Lost sight wings level
*Lead aircraft increase airspeed by at least 15KCAS
*Wingman level off and reduce speed by 15KCAS
*D-2/D-3 (balanced form): turn 15 deg away for 15 seconds then resume heading
*D-4 (balanced form) or D-3 (4 ship echelon): turn 30 deg away for 15 seconds, then resume heading
*D-4 (4 ship echelon): turn 45 deg away for 15 seconds, then resume heading
Lost sight turn away from wingman
*Lead aircraft increase airspeed by 15KCAS
*Wingman level off and reduce speed by 15KCAS
*D-2/D-3 (balanced form): roll wings level for 15 seconds then turn to assigned heading
*D-4 (balanced form) or D-3 (4 ship echelon): turn 15 deg away for 15 seconds then resume turn to assigned heading
*D-4 (4 ship echelon): turn 30 deg away for 15 seconds, then resume turn to assigned heading
Lost sight turns into wingman
*Lead aircraft call the reference heading, execute a smooth reversal to 30 deg AOB in the opposite direction for 15 seconds while increasing airspeed by 15KCAS
*Wingman reduce airspeed by 15KCAS
*D-2/D-3 (balanced form): increase AOB by 10 deg in direction of original turn and increase pull by 1 G over reference from lead for 15 seconds, then resume reference heading
*D-4 (balanced form) or D-3 (4 ship echelon): increase AOB by 20 deg in direction of original turn and increase pull by 2 G over reference from lead for 15 seconds, then resume reference heading
*D-4 (4 ship echelon): increase AOB by 30 deg in direction of original turn and increase pull by 3 G over reference from lead for 15 seconds, then resume original heading
Lost sight precision/non-precision final
*same as wings level, turn into or turn away, but D-2 only reduce airspeed as required
*after initial de-confliction, wingman shall commence published missed approach procedure while climbing to 500 feet above missed approach altitude
NORDO signal for land immediately or arrested landing
Land immediately: landing motion with an open hand during the day or a vertical motion with a flashlight at night
Arrested landing: extend the hook
1. Hydraulic: assume HYD 2A, perform emergency gear extension
2. Electrical: assume dual gen/TR failure
3. Fuel: assume tank 4 transfer failure with 2,500 lb unusable fuel and possible CG aft out of limits
4. Oxygen: assume no pressurization/OBOGS
5. Engine: if able visually determine which is secured
6. FCS: assume FCS/flaps OFF
*May take wingman back into the break, if so briefed.
*Lead will indicate clearance to land by executing a touch and go or full stop if fuel is critical
*waveoff by lead will indicate that clearance to land has not been given
*lead should remain airborne until NORDO wingman is safely on deck
NORDO during IMC or with HEFOE signals
*wingman will fly right wing and should enroute descent or TACAN penetration with a GCA final
*dirty up expected 8-12 miles from touchdown
*if Hydraulic issues, emergency gear extension and half flap selection shall be performed below 170 KCAS
*dirty up should be performed VMC. If IMC, it will not occur below 2,000 feet AGL
*lead will fly half flaps and fly no slower than on-speed
*lead will drop NORDO aircraft off on the ball at approximately one mile and allow the wingman to transition to the ball
*lead will turn on strobes or "kiss off" wing and break away as clearance to land for wing
*lead will climb to 500 feet AGL or below the overcast (no lower than circling minimums). maintain established configuration and 160 KCAS
*wingman should acquire lead at his 10 or 11 o'clock and rendezvous
Taxi interval
- 800 feet on centerline
- *gouge checkpoint is taxiing so that the circle of the VV just touches both inboard sides of lead's vertical stabilators
Multiple aircraft on the runway, runway widths
4 aircraft: 300 foot wide runway
3 aircraft: 200 foot wide runway
2 aircraft for less than a 200 foot wide runway
standard takeoff interval
during day operations is 10 seconds. consideration should be given to increase the interval to 15 seconds for night operations. section takeoff intervals greater than 10 and 15 seconds are authorized.
10 second interval used to prevent FOD, reduce the effects of wake turbulence, and prevent dual high-speed aborts
multi-ship takeoff procedure
1. preferred positioning is echelon right, but lead should take downwind if crosswind is a factor
2. if trail wingman is holding short due to insufficient runway width, lead should position himself on the same side as that wingman, wind permitting.
