Conceptual Framework
A coherent system of objectives that provides structure in the development of GAAP and that describes the nature and function of financial reporting.
It guides standard-setting.
The foundation but NOT the rules.
Decision uselfulness
Information helps capital providers make decisions.
Information that makes a difference in decisions.
Verifiable; objective; neutral
What are the fundamental Qualitative Characteristics of Relevance?
Predictive Value
Confirmatory Value
What are the fundamental Qualitative Characteristics of Faithful Representation?
Free from material error
Predictive Value
Ability to predict future cash flows
Confirmatory Value
Information to confirm or dis conform prior expectations.
Affects the decision of the user.
Includes all required information to understand what's going on.
Free from bias
Free from material error
No errors or omissions in presenting information
What are the enhancing characteristics of the primary qualitative characteristics?
- Comparability
- Verifiability
- Timeliness
- Understandability
Comparability (including consistency)
- Relates to two or more
- same company overtime
(objective) Different users would reach same conclusions.
Information is available early enough to be useful in making a decision.
Information is comprehensible to those with a reasonable understanding of business.
Constraint on Financial Reporting
Cost Effectiveness
Cost effectiveness
Do the benefits of financial reporting outweigh the costs?
Costs can be incurred by firms, users, and the greater economy.
Economic Entity
- Activity defined with economic unit.
- Separate from the lives of the owners.
Going Concern
Assumption that a company will have an indefinite life.
Divide time into reporting periods.
Monetary Unit
Select a currency.
Measurement principle
(used in accrual accounting) Mixed measurement model
- 1. Historical cost - P,P,E
- 2. Fair Value - investments
- 3. Present Value - notes receivable
Full Disclosure Principle
(used in accrual accounting) All information necessary for user to understand the full financial picture.
Industry Practices
(constraints) - unique practices
(constraints) When in doubt error on the side of understating assets and net income.
Revenue recognition
- (used in accrual accounting) Earning Process is Complete
- Reasonable certainty as to the collectability of receivables.
Expense recognition
- Based on a cause and effect relationship between revenue and expense events. (Sell a product 1. COGM 2. Cost to sell product.)
- By systematic and rational allocation to specific time periods (Depreciation; Amortization)
- In the period incurred, without regard to related revenues (advertising, expenses incurred for future benefits)
Role of Nevada State Board of Accountancy
Provide a host of services beyond the licensing and regulations of CPAs.