4220 Exam 2 review

  1. What is phase one of implementation
    Adoption of the program- a part of marketing(diffusion theory) innovators, early adopters, etc, Marketing keys: understanding priority population, knowing how/when to segment the priority population, understand diffusion theory
  2. What is Phase 2 of implementation
    Identify,  prioritize, create planning timetables and timelines

    • Gantt charts
    • PERT charts
    • CPM (critical path method)
  3. What is a Gantt Chart and what phase of implementation would you use one in
    (more common used) focuses on major tasks shows the planned time frame and when the task was actually completed.

    Phase 2 identifying and prioritizing the tasks to be completed
  4. What is a PERT chart and what phase of implementation is it
    • Program evaluation and review technique
    • used for business project management, works well if you’re not sure about duration of tasks, uses three estimates for duration: optimisitic, pessimistic, and probabilistic
    • Phase 2 identifying and prioritizing the tasks to be completed
  5. What is CPM and what phase of implementation is it in
    • Critical path method
    • Phase 2 identifying and prioritizing the tasks to be completed
    • works well when you feel confident about the duration of each task, items on critical path cannot be delayed without delaying the program
  6. What is phase 3 of implementation
    • establishing a system of management
    • Management: the process of achieving results through controlling human, financial, and technical resources           
    • The efficient, satisfactory management of a health promotion program is vital to its long-term success
  7. What is phase 4 of implementation
    putting the plans into action
  8. What are 3 ways to put a plan into action (phase 4)
    • Pilot testing
    • phased in
    • total program
  9. What is pilot testing (phase 4 putting plans into action)
    trying the program out with a small group from the priority population to identify any problems
  10. What is phased in with regards to phase 4 putting plans into action
    allows planners to have more control over the program helps to protect you from getting in over you head, works well when you have a very large priority population
  11. What are 4 ways you can "phase in" in phase 4  putting the plans into action
    • different program offerings
    • limit number of participants
    • choice of location
    • participant ability
  12. what is different program offerings in phase 4 putting the plans into action for phased in step
    start by offering one thing for first 6 months then offer that one class and another class next six months
  13. What is participant ability in phase 4 putting plans into action for phased in step
    offer start with beginners, then offer intermediate, then offer to experts
  14. What is total program in relation to phasing in on phase 4 putting the plans into action
    all in- priority population exposed at same time
  15. What is first day of implementation in regards to phase 4 putting the plans into action
    launch, rollout, kick off.  First day essentially an extension of the fourth P of marketing (promotion).
  16. When launching a program what is something you should consider
    launch to conincide with other already occurring event (weight loss program and new years)
  17. What is Phase 5 in implementation
    • Ending or sustaining a program
    • How long should we run the program
  18. what does deciding to end it mean in relation to phase 5 ending or sustaining a program
    goals and objective met, resources available, need to re-focus
  19. What does how to sustain mean in relation to phase 5 ending or sustaining a program
    • Work to institutionalize (PE program part of regular school day)
    • Evaluate program to show it’s merit/worth
    • Advocate for the program
    • Partner with others to share resources and responsibilities
    • Revisit and revise the rationale
  20. What is the major difference between a Gantt chart and a PERT chart?
    Gantt charts focus on the major tasks and the plan time frame to complete and when actually completed  while PERT charts focus how the tasks all fit together and not sure about duration of tasks
  21. What are the major concerns of implementation
    medical, safety, ethical, and legal concerns
  22. What do medical and safety include as one of the major concerns of implementation
    • Doctors note if medical risk
    • Safe location, appropriate security
    • Bldg codes met facilities free from hazards
    • Properly trained qualified instructors
    • First aid supplies
  23. What does ethical include as one of the major concerns of implementation
    • Code of Ethics for the Health Education Profession to guide the work of HE; highest standards
    • The Belmont Report: Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subject Research                                    Respect for persons, Beneficence – maximizing benefits and mimimizing harm; Justice – fairness
  24. What does legal consist of as one of the major concerns of implementation
    • Negligence – failing to act in a prudent manner
    • Omission: not doing something when you should
    • Commission: doing something you should not be doing (not certified instructors)
    • Reduce risk of liability: select qualified certified instructors; written guidelines, require informed consent, limit advice, safe environment, liability insurance
  25. What are the inception elements of comprehensive formative evaluation
    • Justification
    • Evidence
