include medications that relieve pain
are sedatives used to prepare patients for an invasive surgery.
they work almost like benzodiazepines by increaseing the affinity between receptor site and neeurotransmitter GABA
NONbarbituate hypnotics
non barbiturate hypnotics tend to have fewer side effects. mostly in cardiovascular compromise. but almost identical to barbiturates and benzodiazepines.
potassium channel blockers
medications that increase the contractility of the heart and work against the reentry of of blocked impulses.
enhancement of action of a drug by administration of another drug
serum sickness
a condition in which antigen antibody complexes formed in the bloodstream deposit in places throughout the body, creates an inflammatory response.
describes a disease or condition that does not respond to treatment.
sodium channel blockers
antiarrythmitic medications that slow conduction through the heart.
summation effect
is what happens when two drugs that have similar action are given together
a mixture of ground particles. that are mixed evenly but do not dissolve into each other.
the combined effects of two drugs that is greater than the sum of their individual effects.
termination of action
the amount of time after the concentration is a medication falls below the minimum effective levels until its eliminated from the body
therapeutic index
the difference between the minimum effective concentration and the concentration of the drug.
therapeutic threshold
the minimal concentration level to get your desired effect.
thru the skin.
unintended effect/ untoward effect
unintended- actions that undesirable but pose little risk to the patient
untoward- pose a risk to the patient.
medications that have a effect on the respiratory smooth muscle and relax bronchiole smooth muscle.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
medications with analgesic and fever reducing properties.
Half life
the time required by the body to metabolize or inactivate half the amount taken in.
iatrogenic response
an adverse condition induced by a patient by the treatment given.
an abnormal sensitivity or reaction to a drug or other substance that is particular to an individual
immunosuppressant drugs
medications intended to inhibit the body's ability to attack the foreign organ.
a direct biochemical interaction between two drugs.
Non-opioid analgesics
medications designed to relive pain without the side effects of opiods
Enteral drugs
administered anywhere along the GI tract.
any route that is not the GI tract
Chronotropic and dermopropic and inotropic
Chronotropic- changes the heart rate
dromotropic- affects the conduction speeds of the av node. almost all dromotropic drugs are inotropic and chronotropic
inotropic-negative weakens the heart contractions, and positive strengthens the contractions
sniffing position
upright, head and chin tilted forward to keep the airway open
the spread of an infection from its initial site into the blood stream
Golden period
the time from injury to definitive care during which treatment of shock and traumatic injuries should occur because survival potential is best.
- deformaties
- contustions
- abrarions
- penetrations
- burns
- tenerness
- lacerations
- swelling
systolic and diastolic pressure
systolic-the increased pressure in an artery with each contraction of the ventricles
diastolic-the pressure that remains in the arteries during the relaxation phase of the hearts cycle.
a non invasive method that can quickly efficiently provide information on a patients ventilator status.
the accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity.
rebound tenderness
when pain is felt when pressure is released. opposed to when when being pressed.
systemic vascular resistance (SVR)
resistance to blood flow in all of the blood vessels except the pulmonary vessels
Mean arterial pressure
generally the patients blood pressure required to sustain organ function. (which cant fall below 60 mm hg.
ischemia will occur from lack of perfusion.
Myocardial contractility.
after load
- mycardial contratility- the ability for the heart to contract
- preload- is the precontraction pressure
- afterload- is what the heart has to pump against.
cardiac output
CO=hr X sv
the volume of blood the heart can pump in one minuete
perfusion triangle
The heart (pump)
blood vessels and arteries (pipes)
Blood (fluid)
reinforces the red blood cells and the platelets as they clot. however its platelets main job to clot
located in the aortic arch and carotid sinuses as well as the big arteries in the neck and thorax
Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS)
failure of several organs such as the lungs, heart, and kidneys and other clotting mechanisms.
usually caused by septic shock.
Cardiogenic shock
inadequate function of the heart, or pump failure.
pulmonary edema
blood backing up into the heart and builds into the pulmonary tissue.
obstructive shock
when conditions cause a mechanical obstruction
Partial immunity
when you are protected against new infections but not from germs that remain in the body
cerebrospinal fluid is made in ...
the ventricles of the brain
the thyroid gland is responsible for the....
metabolic rate.
the bodys ability to stop bleeding by forming a clot is called
the primary waste of metabolism is
Carbon dioxide.
normal inspiration is the result of
negative pressure in the cavity.
middle muscle layer of the heart is called
motor nerves
carry commands from the CNS to the muscles.
An area where we metabolize various drugs and and filters the blood
The hepatic portal system
the pneumotaxic center is located in the
PONS..it inhibits the dorsal respiratory group and increases the speed and depth of breathing.
if shock and JVD is present then that means ...
the decreased after load, will affect cardiac output.
chyene stokes respirations have
Tachypnea and bradypnea and alternating apneic periods.
hering breur reflex
prevents over expansion of the lungs.
emphysema is caused by
surfactant destruction and increased alveolar surface tension
PEA exists when..
patient is in cardiac arrest and they still have an organized rhythm.
what are the basic units for the metric system
convert pounds to kilograms
Divide the patients weight by 2 and subtract 10% of that.
Ampules, vials
ampules are breakable sterile glass of single dose of stuff.
vials may have one or two doses. they also have the rubber stopper on the other end
what are crystalloid solutions
dissolved crystals in water. Best choice for patients needing fluid replacement.
what are colloid solutions
have molecules that are too large to pass out of the capillary membrane. main ones are albumin and corticosteroids.
what are isotonic solutions
has nearly the same osmolarity as the other body fluids.
what are hypotonic solutions
have a lower concentration of sodium than the cell. they pull fluid from the vascular compartment into the interstitial fluid compartment.
what are hypertonic solutions
have a higher osmolarity than serum and fluid shifts to the intravascular compartment
when fluid escapes into the surrounding tissue.
if u fuck it up go more proximal on the same arm or opposite extremity.
if you administer a drug and there is an allergic reaction...
notify medical control, discontinue the medication and remove the solution.
what is lactated ringers solution
a sterile crystalloid of specific amounts of calcium chloride,potassium chloride, sodium lactate in water.
mucosal atomizer device
goes on the end of a syringe for intranasal stuff
what is third spaceing
shifting of fluids into the tissues
vasovagal reaction
distress, anxiety,nausea
inflammation of a vein