that's English modulo 6 unit2-ciudades

  1. mi mujer y yo somos de
    Both my wife and I come from
  2. es muy tranquila y no hay  mucho que hacer ahi
    It's very quiet here, and there is not much to do.
  3. es  tan aburrida y provincial
    It is so boring and provincial!
  4. vivir en una (apasionante, fascinante,interesante) y cosmopolitan ciudad como londres
    to live in an exciting and cosmopolitan city like London.
  5. es un( cordial fraternal , cómodo)lugar para vivir, todos se conocen
    it's a friendly place to live - everyone knows each other
  6. esto no es estrenaste
    It's never stressful here.
  7. la gente no es ni grosera ni distante
    The people are neither rude nor cold
  8. es mas barata que....
    is also much cheaper than
  9. nosotros disfrutamos de las ventanjas de la campiña dando largos paseos
    We like to take advantage of the countryside and go for long walks
  10. no es ni aburrida ni atrasada
    it is neither boring nor slow
  11. es una de las mas liberales ciudades del país
    t's also one of the most liberal cities in the country
  12. es una gran ciudad porque tiene lo mejor.....
    it is a great city  because it has the best of everything: the best restaurants, the best museums, and the best jobs.
  13. ni los ricos ni los pobres lo tienen fácil en new york
    Neither the rich nor the poor have an easy life in New York.
  14. es dificil y estresante para todos
    it is both difficult and stressful for everyone!
  15. tiene el mas alto coste de vida del país
    it has the highest cost of living in the country, so you'll need that extra money.
  16. disfruto de todas las ventanas que una gran ciudad tiene que ofrecer...............
    I enjoy taking advantage of everything a big city has to offer; the theatres, the movies, the museums
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that's English modulo 6 unit2-ciudades
describiendo ciudades