abs/posterior leg

  1. Rectus Abdominis
    O -Pubic crest, pubic tubercle & pubic symphysis

    I -Costal cartilages of ribs V to VII; xiphoid process

    In -Anterior rami of lower thoracic spinal nerves [T7-T12]

    F -Compress abdominal contents; flex vertebral column; tense abdominal wall
  2. External Oblique
    O -Muscular slips from the outer surfaces of the lower eight ribs (ribs V to XII)

    I -Lateral lip of iliac crest; aponeurosis ending in midline raphae (linea alba)

    In -Anterior rami of lower six thoracic spinal nerves [T7-T12]

    F -Compress abdominal contents; both muscles flex trunk; each muscle bends trunk to same side, turning anterior part of abdomen to opposite side
  3. Internal Oblique
    O -Thoracolumbar fascia; iliac crest between origins of external & transversus; lateral two-thirds of inguinal ligament

    I -Inferior border of the lower three or four ribs; aponeurosis ending in linea alba; pubic crest & pectineal line

    In -Anterior rami of lower six thoracic spinal nerves [T7-T12] and L1

    F -Compress abdominal contents; both muscles flex trunk; each muscle bends trunk & turns anterior part of abdomen to same side
  4. Transverse Abdominis
    O -Thoracolumbar fascia; medial lip of iliac crest; lateral one-third of inguinal ligament; costal cartilages lower six ribs (ribs VII to XII)

    I -Aponeurosis ending in linea alba; pubic crest & pectineal line

    In -Anterior rami of lower six thoracic spinal nerves [T7-T12] and L1

    F -Compress abdominal contents
  5. Quadratus Lumborum
    O -Transverse process of LV vertebra, iliolumbar ligament & iliac crest

    I -Transverse processes of LI to LIV vertebrae & inferior border of rib XII

    In -Anterior rami of T12 and L1-L4

    F -Depress & stabilize rib XII & some lateral bending of trunk
  6. Pyramidalis
    O -Front of pubis & pubic symphysis

    I -Into linea alba

    In -Anterior ramus of T12

    F -Tenses the linea alba
  7. Piriformis
    O -Anterior surface of sacrum between anterior sacral foramina

    I -Medial side of superior border of greater trochanter of femur

    In -Branches of L5,S1,S2

    F -Laterally rotates the extended femur at hip joint; abducts flexed femur at hip joint
  8. Gemellus Superior
    O -External surface of ischial spine

    I -Along length of superior surface of the obturator internus tendon & into the medial side of greater trochanter of femur with obturator internus tendon

    In -Nerve to Obturator Internus [L5,S1]

    F -Laterally rotates the extended femur at hip joint; abducts flexed femur at hip joint
  9. Obturator Internus
    O -Anterolateral wall of pelvis; deep surface of obturator membrane & surrounding bone

    I -Medial side of greater trochanter of femur

    In -Nerve to Obturator Internus [L5,S1]

    F -Laterally rotates the extended femur at hip joint; abducts flexed femur at hip joint
  10. Gemellus Inferior
    O -Upper aspect of ischial tuberosity

    I -Along length of inferior surface of the obturator internus tendon & into the medial side of greater trochanter of femur with obturator internus tendon

    In -Nerve to Quadratus Femoris [L5,S1]

    F -Laterally rotates the extended femur at hip joint; abducts flexed femur at hip joint
  11. Quadratus Femoris
    O -Lateral aspect of the ischium just anterior to the ischial tuberosity

    I -Quadrate tubercle on the intertrochanteric crest of the proximal femur

    In -Nerve to Quadratus Femoris [L5,S1]

    F -Laterally rotates femur at hip joint
  12. Tensor Fasciae Latae
    O -Lateral aspect of crest of ilium between anterior superior iliac spine & tubercle of the crest

    I -Iliotibial tract of fascia lata

    In -Superior gluteal n. [L4,L5,S1]

    F -Stabilizes the knee in extension
  13. Gluteus Medius
    O -External surface of ilium between anterior & posterior gluteal lines

    I - Elongate facet on the lateral surface of the greater trochanter

    In -Superior gluteal n. [L4,L5,S1]

    F -Abducts femur at hip joint; hold pelvis secure over stance leg & prevents pelvic drop on the opposite swing side during walking; medially rotates thigh
  14. Gluteus Minimus
    O -External surface of ilium between inferior & anterior gluteal lines

    I -Linear facet on anterolateral aspect of greater trochanter

    In -Superior gluteal nerve [L4,L5,S1]

    F -Abducts femur at hip joint; holds pelvis secure over stance leg & prevents pelvic drop on the opposite swing side during walking; meidally rotates thigh
  15. Gluteus Maximus
    O -Fascia covering gluteus medius, external surface of ilium behind posterior gluteal line, fascia of erector spinae, dorsal surface of lower sacrum, lateral margin of coccyx, external surface of sacrotuberous ligament

    I -Posterior aspect of iliotibial tract of fascia lata & gluteal tuberosity of proximal femur

    In -Inferior gluteal nerve [L5,S1,S2]

    F -Powerful extensor of flexed femur at hip joint; lateral stabilizer of hip joint & knee joint; laterally rotates & abducts thigh
  16. Biceps Femoris
    O -Long head-inferomedial part of upper area of ischial tuberosity; short head-lateral lip of linea aspera

    I -Head of fibula

    In -Long head-tibial division of Sciatic n.; short head-common fibular division of Sciatic n. [L5,S1,S2]

    F -Flexes leg at knee joint; extends & laterally rotates thigh at hip joint & laterally rotates leg at knee joint
  17. Semitendinosus
    O -Inferomedial part of upper area of ischial tuberosity

    I -Medial surface of proximal tibia

    In -Tibial division of Sciatic n. [L5,S1,S2]

    F -Flexes leg at knee joint & extends thigh at hip joint; medially rotates thigh at hip joint & leg at knee joint
  18. Semimembranosus
    O -Superolateral impression on ischial tuberosity

    I -Groove & adjacent bone on medial & posterior surface of medial tibial condyle

    In -Tibial division of Sciatic n. [L5,S1,S2]

    F -Flexes leg at knee joint & extends thigh at hip joint; medially rotates thigh at hip joint & leg at knee joint
Card Set
abs/posterior leg
Origin, Insertion, Innervation & Function