Chemistry Equations - Unit 5 (Organic)

  1. Combustion of benzene
    • Complete 

    • Incomplete
  2. Free radical addition
    • Cl2 broken into free radicals by UV light
    • A mixture of cis and trans isomers is formed
  3. Benzene and hydrogen
    • Nickel catalyst
  4. Benzene and bromine
    • Electrophile:
  5. Formation of nitrobenzene
    • Electrophile:

    • Conc. nitric and sulphuric at 55°

    If temperature is too high, second NO2 group is substituted on 3 position
  6. Friedel-Crafts Alkylation
    • Electrophile:

    • Dry conditions
    • Further substitution takes place to form 1,2 and 1,4 chains
  7. Friedel-Crafts Acylation
    • Electrophile:
    • Dry conditions
    • Product is a ketone, further substitution does not take place, COCH3 deactivates benzene ring.
  8. Sulfonation
    • Gentle heating with sulphuric acid and dissolved sulfur trioxide. Attacked by SO3electrophile.
    • Product is benzenesulfonic acid
  9. Methylbenzene and chlorine

    • UV light
    • Each H atom on the CH3 is replaced one at a time
  10. Methylbenzene with conc. HNO3
    • Conc. HNO3, 50°, conc. H2SO4
    • A mixture is formed
    • If temp rises above 50°C, then 2,4 will be formed.
    • If under reflux, 2,4,6 is formed
  11. Phenol and bromine
    • Bromine water needed, produces antiseptic
    • Electrophile is Br in HOBr
  12. Nitration of phenol
    • Dilute nitric acid
    • Forms a mixture of aromatic compounds and water
  13. Phenol and acyl chlorides

    Forms an ester
  14. Amines and water

    Forms a weak base, but stronger than ammonia
  15. Amines and acid
    • To regain amine react with strong alkali
  16. Amines in ligand exchange
  17. Amines and acyl chlorides

    Forms N-substituted amides
  18. Halogenoalkanes and amines
    • Halogenoalkanes react with primary amines to form secondary and tertiary amines and salts
  19. Formation of nylon
    • Condensation polymer, releases HCl
  20. Formation of Kevlar
  21. Formation of Terylene
  22. Formation of polyethenol
    • Water soluble due to -OH
  23. Formation of polypropenamide
  24. Reduction of nitrobenzene
    • Use conc. HCl, reflux
  25. Making dizonium salt
    • Make nitrous acid
    •  (under 5°C)

    • Add nitrous acid to phenyl amine
    •  +2H2O
    • If temp is above 5 degrees phenol will form instead
  26. Making azo dye

    Forms orange ppt
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Chemistry Equations - Unit 5 (Organic)