FAR-AIM Section 91.133 - 91.5

  1. When may a Pilot operate an aircraft within a restricted area?
    When he has the permission of the using or controlling agency.
  2. What flight rules apply to Class A airspace?
  3. Class A space requires what equipment and procedures?
    • Transponder with Mode C and altitude encoding, a Comm Radio, IFR equipment.
    • Communication with controlling ATC.
  4. The Administrator may issue what designation an area with temporary flight restrictions to protect person and property or conduct disaster relief?
    NOTAM Notice to Airmen
  5. What are the exceptions to a NOTAM issued by the Administrator designation temporary flight restrictions?
    • 1. The flight is directly to or from an airport within the area under ATC control with filed IFR plan.
    • 2. The aircraft is participating in the disaster relief.
    • 3. The aircraft is carrying accredited news representatives, event personnel, law enforcement, etc.
  6. What are the restrictions governing flights in the proximity of the Presidential and other parties?
    No person may operate an aircraft over or in the vicinity of any area to be visited or traveled by the President, the Vice President, or other public figures contrary to the restrictions established by the Administrator and published in a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM).
  7. What are the restrictions governing flights in the proximity of space flight operations?
    No person may operate any aircraft within areas designated in a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) for space flight operations except when authorized by ATC, or operated under the control of the Department of Defense Manager for Space Transportation System Contingency Support Operations.
  8. What are the temporary restrictions when the barometric pressure exceeds 31 inches HG?
    No person may operate an aircraft or initiate a flight.
  9. NOTAMs can be issued concerning flight restrictions at what kind of events?
    Air shows and flight demonstrations, events with extremely large crowds of people.
  10. What are the FAA standards concerning VFR fuel reserves on flights?
    • (1) During the day, to fly after that for at least 30 minutes; or
    • (2) At night, to fly after that for at least 45 minutes.
  11. What information is required for a VFR flight plan?
    • 1. Aircraft ID
    • 2. Aircraft Type
    • 3. Name and address of PIC
    • 4. Departure place and time
    • 5. Proposed route/plan
    • 6. Proposed landing
    • 7. Hours of fuel
    • 8. Number of people on flight
  12. Special VFR operations may only be conducted under what conditions?
    • 1. ATC Clearance
    • 2. Clear of Clouds
    • 3. At least 1 sm visibility
    • 4. Has appropriate equipment
  13. When operating between 3000' and 18,000 MSL on a Magnetic course of 0-179, what heights shall a pilot fly at?
    Odd elevations +500' (3500,5500, 7500)
  14. When operating between 3000' and 18,000 MSL on a Magnetic course of 180-359, what heights shall a pilot fly at?
    even elevations +500' (4500,6500, 8500)
  15. The fuel requirement for IFR flights are what?
    Enough fuel to reach the intended airport, then the secondary airport, and an additional fuel for 45 minutes at cruise speed.
  16. No person may operate a civil aircraft under IFR using the VOR system of radio navigation unless the VOR equipment of that aircraft has been what?
    • 1. Is maintained, checked and inspected under an approved procedure, or
    • 2. Has been operationally checked with the preceding 30 days and found within limits.
  17. No person may operate an aircraft in controlled airspace under IFR unless that person has done what?
    Filed an IFR flight plan and received ATC clearance.
  18. Who is responsible for maintaining an aircraft in an airworthy condition?
    The owner or operator of an aircraft is primarily responsible.
  19. Who is responsible to make sure that maintenance personnel make appropriate entries in the aircraft records?
    The owner or operator.
  20. Who can test fly an aircraft that has been maintained, rebuilt, or altered in a manner that may have appreciably changed its flight characteristics or substantially affected its operation in flight?
    A rated pilot with at least a private pilot's certificate.
  21. What must an owner operator do before carrying passengers on an aircraft which has been maintained, rebuilt, or altered in a manner that may have appreciably changed its flight characteristics or substantially affected its operation in flight?
    Have plane test flown by rated pilot.
  22. When can an airplane be returned to service after significant repairs without a test flight?
    ground tests, inspection, or both show conclusively that the maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, or alteration has not appreciably changed the flight characteristics or substantially affected the flight operation of the aircraft.
  23. How often must an aircraft be inspected?
  24. Within how many hours must a 100 hour inspection be made?
    Within 10.
  25. How often must the static air system with altimeter and altitude reporting equipment be inspected in order to fly in IFR?
