theater history test 2 terms and plays

  1. Angry Young Men
    • harsh realism vs escapist themes of previous generation of theater
    • openly discussing social/political motifs about social cast systems of period
  2. biomechanics
    • developed by Meyerhold after studying the Winslow-Taylor efficiency method
    • focused on stability and limiting extraneous movement
    • 1st fully implemented physical acting method
  3. Cambridge anthropologists
    theorists who return to Aristotelian form where theater comes from ritualistic performance intended to have a direct effect
  4. Cartel des Quatre
    • 4 directors/colleagues/competitors
    • (Jouvet, Bullin, Bath and Pitoeff)
    • director takes the reigns and focuses on a particular theme or style
    • becomes the impetus for big picture directors
  5. Dadaism
    • art movement of the European Avant Garde
    • begun by Tristan Tzara early 20th century
    • informal international movement
    • protest against bourgeoisie nationalist and colonialist interests
  6. Epic Theatre
    • contemporary existence
    • documentary effects, audience interaction
    • reaction to realism 
    • "the alienation effect"
  7. expressionism
    • developed mostly in 20th century Europe
    • Sophie Treadwell
  8. futurism
    • argues that energy and assertiveness are the ultimate expression of war
    • overtly masculine 
    • present-tense oriented
  9. the Old Vic
    • WW1 era, est. by Ben Greet
    • started matinees and children's plays
    • 1st modern company to do all Shakespeare's plays
  10. the New Stagecraft
    • encouraged by the Theater Guild
    • Robert Edmund Jones
    • Lee Simonson
    • moved away from realism and toward suggestion and mood
  11. socialist realism
    glorified communistic values
  12. surealism
    • "extra realism"
    • focuses on subconscious mind
  13. Theater of the Absurd
    • named by critic Martin Esslin
    • man's reaction to a world seemingly without meaning
    • man controlled by outside forces
    • Samuel Becket, Eugene Ionesco, Harold Pinter, Edward Albee, etc
  14. Oklahoma!
    • Rodgers and Hammerstein
    • wildly successful
    • won a Pulitzer in 1944
  15. Waiting for Godot
    • absurdist
    • Samuel Beckett
    • 2 people waiting endless for someone named Godot who never shows up
    • "the play where nothing happens twice"
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theater history test 2 terms and plays
terms and plays