upper thoracic

  1. Subclavius
    O -First rib at junction between rib and costal cartilage

    I -Groove on inferior surface of middle one-third of clavicle

    In -Nerve to subclavius [C5, C6]

    F -Pulls tip of shoulder down; pulls clavicle medially to stabilize sternoclavicular joint
  2. External Intercostal
    O - Inferior margin of rib above

    I - Superior margin of rib below

    In - Intercostal nerves; T1-T11

    F - Most active during inspiration; supports intercostal space; moves ribs superiorly
  3. Internal Intercostal
    O -Lateral edge of costal groove of rib above

    I -Superior margin of rib below deep to the attachment of the related external intercostal

    In -Intercostal nerves; T1-T11

    F -Most active during expiration; supports intercostal space; moves ribs inferiorly
  4. Innermost Intercostal
    O -Medial edge of costal groove of rib above

    I -Internal aspect of superior margin of rib below

    In -Intercostal nerves; T1-T11

    F -Acts with internal intercostal muscles
  5. Pectoralis Major
    O -Clavicular head-anterior surface of medial half of clavicle; sternocostal head-anterior surface of sternum; first seven costal cartilages; sternal end of sixth rib; aponeurosis of external oblique

    I -Lateral lip of intertubercular sulcus of humerus

    In -Medial and lateral pectoral nerves; clavicular head [C5, C6]; sternocostal head [C6, C7, C8, T1]

    F -Flexion, adduction, and medial rotation of arm at glenohumeral joint; clavicular head-flexion of extended arm; sternocostal head-extension of flexed arm
  6. Pectoralis Minor
    O - Anterior surfaces and superior borders of ribs III to V; and from deep fascia overlying the related intercostal spaces

    I -Coracoid process of scapula (medial border and upper surface)

    In - Medial pectoral nerve [C5, C6, C7, C8, T1]

    F -Pulls tip of shoulder down; protracts scapula
  7. Serratus Anterior
    O -Lateral surfaces of upper 8-9 ribs and deep fascia overlying the related intercostal spaces

    I -Costal surface of medial border of scapula

    In -Long thoracic nerve [C5, C6, C7]

    F -Protraction and rotation of the scapula; keeps medial border and inferior angle of scapula opposed to thoracic wall
Card Set
upper thoracic
Origin, Insertion, Innervation & Function