Bio/Psych Test

  1. What is psychology?
    Psychology is the study of the mind and brain, and research in psychology seeks to understand behavior
  2. Mind=
    mental (cognitive) processes such as thinking, memory
  3. Brain=
    the actual physical structure
  4. Behavior=
    actions which we can observe
  5. What is our brain responsible for?
    • 1. Balance and co-ordination
    • 2. Processing stimuli (eg:sight, touch)
    • 3. Memory
    • 4. Intelligence (cognitive processes
    • 5. Sleep and dreams
    • 6. Emotions
    • 7. Personality
    • 8. Movement
    • 9. Learning
  6. What is a sport psychologist?
    • A specialised area of psychology which deals with psychological factors that influence, and are influenced by, participation in sport, exercise and physical activity. Help elite level, professional, recreational and other athletes achieve peak performance.
    • Can work with: athletes, teams, dancers, gov. departments (AIS)
    • Can look at: motivation, well-being, setting goals, overcoming anxiety, communication & conflict resolution, concentration & mental preparation, dealing with injury
  7. What is forensic psychologist?
    • Works in settings associated with legal processes and criminal justice system, as well as correctional services.
    • Roles:
    • -psychological criminal profiling
    • -assess and treat mental health issues in perpetrators and victims
    • -act as expert witness in court
    • -assess dangerousness of an individual
  8. What is a clinical psychologist?
    • Works with people in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of mental health problems. These could be:
    • - Relationship problems
    • - Self-image problems
    • - Situational problems
    • - Mental health
    • Work in: Private practises, hospitals, universities, general medical practises
  9. What is an educational & developmental psychologist?
    • An area concerned with the development and learning of people throughout their lifespan, and can work in a wide range of settings, such as schools, universities, aged care centres
    • May deal with psychological aspects of education
    • May deal with other age related issues
  10. What is an organisational psychologist?
    • Organisational psychology is the science of people at work. They can advise and train staff within the workplace about work practises and issues of concern that can affect work performance, such as communication, teamwork and stress management
    • Can work with: organisations, teams and individual employees to improve performance and increase effectiveness and productivity in the workplace
  11. What is a neuropsychologist?
    • Diagnose and treat psychological disorders associated with conditions affecting the brain. They look at problems caused by brain or nerve damage.
    • Can work with: people experiencing difficulties in memory & learning, attention, language & reading, problem-solving, decision-making or other aspects of behaviour and thinking abilities
    • Neuropsychologists are trained to understand the cognitive, emotional and behavioural effects of a wide range of conditions
  12. What is a health psychologist?
    • A health psychologist works on:
    • -the promotion and maintainence of health related behavior
    • -prevention and treatment of psychology based illnesses
    • -improving the health-care system
    • Work with: Many different health-care professionals, such as physicians, dentists, nurses
  13. What is community psychologist?
    Community psychologists work to understand and support communities of people, and individuals within communities, as they face various challenges to their physical and mental wellbeing, such as drought, unemployment, violence and poverty. They help people to achieve goals in areas such as community health and welfare and specific community projects.
  14. What is research psychologist?
    • Undertakes research on areas of interest in psychology
    • Works in: universities, gov. offices, private practise
  15. Label the parts of the brain:

  16. What is the frontal lobe responsible for?
    • cognitive and higher order mental processes- eg:
    • -thinking
    • -emotions
    • -problem solving & planning
    • -personality

    and voluntary movement
  17. What is the parietal lobe responsible for?
    Sensations- processes and interprets touch
  18. What is the occipital lobe responsible for?
    Sight- processes visual information
  19. What is the temporal lobe responsible for?
    • Processes and interprets auditory (hearing) stimuli
    • Facial recognition
    • Memory
  20. What is the cerrebellum responsible for?
    • Fine motor control, movement of muscles
    • Balance
  21. What is the brain stem responsible for?
    • Automatic, involuntary functions
    • (eg- breathing, digestion, heart rate)
Card Set
Bio/Psych Test
Psychology Test