Bride Service
Groom provides services/labor to the bride’s family for the bride
Bride Price
Paying for a bride by the groom (or his family)
Dowry 1
Woman's family pays to the grooms family upon the marriage. In the event of divorce, the groom's family keeps the dowry
Dowry 2
Mother gives wealth/money/possessions to the daughter upon her marriage. In the event of divorce, the bride keeps it
Family is a group of people related by blood or marriage
Household is a group of people that share a household, not necessarily related or living in the same house
Someone who either had something to do with your birth (parent, grandparent) or you are directly involved with their birth (child, grandchild)
Everyone who is not directly involved with your existence
Three generations or more of a family
Parents and children
- Bilocal
- Newlyweds can live with either set of parents anytime
Newlyweds live with the father's family; woman incorporated into the husband's family; woman doesn’t know anyone; husband's family gains help with the chores
Newlyweds live with the mother's family, men are strangers to each other, men can help with the work
Newlyweds live on their own; independence and isolation in times of trouble
First year newlyweds live with either parent. After that they must choose a side for permanent residence
Related by marriage
Unilineal Decent
Decent is determined through one, either the male or female
Bilateral Decent
Decent is determined through both the male and the female lines, both are equally important
Cognatic Decent
Decent is determined through either the male line or the female line
- Parallel Cousins
- Parents are siblings of the same sex
Cross Cousins
Parents are siblings of the opposite sex
Largest decent group; divided into exactly two decent groups (a moeity has two phratries)
Unilineal decent group of two or more clans with a common ancestor, either real or mythical (they are subdivided into clans)
Unilineal decent group that traces their ancestry back to one common ancestor, either real or mythical (they are subdivided by lineage)
smallest unilineal decent group composed of several families whose members are able to trace their descent through males or females from a known common ancestor who lived 4 or 5 generations in the past
Collaterals are equally imporant and are lumped together. No distinction is made either through lineage or generation
Generationally equal. Mother, Father, Sistere, Brother, Grandparents. No uncles, aunts, cousins.
Every person has a specific title based on their distance from Ego, their relation, and their gender
- Kindreds
- All relatives through marriage and blood
Definition and Functions of Religion
- Sociological; socially cohesive by instilling common values, controlling behavior and creating solidarity
- Intelectual/Cognative; defines and explains the supernatural and natural and explains man's place between the two; explains things too difficult to understand
- Psychological; provides comfort in times of trouble, sense of fraternity/sorority with other believers
Supernatural vs. Preternatural
Supernatural deals with things that actually exist outside the natural world; Preternatural deals with things that have no explanation outside the natural world
Religious rituals are carried out by people assigned to the roll (priests, priestesses); cannot talk directly to god, need and intercessor
Individualistic and based on the idea that individuals speak directly to gods; shamans only intercede when the individual cannot obtain results on their own
Engery can be tapped and used for good or evil
Belief in many gods with one more powerful than the others
Shamans part time religious specialist; culturally defined special relationships with the supernatural, which are often used for healing or hunting magic; contact the supernatural through trance states; may be born, buy or train into shamanism, crisis management, work independantly
Priests are full time religious specialists who do not work independantly, usually have a heirarchy, highly trained, (used to) live better than the population, perform regular rituals rather than crisis management
Manipulation of the supernatural for specific reasons
Imative Magic
like produces like (how a voodoo doll works)
Contagious Magic
power comes from contact
Rites of Passage: be able to identify 3 phases. Be able to give one example. Rituals designed to move individuals from one status to another; 1) Separation of the individual from others 2) Transition where the individual learns how to be a full member of society 3) Reincorporation into society
Belief in one god
Belief in many gods, each equally powerful
Belief in nature spirits; belief that nature and man are equal
Rites of Intensification
Religious rites designed to sway the supernatural for the good of the group (ie, harvest rituals)
Revitalization Movements
Organized movement which help people deal with rapid change; Charismatic leader who tells people what is wrong with the world and how to change it
Return the world to a prior state (Handsome Lake, Wovoka's Ghost Dance, Red Stick Movement)
Charismatic leader who followers believe is the messiah; promises changes to in the future (either in this life or the next)
Charismatic leader who convinces followers the world is about to end; followers must prove devotion to the leader (Jim Jones, Heaven's Gate)
Cargo Cults
Melanesain movement where the natives believe that Cargo God will give them wealth (cargo) and they will switch places with Europeans-including physical appearance
Definition of Marriage
Anthropologically speaking, it defines the relationship between two people that allows for sexual access between the two, legitimizes children, allows for child rearing and forms a discrete economic unit.
What marriage does - the purposes it has been believed to serve & why
Marriage provides material support and sustinence between people who would otherwise have not have interacted with each other; Defines obligations between spouses and extended families
Marriage in one’s own social class, villiage or extended family
Marriage outside one’s own social class, villiage or extended family
Who you should marry
Who you will marry
Who you will not marry
Marrying up one's class (based on marriage practices of married men)
Marrying down one's class (based on marriage practices of married men)
Strict vs. Serial Monogamy
Strict means one partner for life. Serial means one partner at a time
One husband, many wives
One wife, many husbands
A group who essentially practices polygyny and polyandry. All the men are married to all the women and vice versa
Fraternal Polyandry
Brothers share the same wife
Sororal Polygyny
Sisters share the same husband
Man marries his brother's widow
Man marries his dead wife's sister