Simple tests of hearing

  1. we hear through two pathways
    Bone conduction and air conduction
  2. conductive mechanism has two components
    outer ear and the middle ear
  3. sensorineural mechanism has two components
    inner ear and auditory nerve
  4. Bone conduction vibrates
    the inner ear and auditory nerve
  5. conductive hearing loss
    outer ear is ok middle ear not ok bone conduction is normal, air conduction not ok
  6. sensorineural loss
    outer and middle ear are ok. air conduction and bone conduction impaired.  Inner ear damage
  7. mixed hearing loss
    conductive and sensorineural impairments. Middle and inner ear damage
  8. Hearing test by Fork: small fork
    less mass, higher stiffness, gives higher pitch and vibrates faster
  9. Hearing test by Fork: Schwabach
    compares patient hearing to examiners hearing
  10. Hearing test by Fork: bing
    tuning fork on mastoid, examiner closes and opens the ear canal with finger. Pulsating sound= positive bing, no change in loudness=negative bing(conductive loss)
  11. The occlusions effect (bing)
    when the ear canal is occluded bone conduction becomes louder.  If there is conductive hearing loss this affect is absent
  12. Hearing test by Fork: Rinne
    • compares patients hearing by bone and by air, Air is louder than bone normally.  If this is not the case then there must be some sort of occlusion.
    • Procedure: hold fork on bone then on outside of ear. alternate back and forth
  13. Hearing test by Fork:Weber
    • test of lateralization: if hearing is normal and fork is placed on forehead you wont be able to tell which ear is stronger. 
    • -when there is sensorineural loss the sound will be louder (lateralize) to the better ear.
    • -when there is conductive loss the sound will lateralize to the side of loss.
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Simple tests of hearing
Simple tests of hearing