Fire I & II

  1. The 3 most important organizational duties for fire depts to pursue:
    Life safety, Incident stabilization, Property conservation
  2. The most common injuries related to improper lifting techniques are:

    A. back strains
  3. The primary use of the _______ is to attach a rope to a cylindrical object.

    D. clove hitch
  4. The part of the rope that is used for work such as hoisting or pulling is called the:

    C. running end
  5. Fire service rope falls into two classifications
    Life safety & utility
  6. The knot used to tie two ropes of unequal diameter together
    becket/sheet bend
  7. A knot forming a loop that will not slip under strain and can be untied easily

    B. figure-eight on a bight
  8. When hoisting a ladder, the rope should be threaded an secured through the ladder_______ the distance from the top.

    B. 1/3
  9. Which is considered to be a hazardous atmosphere encountered during fires?
    a. oxygen deficiency
    b. elevated temperatures
    c. smoke
    all of the above
  10. When tightening the straps on a SCBA facepiece, the ______ straps should always be tightened first.

    A. lower
  11. As oxygen supply in any given area falls below _______ percent, unconsciousness can occur.

    A. 9
  12. The first noticable sign of oxygen deficiency are:
    a. profuse sweating & ringing in ears
    b. dizziness, impaired vision
    c. increased respiratory rate & impaired muscular coordination
    d. headache and rapid fatigue
    c. increased respiratory rate & impaired muscular coordination
  13. Four hazardous atmospheres that fire fighters are likely to encounter at a fire:
    • super-heated air
    • toxic gases
    • oxygen deficiency
    • smoke
  14. The proper position of the bypass valve on positive-pressure SCBA under normal conditions is:
    Fully closed
  15. NFPA requires that, as a minimum, PPE clothing should be cleaned every ______ months.
  16. In what type of occupancy will fire fighters usually find sliding doors?
    a. Barns or warehouses
    b. Commercial
    c. Residential
    d. Institutional
    c. Residential
  17. Firefighters can expect to find ledge doors in:
    a. barns and warehouses
    b. single-family residential buildings
    c. churches & temples
    d. commercial occupancies
    a. barns and warehouses
  18. The parts of an extention ladder that prevents the fly section from being extended too far
  19. What type of attack is typically used by fire fighters in structural fires?
    a. Master streams
    b. Direct
    c. Combination
    d. Indirect
    b. Direct
  20. Solid stream handlines are designed to be operated at a nozzle pressure of _____psi.
    a. 50
    b. 75
    c. 90
    d. 100
    a. 50
  21. In multi- story building with a stand-pipe system, a firefighter should make the connection __________ the fire floor.

    A. on the floor below
  22. In refernce to a fire stream, friction loss is defined as
    the part of the pressure that is used to overcome friction in the hose
  23. ________ nozzle will discharge a wide range of flows with a effective fire stream, depending on the pressure being supplied to the nozzle.
    a. set gallonage
    b. solid
    c. automatic
    d. proportioner
    c. automatic
  24. A stream discharging more than 300 gpm is know as a(n) _____ stream.
  25. A fire stream used in an indirect attack in a structure fire should be shut down before?
    Thermal layering is disturbed
  26. A tool often used to open a ceiling is a:

    C. pike pole
  27. One way to remove water coming through the ceiling from upper floors is by the use of:

    D. chutes
  28. Methods and operating procedures that reduce fire, water and smoke damage during and after fires are known as:
  29. After connecting the supply line to the hydrant, the fire fighter should _______ the hydrant.
    Fully open
  30. When performing a forward lay, the pumper is driven from the:
    water source to the fire scene
  31. The term reverse lay describes an apparatus that lays out a supply line:
    From the fire to the water source
  32. Soft sleeve intake hose is used for:
    Transferring water from a hydrant to an apparatus
  33. An advantage of a forward lay is:

    A. that the pumper is located at the fire with access to additional hoselines
  34. The space provided for hose on fire apparatus is generally referred to as the:
    Hose bed
  35. What advantage does CO2 have over a dry chemical extinguisher
    CO2 does not leave a residue or corrode electrical contacts
  36. A blue circle with a letter designation in the center would indicate an extinguisher is rated for use on ______ fires.
    a. Class A
    b. Class B
    c. Class C
    d. Class D
    c. Class C
  37. A green triangle containing a letter would indicate an extinguisher to be used on ______ fires.
    a. Class A
    b. Class B
    c. Class C
    d. Class D
    a. Class A
  38. The proper type of extinguisher for a fire involving magnesium, titanium, or sodium is:
    a. dry chemical
    b. CO2
    c. dry powder
    d. water
    c. dry powder
  39. The 3 most important factors that affect wildland firefighting are:
    Fuel, weather, topography
  40. A facility in which there is a great potential likelihood of life or property loss from a fire is called a ______ hazard.
    a. Special
    b. Assembly
    c. Target
    d. Industrial
    c. Target
  41. An effective fire company inspection plan will reap which of the following benefits?
    a. reduction of fire hazards
    b. positive public contact
    c. building familiarization
    d. all of the above
    d. all of the above
  42. When a rope is bent back on itself while keeping the sides parallel, a ______ has been formed
    d. bight
  43. The combination of knots recommended to hoist a pike pole includes:
    a clove hitch and half hitches
  44. The end of the rope that is used to tie a knot is called the:
    working end
  45. Firefighter may reasonably expect residential doors to open ____ and public building doors to open________.
    inward, outward
  46. The open-circuit, positive pressure breathing apparatus operates by:
    maintaining a pressure inside the mask that is slightly higher than atmospheric pressure
  47. Rescue from sewers, grain silos, and similarly confinded spaces require the use of self-contained breathing apparatus due to the danger of:
    • Toxic gases
    • Oxygen deficiency
  48. What type of breathing apparatus recycles the user's exhaled breath after removing carbon dioxide and adding supplemental oxygen
  49. Which of the following is not one of the components of the layered protection system in structural PPE:

    B. Waterproof outer layer
  50. What is the term for plastics that will not melt under heat?
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Fire I & II
Exam Prep