  26. What is the element of justification
    program approved by stakeholders
  27. What are the elements of Early on in comprehensive formative evaluation
    • capacity
    • resources
    • consumer orientation
  28. What does the element of capacity mean in the early on stage of evaluation
    ability of planners to design and implement the program
  29. What does resources mean a an element of evaluation
  30. what does consumer orientation mean as an element of evaluation
    program tailored to priority population
  31. What are the elements of during content development of comprehensive formative evaluation
    • Multiplicity
    • support
  32. what is multiplicity as a an element of evaluation
    multiple components
  33. what is support as an element of evaluation
    is built in to program
  34. What are the elements of during implementation that are part of the comprehensive formative evaluation
    • inclusion
    • accountability
    • adjustment
  35. What does the element of inclusion mean in comprehensive formative evaluation
    adequate number and range of partners involved in program
  36. What does the element of accountability mean in comprehensive formative evaluation
    staff fulfill responsibilities
  37. what does the element of adjustment mean in comprehensive formative evaluation
    did you have to modify based on stakeholder feedback
  38. what are the elements under promoting program in comprehensive formative evaluation
    • recruitiment
    • reach
    • response
  39. What does the element of recruitment mean under promoting program under comprehensive formative evaluation
    are appropriate, aware of program
  40. what does the element of reach mean under promoting program under comprehensive formative evaluation
    what proportion of priority population been give opportunity to participate
  41. what does the element response mean under promoting program under comprehensive formative evaluation
    proportion of population participating in program
  42. what elements are under during and/or at the end in comprehensive formative evaluation
    • interaction
    • satisfaction
  43. what does the element of interaction mean under during and/or at the end under comprehensive formative evaluation
    interact in a positive manner
  44. what are the elements under process evaluation
    • context
    • fidelity
    • dose
  45. what does the element of context mean under process evaluation
    external factors that influence program results
  46. what does the element of fidelity mean under process evaluation
    program delivered as planned
  47. what does the element of does mean under process evaluation
    number of units delivered
  48. What are the different sources of data for evaluation
    stakeholders (not best) participants, program staff, experts, significant others
  49. What are the most common procedures used in evaluation for collecting data?
    • Focus groups
    • , surveys,
    • in-depth interviews,
    • informal interviews,
    • key informant interviews,
    • direct observation,
    • expert panel reviews,
    • quality circles,
    • protocol checklist,
    • Gantt chart,
    • evaluation forms
  50. What are the three types of evaluation designs and what is included in them
    • non-experimental one group design
    • quasi experimental - not random assign (comparison group)
    • experimental - random assignment to groups
  51. What is a time series design
    A quasi-experimental research design in which periodic measurements are made on a defined group of individuals both before and after implementation of an intervention. Time series studies are often conducted for the purpose of determining the intervention or treatment effect
  52. What is meant by effect size
    the magnitude of the difference between groups
  53. Other than my program, what are possible reasons I may – or may not – see change in my participants?
  54. What are the major differences between evaluation and research? planning
    • research - scientific method
    • evaluation - framework
  55. What are the major differences between evaluation and research? decision making
    • research - authoritative
    • evaluation - collaborative
  56. What are the major differences between evaluation and research? standards
    • research - internal and external validity
    • evaluation - utility, feasibility, propriety, accuracy
  57. What are the major differences between evaluation and research? questions
    • research - descriptions, associations, effects
    • evaluation - quality, value, importance
  58. What are the major differences between evaluation and research? design
    • research - ensure stability over time
    • evaluation - encourage flexibility and improvement

    • research - treat contextual facts as confounding
    • evaluation - treat contextual factors as essential info

    • research - understand that comparison groups are a necessity
    • evaluation - understand that comparison group are sometimes harmful
  59. What are the major differences between evaluation and research?  analysis synthesis
    • research - one time (at the end)
    • evaluation - ongoing
  60. What are the major differences between evaluation and research? judgements
    • research - implicit (value-free)
    • evaluation - explicit (examine agreement on values)
  61. What are the major differences between evaluation and research? conclusions
    • research - control for confounding
    • evaluation - account for alternative explanations
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4220 Exam 2 review
4220 Exam 2 review