3. pilots will indicate "set" via hand signals and/or communication on AUX
Any aircraft than cannot be positioned on the runway due to insufficient width should hold clear of the runway and taxi into position for take-off after the nearest aircraft to the taxiway has rolled at least ______ feet
1,000 feet
section takeoff minimums
1. only day, AB. Weather must be at least circling minimums. if no circling mins are published, weather shall be at least 1,000' ceiling and 3 SM vis
2. the runway must be at least 7,000' long and at least 150' wide, have no standing water and braking condition of good
3. both aircraft must be the same "series group" and have the same configuration. max gross weight difference is 2,000 lbs
4. no section takeoffs over arresting gear in or out of battery
5. max 15 knot cross-wing component
standard takeoff/initial rendezvous airspeeds
300 KCAS below 10,000'
350 KCAS above 10,000'
IFR radar trail departure procedures
1. "Mark" is set on the runway prior to takeoff
2. Min of 10 seconds between aircraft on takeoff roll
3. Each aircraft will maintain radar SA to the aircraft immediately ahead calling "tied-on" once a lock has been achieved. A briefed A/A TACAN or MIDS to confirm proper separation is required
4. The briefed climb out airspeed must be maintained by all aircraft. Each aircraft will maintain at least one mile in trail and attempt to remain 500' below the altitude indicated on the tracked aircraft
5. Each aircraft shall attempt to fly the same ground track during the departure to maintain the briefed separation. If required the use of he designated "Mark" will offer a reference for turns
6. if VMC suitable for rendezvous are not encountered, non-standard formation shall be requested by flight lead until individual squawks can be assigned by ATC
7. if radar lock is dropped on the preceding aircraft, the pilot shall execute lost wingman procedures and immediately advise the flight lead. Flight leads shall immediately advise ATC and request separate squawks and clearance for detached aircraft. A MIDS lock is an approved substitute for a radar lock when properly briefed and backed up with A/A TACAN
standard division formation
- *initial join-up and IMC: fingertip
- *enroute: cruise or fluid four (all a/c within 1 NM and +/- 100')
section instrument approaches
*flown at 160 KCAS, or no slower than on-speed
*flight separation on final no later than 3 NM with field in sight. Lead detaches wingman: wing selects full flaps, decelerate to on-speed and complete landing checks, striving for at least 3,000' of separation. Lead select full flaps and slow to on-speed at 1 NM (or when -2 calls "clear")
*detaching wingman on the ball: lead drops the wingman off at 1.0 to 1.5 NM and executes a missed approach or VFR downwind.
standard break interval
4 seconds
takeoff rendezvous
*300 KCAS
*if a running rendezvous is required, D-2 should arrive in port echelon. Remaining flight members should join in starboard parade formation
*when executing a running rendezvous, the lead aircraft will be on or aft of the canopy bow when inside of 1.0 NM. wingman shall stabilize on bearing line no later than 0.5 NM from lead
max excess airspeed for running rendezvous
- day: 50 knots (utilizing 1% rule inside 0.5 NM)
- night: 25 knots
first and foremost responsibility of the wingman
avoid hitting the lead
MCT definition
Mission Crosscheck Time: amount of time available to accomplish mission tasks after collision avoidance tasks are complete
CAT definition
Collision avoidance tasks: any mental or physical tasks, which establish, maintain, or predict obstacle clearance
CT definition
Critical task: task that demand immediate attention and successful accomplishment for mission success
NCT definition
Non-critical task: task that can be accomplished in a flexible time window and do not immediately effect mission accomplishment
alpha check
Alpha check, Rock (name of A/A waypoint), [radial FROM] for [distance].
nav check
Nav check, to STILY (name of waypoint), [radial TO] for [distance]
lead will be 40 plus the event # and wingmen will be 103 plus the event #
on takeoff, check for
- *launch bar is up
- *nose wheel straight
- *canopy closed
- *wings spread and locked
- *flaps set
- *rudders toed-in
- *hook up
- *all panels closed
- *no hydraulic or fuel leaks
parade position
- *slign forward tip of the ALQ-218 pod slightly below the pilot's head box
- *proper wingtip clearance is set by reference to exhaust nozzles, so that they are aligned and there is no detectable curve to the nozzles
crossunder separation
at lead's 6 o'clock proper position is 20' stepdown and 10' nose-to-tail separation
B&R break and trail intervals
- 4 second break intervel
- 2000-3000' in trail interval
CV Rendezvous bearing line checkpoints
Superimposing lead's opposite vertical stabilizer on the lead's opposite wingtip will keep you on bearing line
max excess airspeed during CV rendezvous
25 KCAS day and 10 KCAS night once established on the bearing line
TACAN Rendezvous wing cleared back in
wing will fly outbound 1 minute or until A/A TACAN reads at least 5 DME or until cleared back in by lead
tac wing position
- 30-3000 ft
- 45-60 deg bearing
combat spread position
defensive: 0.8-1.0 NM; +/-1-3000'
offensive: 1.0-1.5 NM; +/- 3-5000'
uncalled tac turns
all wing flashes are assumed to be a turn away from the wingman
lead power min on section approach
- 75% in section
- 77% in division