  59. Vyse
    88 - Best rate of climb single - engine
  60. Vfe
    111 - Maximum flap extension speed
  61. Vlo (up)
    109 - Maximum gear retraction speed
  62. Vlo (down)
    140 - Maximum gear extension speed
  63. Vle
    140 - Maximum speed with gear extended
  64. Vno
    169 - Max structural cruising speed
  65. Vne
    202 - Never exceed speed
  66. Maximum demonstrated cross wind
  67. Maximum takeoff and landing weight?
    3800 pounds
  68. Maximum taxi weight
    3816 pounds
  69. What are the drag factors on light twins?
    Gear, flaps, windmilling propeller
  70. Who determines Vmc for a particular aircraft?
    Aircraft manufacturers
  71. Define critical engine.
    Is the engine that when it fails, most adversely affects the performance & handling qualities of the airplane
  72. List fators that are used to determine critical engine:
    • P-factor
    • Accelerated Slipstream
    • Spiraling Slipstram
    • Torque
  73. What causes an A/C to sideslip with the loss of an engine and what is required to correct this?
    Assymetrical thrust. You want to bank into the operating engine.
  74. What A/C equipment checks are required under FAR part 91?
    • Annual
    • Vor
    • 100 Hour
    • Altimeter (24 CM)
    • Transponder (24 CM)
    • ELT (12 CM)
    • Static system (24 CM)
  75. Define Single Engine Service ceiling:
    Maximum density altitude at which the single-engine best rate of climb (Vyse) will produce 50 fpm rate of climb
  76. Define Single-Engine Absolute ceiling:
    Maximum density altitude that an aircraft can attain or maintain with the critical engine inoperative. Vyse and Vxse are equal at this altitude. The a/c drifts to this altitude when an engine fails.
  77. Explain lost communications procedures for VFR.
    VFR: Squawk 7600, remain VFR and land as soon as practicable.
  78. An aircraft used for hire must have what?
    A 100 hour and an annual inspection
  79. If an engine failure occurred at 5000 MSL or a high density altitude, what would you do to et max performance from operating engine after performing the In Flight Engine Failure checklist?
    Lean it out to get a bump in RPM rise (after engine checklist)
  80. If the cylinder head temp & oil temp approach the caution range, what can be done to assist in cooling?
    Reduce AOA, power, open cowl flaps, enrichen mixture
  81. Why does manifold pressure decrase approx 1" every 1000' during climb?
    Ambient pressure decreases. (air outside)
  82. When an engine is inoperative or feathered, what indication will be observed on the manifold pressure gauge?
    Its like an altimeter (30.00)
  83. Why is the manifold pressure gauge not necessarily a good indicator in determining an inoperative engine?
    Its going to read similar to the good engine.
  84. Describe the pump (landing gear)
    Reversible hydraulic pump
  85. Describe Propellers
    Hartzell, 2 bladed, constant speed, controllable pitch, full feathering metal propellers.
  86. Which lever manipulates oil pressure to the propeller?
    Blue lever- propeller control
  87. Describe the Seminole PA-44 engine
    4 cylinder, Lycoming, Normally Aspirated, Horizontally Opposed, Carburetor, 180 HP at 2700 RPM
  88. How is ignition provided?
    Engine driven magnetos
  89. How many magentos are there?
    4. (2 per engine)
  90. What do you do if you have propeller over speed?
    Throttle to idle and pull back blue propeller (keep RMP down)
  91. What do you say when Gear goes down:
    3 green, no red, 1 in the mirror
  92. How do you prevent a heater overheat?
    Turn heater off, Air intake opens
  93. What indicates that the gear is in transit and the hydraulic pump is activated?
    red light
Card Set
Piper Seminole