Describe the restorations seen in this radiograph
- #A - MO amalgam
- #B - Stainless steel crown
- #S - Stainless steel crown
- #T - MO amalgam
Which projection does this radiograph depict?
Lateral oblique projection
What projection does this radiograph depict?
Submentovertex projection
What type of radiograph does this image depict?
Lateral skull projection
The developmental disturbance demonstrated by this radiograph is known as?
Transposition of teeth
The radiograph below depicts
The picture demonstrates the developmental disturbance known as?
Detail theĀ tooth number, type of restoration and surfaces of restorations seen in this radiograph
- #21 - DO amalgam
- #20 - MOD amalgam
- #19 - MOD amalgam
- #18 - MO amalgam
Where are the caries observed on this radiograph? Give tooth #, location, severity
- #K - MO, severe
- #L - DO, recurrent, advanced