Spanish8 Test03 pronuniation

  1. pronounce the word: génesis
  2. pronounce the word: creación
  3. pronounce the word: Dios
  4. pronounce the word: principio
  5. pronounce the word: creó
  6. pronounce the word: cielos
  7. pronounce the word: tierra
  8. pronounce the word: caos
  9. pronounce the word: total
  10. pronounce the word: tinieblas
  11. pronounce the word: abismo
  12. pronounce the word: espíritu
  13. pronounce the word: iba
  14. pronounce the word: venía
  15. pronounce the word: sobre
  16. pronounce the word: superficie
  17. pronounce the word: aguas
  18. pronounce the word: dijo
  19. pronounce the word: exista
  20. pronounce the word: luz
  21. pronounce the word: llegó
  22. pronounce the word: existir
  23. pronounce the word: consideró
  24. pronounce the word: vino
  25. pronounce the word: primer
  26. pronounce the word: firmamento
  27. pronounce the word: medio
  28. pronounce the word: separe
  29. pronounce the word: abajo
  30. pronounce the word: arriba
  31. pronounce the word: segundo
  32. pronounce the word: reúnan
  33. pronounce the word: lugar
  34. pronounce the word: aparezca
  35. pronounce the word: conjunto
  36. pronounce the word: haya
  37. pronounce the word: vegetación
  38. pronounce the word: produzca
  39. pronounce the word: hierbas
  40. pronounce the word: semilla
  41. pronounce the word: árboles
  42. pronounce the word: según
  43. pronounce the word: especie
  44. pronounce the word: brotar
  45. pronounce the word: tercer
  46. pronounce the word: día
  47. pronounce the word: sirvan
  48. pronounce the word: señales
  49. pronounce the word: estaciones,
  50. pronounce the word: años
  51. pronounce the word: brillen
  52. pronounce the word: iluminar
  53. pronounce the word: mayor
  54. pronounce the word: gobernar
  55. pronounce the word: también
  56. pronounce the word: hizo
  57. pronounce the word: estrellas
  58. pronounce the word: colocó
  59. pronounce the word: alumbrar
  60. pronounce the word: cuarto
  61. pronounce the word: vivientes
  62. pronounce the word: vuelen
  63. pronounce the word: marinos
  64. pronounce the word: pululan
  65. pronounce the word: bendijo
  66. pronounce the word: palabras
  67. pronounce the word: sean
  68. pronounce the word: fructíferos
  69. pronounce the word: multiplíquense
  70. pronounce the word: llenen
  71. pronounce the word: multipliquen
  72. pronounce the word: quinto
  73. pronounce the word: domésticos
  74. pronounce the word: salvajes
  75. pronounce the word: reptiles
  76. pronounce the word: hagamos
  77. pronounce the word: humano
  78. pronounce the word: nuestra
  79. pronounce the word: imagen
  80. pronounce the word: semejanza
  81. pronounce the word: dominio
  82. pronounce the word: peces
  83. pronounce the word: sométanla
  84. pronounce the word: alimento
  85. pronounce the word: sucedió
  86. pronounce the word: había
  87. pronounce the word: hecho
  88. pronounce this letter: a
  89. pronounce this letter: b
  90. pronounce this letter: c
  91. pronounce this letter: d
  92. pronounce this letter: e
  93. pronounce this letter: f
  94. pronounce this letter: g
  95. pronounce this letter: h
  96. pronounce this letter: i
  97. pronounce this letter: j
  98. pronounce this letter: k
  99. pronounce this letter: l
  100. pronounce this letter: m
  101. pronounce this letter: n
  102. pronounce this letter: ñ
  103. pronounce this letter: o
  104. pronounce this letter: p
  105. pronounce this letter: q
  106. pronounce this letter: r
  107. pronounce this letter: s
  108. pronounce this letter: t
  109. pronounce this letter: u
  110. pronounce this letter: v
  111. pronounce this letter: w
  112. pronounce this letter: x
  113. pronounce this letter: y
  114. pronounce this letter: z
Card Set
Spanish8 Test03 pronuniation
Spanish8 Test03 pronuniation