    Every 24 months.
  26. What information must be included in an aircraft maintenance record?
    Description, date, signature and number of mech,etc.
  27. How long must an owner keep documents in the maintenance log?
    Until the repair or maintenance cycle has been updated with a more current repair or inspection. Complete records should be kept with the aircraft history.
  28. When does an owner use a new maintenance record without previous operating history for an aircraft engine?
    When the engine is either rebuilt or replaced with a new or rebuilt engine.
  29. What typical carry aboard equipment must every PIC have on a flight?
    • 1. Flashlight having 2 D cells or equivalent.
    • 2. Cockpit checklists and procedures
    • 3. Pertinent aeronautical charts for the VFR/IFR flight.
  30. What must every PIC become familiar with before a flight within a particular aircraft?
    Airplane Flight Manual, placards, listings, instrument markings, or any combination thereof, containing each operating limitation prescribed for that airplane
  31. What equipment is required for overt the top or night VFT operations?
    equipped with the instruments and equipment required for IFR operations and one electric landing light for night operations.
  32. Flights over water from 50-99 nm require what additional equipment?
    ife preserver or an approved flotation means for each occupant of the airplane.
  33. Flights of over 30 minutes or 100 nm off shore must have what survival equipment?
    • (1) A life preserver with light for each person
    • (2) Enough liferafts (each equipped with an approved survival locator light)
    • (3) At least one pyrotechnic signaling device
    • (4) One self-buoyant, water-resistant, portable emergency radio signaling device
  34. Flights of over 30 minutes or 100 nm off shore must have what type of comm equipment?
    • (1) 2 comm radios with 2 headsets or equivalent
    • (2) 2 nav units
  35. What emergency equipment must an airplane have?
    Fire extinguisher, first aid kit (megaphone on larger passenger planes)
  36. Every flight should begin with a passenger briefing that includes what information?
    Smoking issues, convenience or hygiene issues, use of safety belts and harnesses, operation of doors and emergency exit procedures, location of survival equipment, ditching procedures and emergency equipment, oxygen use.
  37. What are the limitations on carrying cargo on an aircraft?
    Must be stored in such a way as not to impede emergency procedure, nor be able to shift in flight.
  38. Airplanes are not allowed to take off with what adhering to the propeller, wings, or control surfaces?
    Frost, ice
  39. What must an aircraft have in order to takeoff into known icing conditions?
    Ice protection
  40. No person may operate a civil aircraft unless it has within it the following:
    • AROW
    • Airworthiness Certificate displayed in cabin
    • Registration
    • Operational Limitations
    • Weight and Balance
  41. What instruments are required for VFR day flights?
    Airspeed Indicator, Altimeter, Compass, Tach, Oil pressure gauge, oil temperature gauge, fuel gauge,landing gear position indicator, (1996) red or white anti-collision light system, safety belt/harness for each seat, an ELT emergency locator transmitter,electric landing light, spare set of fuses
  42. Every aircraft must have an emergency locator transmitter. Its battery should be replaced when?
    • 1. After 1 continuous hour of use.
    • 2. When battery is at 50% of its life.
  43. What must every aircraft have to operate from sunset to sunrise?
    Position Lights
  44. For flights between what altitudes must oxygen be used if the flight exceeds 30 minutes?
    12,500 - 14,000'
  45. Flight crew must use oxygen for flights above what altitude?
  46. At what altitude must passengers be given oxygen?
  47. No aircraft may takeoff with inoperative instruments or equipment unless what?
    Contains an approved Minimum Equipment List and the aircraft's minimum equipment is functional.
  48. No person may operate an aircraft in aerobatic flight over what?
    Congested area of city or over an open air assembly of people.
  49. What are the visibility, altitude, and class restrictions on aerobatic flight?
    Visibility 3 sm, 1500'AGL, withing Class B, C, D, or E airspace designated for an airport, or within 4 nm of the center line of any federal airway.
  50. Where may a person flight test an aircraft?
    Over open water, or sparsely populated areas, having light air traffic.
  51. Chair type emergency parachute may only be used if it was packed within how many preceding days?
    120 days
  52. When must each occupant of an aircraft wear a parachute?
    When banking plane 60 degrees relative to the horizon or a nose-up or nose-down attitude of 30 degrees relative to the horizon.
Card Set
FAR-AIM Section 91.133 - 91.5
Cards from Section 91 in the FAR AIM. Does not cover IFR.