peds resuscitation.txt

  1. #1 thing?
    ventilate with 100% oxygen!
  2. adrenalin
    • 1 mcg/kg to treat hypotension IV
    • 10 mcg/kg for cardiac arrest
    • repeat q3-5 min as needed
  3. atropine
    • 20 mcg/kg for symptomatic bradycardia
    • max dose 1 mg for child, 2 mg for adolescent
  4. Bicarbonate
    1-2 mEq IV guided by ABGs
  5. Calcium chloride
    • 10-20 mg/kg IV
    • 0.1-0.2 ml/kg of a 10% solution
  6. Calcium gluconate
    • 30-60 mg/kg !V
    • 0.3-0.6 mL/kg of a 10% solution
  7. Adenosine
    • 100 mcg/kg rapid IV bolus and flush (max 6 mg)
    • second dose 200 mcg/kg (max 12 mg)
  8. Lidocaine
    • 1 mg/kg IV
    • then followed by 20-50 mcg/kg/min by infusion pump
  9. amiodarone
    • 5 mg/kg
    • max 300 mg
    • VF and VT
  10. Procainamide
    • 5-15 mg/kg IV loading dose over 30-60 min
    • then 20-80 mcg/kg/min by infusion pump.
    • ECG monitoring required
    • Caution: hypotension and prolonged QT may occur
  11. Magnesium
    25-50 mcg/kg (max 2 gm) for torsades de pointes
Card Set
peds resuscitation.txt
Peds resuscitation drugs and interventions