What are the four elementary tissues?
epithelial, connective, muscular, nervous tissues
What tissues are classified as epithelial?
- Simple:Squamous, Cuboidal, Columnar, Ciliated Epithelium,
- Compund: Stratified, Transitional
- Basement Membrane
What tissues are classified as connective tissues?
- Areolar, Adipose, White fibrous, Yellow elastic, Lymphoid,
- Cartilage: hyaline, fibrocartilage, yellow elastic cartilage,
- Blood, and Bone: compact and cancellous (spongy)
What are classified as Muscle tissues?
Striated (skeletal), smooth, and cardiac
What are classified as Nervous tissues?
glial cells and neurons
Squamous Epithelium
- Class: simple epithelial
- description: single layer of flat cells
- where: blood vessels, heart, alveoli, lymphatic vessels
Cuboidal Epithelium
- class: simple epithelial
- description: cubed shaped
- where: secretory function on glands and the thyroid
Columnar Epithelium
- class: simple epithelial
- description: singal layered, cylindrical
- where: lining of the stomach, intestines, galbladder, bile ducts
Ciliated Epitelium
- class: simple epithelial
- description: cylindrical and with hair
- where: nasal cavity, larynx, trachea, bronchi
Stratified Epithelium
- class: compound epithelial
- description: flattened cells on bed of columnar cells
- where: epidermis of skin, lining of mouth, pharynx, esophagus, conjunctiva
Transitional Epithelium
- class: compound epithelium
- description: pear shaped
- where: lining of the bladder
Basement Membrane
- class: epithelium
- description: made of collagen, underlies epithelial tissue
- function: stabilizes and joins together epithilial and connective tissues
Areolar Tissue
- class: connective tissue
- description: elastic
- where: supports organs between muscles
Adipose Tissue
- class: connective tissue
- description: cells w/fat globules
- where: between muscles and organs
White Fibrous Tissue
- class: connective tissue
- description:
White Fibrous Tissue
- class: connective tissue
- description: strong, closely packed
- where: ligaments binding bones, periosteum covering bone, covering organs, fascia over muscle
Yellow Elastic Tissue
- class: connective tissue
- description: elastic, recoil
- where: in area requiring recoil such as the trachea, cartilage, bronchi, lung
Lymphoid Tissue
- class: connective tissue
- description: lymphocytes
- where: tonsils, adenoids, lymphatic nodes
Hyaline Cartilage
- class: cartilage; connective tissue
- description: bluish white, smooth, firm, flexible
- where: articulating surfaces of bone, costal cartilage of ribs, larynx, trachea, bronchial passageways
Fibro Cartilage
- tissue: cartilage; connective tissue
- description: dense,white flexible fibers
- where: intervertebral disks, between surfaces of the knee joint (synovial fluid)
Yellow ( elastic) Cartilage
- class: cartilage;connective tissue
- description: firm elastic
- where: pinna, epiglottis
Blood Tissue
- class: connective tissue
- description/where: corpuscles (red and white), platelets, blood plasma
Compact Bone Tissue
- class: hardest connective tissue
- description/where: haversian canal, lamellar structure
Cancellous (spongy) Bone Tissue
- class: hardest connective tissue
- description: spongyin appearance
- where: larger haversian canal, red marrow
- purpose: produces red & white blood cells and plasma
Striated (Skeletal)Tissue
- class: muscular tissue
- description: voluntary
- where: skeletal system
Smooth Tissue
- class: Muscular tissue
- description: involuntary
- where: muscles of internal organs
Cardiac Tissue
- class: Muscular Tissue
- description:involuntary; combo of smooth and striated
- where: heart
- class:Nervous Tissue
- description: transfer info
- where: communicating tissue
Glial Cells
- class: Nervous Tissue
- description: nutrient transfer
- where: blood-brain barrier
Tissue Aggregate
Fascia, Ligaments, Tendons, bones, joints. e.g. Tissues of a muscle/organ that all serve the same general purpose (functional utility)
sheet like membrane that surrounds organs
bind organs together or hold bone to bone or bone to cartilage
attach muscle to bone or cartilage; if flat: aponeurosis
provide the structure for the body; articulating by means of joints